The End (part 1)

Story by Alec Foxx on SoFurry

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Mistakes I've Made

Alec laid on his bed, his eyes glassy, his chest barely lifting and settling. His muzzle was partially opened to keep his breathing remotely regular. White paws were crossed on his black fur covered chest. He continued to just stare, blinking here and there. Maybe someone was actually going to come and comfort his emotional pain. He doubted it. He hadn't told anyone, so who would know that his mind was slowly cracking? He rolled onto his stomach, his arms at his sides, sheets clenched tight in his paws at this point. He stared at the image on his desk of himself and Saraiya.

Saraiya was the only feline he had ever really fallen for, yet she tore him a new gaping wound. She was a gorgeous light grey tabby. He hated himself for ever trusting her. He howled out softly, his glassy bright hazel eyes finally closing, tears welling up in his eyes at long last. He choked out, vocal cords cracking, "I... I fuckin'.. Loved you you fucking bitch!" He snarled, shoving himself up off of the bed. He either needed a drink or a hit of some sort of drug, but he had to get the cheating cat out of his mind.

Flashing back to a few hours earlier, Alec was heading to go see Saraiya. He had decided to make it a surprise since it was their eighteen month anniversary. He had a necklace that she had pointed out that she wanted, a small feline charm wrapped around a deep blue sapphire with a thin steel chain. The cat charm looked as if it was playing with the sapphire orb as if it were a ball of yarn. As he walked, he hummed the song that they had called theirs. He was happy. He stalked through her yard, his four tails of fluff wagging slowly, really hoping that she'd like it. He grasped the knob with his paw tightly and slowly opened the door, creeping into the house. The kitsune male walked through the house to the basement stairs. That's where her room was. He stopped short at the top of his stairs, his ears twitching slightly as he heard moans. Not just any moans. The moans he had grown so used to hearing.

Alec's eyes widened as he silently crept down the steps, heading toward her bedroom door. While getting closer, he heard grunts that belonged to another male. He walked to her closed bedroom door and gripped the knob tightly, slowly opening the door to reveal the damned cat fucking a doberman. He stood in the doorway, listening as the dog worked his length in deeper and deeper.

"What.. The fuck is going on?!" Alec barked, his heart racing, his vision clouding. Both stopped, Saraiya gasping. Both cat and dog pulled themselves away from one another. The doberman looked at Alec, then to Saraiya.

"Who's this?" His voice was deep and slightly raspy. Alec's body trembled, both the doberman and his supposed lover completely blurred with the rage that was flooded into the kitsune's head. Saraiya opened her mouth, her musical voice spilling out.

"No idea."

That triggered Alec's rage. He snarled loudly, bounding at the bed, his fur raised. He pounced onto the doberman and clenched his jaw onto the canine's neck, tightening his jaw every second he possibly could. The doberman, shocked for a few simple seconds, began to claw relentlessly at the kitsune, at first in self defense, then to just be able to breath. Alec grasped the doberman's wrists and dug his claws in before finally letting go, the doberman almost instantly gasping for breath. Alec looked at Saraiya.

"Cheating whore! You're lucky I have enough heart NOT to hurt a woman," he barked. He pulled the case with the necklace in it from his pocket and threw it at her, "Happy fucking anniversary, Saraiya. I hope you enjoy karma."

With the cheating whore now in his past, the kitsune walked away from his house, heading somewhere. Anywhere. He walked down the street until finally he came across a bar. He walked in and growled low. He saw two familiar faces, Rose, his best siberian tigress friend and her wolf mate, Leon. He walked to the bar and sat beside Leon, calling the bartender over. The albino marten behind the bar looked at him.

"What can I get for ya, mate?" He asked, his voice hinted with a slight accent. Alec couldn't tell where it was from though.

"Vodka with a bottle of Sprite for a chaser," Alec said softly, his voice still cracked. The marten poured him a glass of straight vodka and set a bottle of Sprite on the counter next to the glass. Alec nodded his head in thanks. Rose looked to him.

"Hey! What's wrong?" She asked. The tigress always knew what was wrong, whether he said something about it or not. The wolf was the same, as well as a third friend of Alec's that wasn't at the bar.

"Saraiya. She's a filthy fucking whore." Alec grabbed the glass and downed half of it, slamming his right paw on the bar. He let out a soft laugh before continuing, "Almost killed the fucker she was bonin' too."

"Dude. What the fuck is up with that, bro? She seemed like she'd be loyal..." Leon let out a low sigh.

"Hah. It's my fault. I fell for her and got shot down. I bleed and bleed, it just won't cut it out. I made that mistake. That stupid mistake. Maybe, just maybe, this is my fate," Alec responded poetically, taking a smaller drink this time. The kitsune quoted a poem that he had written years before even meeting Saraiya. He still hadn't touched the Sprite. He let out a depressed sigh as he pulled out his cigarettes and snagged an ash tray. He put the stick to his mouth and lit it, taking a drag of the poison. He growled.

"I really want to kill her..." He muttered, "I just want to watch her try to scream for mercy... Never fuck with a psycho... Never..." He growled.