Thunder #15- Dreams

A distant rumble of thunder warned that the storm was not far off, and i broke into a canter, mindful of the twisting narrow trail but ignoring the small branches and leaves that occasionally swatted my face.

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My New Best Friend: The Injured Puppy

The thunders were louder than ever and little riolu was scared as hell. bam! a thunder struck right in front of the street were alex's house was located scaring riolu even further "rioluuuu!" the little puppy screamed loudly waking alex.

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Say I like dragons

At that moment, a storm roars up and in a flash of thunder and lightning a blue dragon descends from the sky to swoop in. she huffs when she lands and the sky goes clear soon after.

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Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #11

Noms on a thunder cookie with each step that both of the pokemon took, the sounds soon echoed throughout the barren area. everything was out of place; from the indented buildings to the craters in the ground--the town was destroyed.

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My Heart is Full of Thunder

If my heart is full of thunder then it's beating once again.


Thunder In Paradise. (Chapter 3)

thunder pulls back to look up at him. "you don't know how much i'll miss this.." bryan leaned down slowly and kisses thunder lightly but needingly; lovingly.

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Thunder In Paradise. (Chapter 2)

Sandra groaned and pushed thunder foward from behind her and coughed too. thunder looked back at her then at bryan and smiled,"i'll.. help?" bryan smiled at her and started to lead the way and thunder followed.

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Thunder In Paradise (Chapter 1)

A cheerful purple and black wolf hugs thunder tightly in greeting. then a quiet, purple tiger approaches thunder and shakes her paw,"hey, i'm leo." from akwardness thunder replies,"hi, i'm thunder."

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Thunder In Paradise (Character sheet)

thunder bravo- female wolf/coyote mix, main fur is black and the under belly and such is a darker gray. marking are all yellow. (pawpads, claws, tongue, nose, eyes, tips of ears, highlights in headfur.)

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Thunder In Paradise (Chapter 5)

"paintballing for thunder's birthday." destiny answered, tugging thunder by her shirt over to her,"this is thunder." the dog extended his paw, still smiling,"hey, i'm billy." thunder took it and shook, smiling back,"thunder."

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Thunder In Paradise. (Chapter 4)

He moved to a crawling position, crawling quietly over to the bed and looking at thunder's face in her sleep, watching quietly.. "thunder." he called out, thunder sitting straight up in her bed then falling backwards off the other side.

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Adipose City: Aussie Thunder

"ready for a dungeon crawl aussie thunder?" the female barbarian wizard ghost pepper asked with a winking emoticon.

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