Neko Hoshi 5 days

Story by Neko Hoshi on SoFurry

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#5 of Neko Hoshi high school

I sat down as Link came in sitting down in front of me. I kept calm as if we never met. "Neko is everything ok?" I stayed quiet letting my shadow to mix with Link's so I can keep track of him where ever he goes. I looked at him and stood up walking out. I walked out to the roof locking the door behind me pulling my shadow to open up a screen to show what Link was doing. I don't need to be with him to track him, and this way I don't have to get close to him anymore. I watched him about to stand as the teacher walked in telling him to sit down. "What are you doing up here? Where's Link?" I turned to see Alice I looked at the door seeing it was still closed. Did she see me use my shadow? I let go of my shadow screen letting it sink back into my shadow. "He's in class did you see?" "See what? I just saw you sitting here sulking so I thought Link died or something. You two seem to be really close with each other." Good she didn't see my power. "I just remembered that he is my project to make sure he doesn't kill anyone. I don't love him." She walked closer and sat down next to me "Are you sure, because to me it sounds like you do have strong feelings towards him and just want to hide them." I thought about Link feeling a bit stirred up with my feelings for him. "No...I don't have feelings for him..." I shook my head as she stood up turning around. "We're both cats, and cats don't lie to each other," she turned quickly kicking me across my face "without getting hurt." I lied there in silence watching my tears fall down "I...I don't love him...I don't love him..." I couldn't help it but cry louder and more. I could feel her paw on my head petting me softly letting me cry on her.

I stayed on the roof as she left for class and I continued to watch Link with my shadow. "I don't love him. He is JUST my project." While I watched Link he would at times stand up and go to the restroom and get close to attacking someone which is when I would use my shadow to pull him back. I should have just done this at the start I wouldn't have to bite him or have this confusion happen. My phone rang weirdly I looked at the number and answered "Hello?" "Sweety, how is school?" "Mom?" I couldn't help, but smile at her voice. "Great news darling, your brother is doing better and if you want you can come back they will be letting your brother out in a three days. So get packed sweety you are coming back tomorrow. That is if you want to come back, and don't worry about school I'm sure we can get them to graduate you once you move back." I can go back and leave everything with no ties to anyone... Link... "Mom, can I call you back I'm still in class and on a short break?" "Of course sweety we will be waiting for your call. Love you my little star." "Love you too mom." With that she hanged up "Was that your mother?" I turned around seeing the principle how would he know? Who is he really? "Yes, she says I can go back and graduate there... so I...I" "Come tomorrow to my office to tell me if you are leaving it seems like you yourself don't know the answer." With that he turned around walking out from the roof. "And, get to class."

I reentered the class seeing Link there with a worried look. "Why are you hurt?" It took me a bit to recall that Alice kicked me. "I'm fine." I sat down resting my head down looking at the board. So that's how we are going to walk we have to choose a pair to walk down with. I looked up to Link wondering who he will choose once I leave or if he even chose me to begin with. I heard the final bell rang as the announcer gave a large ring "Linken Cross please report to the principle office." For some reason I have a bad feeling about this. I ran out quickly heading home pulling out my screen quickly. I don't have time to worry about people seeing now. I could see Link standing up with the principle looking at him. "HE'S GOING TO DO WHAT!" He rushed out I looked up to see my house near by, but I can see him getting closer. I tried running faster, but I can't out run him. I pulled the door opened and looked down at the screen seeing me. I turned seeing Link his eyes full of rage. I pushed the door to shut before he reached me. I was close to closing it as he slammed the door knocking me down to the ground pressing his knee down on me to keep me in place "YOU WANT TO DO WHAT!" I struggled to get him off of me. "Let go of me Link I'm allowed to do what I want with my life." He was about to open his mouth as my phone rang it was probably mom. "I have to get that so get off of me Link!" He grabbed my phone out of my pocket picking it up "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!" "LINK DON'T!" He hanged up tossing the phone across the room keeping me down. His eyes still were filled with rage, but then tears began to fall down hitting me in my face. Why did they hurt worse than Link's knee on my stomach. I couldn't help, but cry also closing my eyes so I wouldn't face him. "Neko..." I felt his face on my chest raising his knee off of me letting me lie here with the only thing keeping me down was his body. I pulled him closer to me not wanting him to get up. Why am I like this? "Do you hate me this much that you will leave me without telling me?" "I...I don't know..." That's the truth I don't know anymore. Do I love him or do I not love him? "Neko please look at me I'm right here." I slowly opened my eyes to see his eyes looking straight at me. "L-Link..." I leaned up as he came down. I will not deny his heart again. His hand moved down slowly removing my clothes as I did the same with him. "Link.."