Me, Myself, And I. My Fursona.

Face: eyes are wolf like. insizers are longer then normal to the point of being fang like. tattoos: back of right shoulder. dream catcher. it has 4 feathers hanging off of it. there are 13 beads circling the dream catcher.

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T.t generally what i felt like. this is written in the form of a prisoner having a conversation with himself. just one of those things you do when you're alone.

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Power pet (Chapter 5)

The wind alone was like being inside a glacier. being wet will kill me, oh god... i'm so freaking cold... i took two steps then was overwhelmed with shivering and tooth chattering. i damn near fell over with the breeze... shaking dry doesn't fully work!

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Power pet (Chapter 4)

like pa always said, go down swinging and keep swinging when your down! he could have me in his belly and i would keep fighting... unless i am ripped apart and eaten like a fucking chicken wing! oh god, i'm going to die a horrible bloody death...

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Power pet (Chapter 3)

It was like boiling water, like she was pouring searing oil into my wound! "alright, now that it's clean, i can sew you up, but that'll hurt if you thrash around." her words were like something out of a pagan ritual! ?"what?

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Power pet (Chapter 2)

Nothing else seems like a worse punishment. no human will ever shackle me again!

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Say I like dragons

"better watch this one," the green dragon says, "it likes dragons." the yellow dragon, a feathery canary yellow looking dragon, cranes her neck over beaming with a wide beaky grin, "oh, how nice. i like little 'uns. they're so adorable."

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Like a Blob

His arms are too big to bend a and also his paws are now, saggy and big like sausages. and his head is covered with his big neck. like a blob

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Like an Arrow

"the mother, ruk . . . she looks like you. you, your grandmother, the queen . . . she looks like every wolfess in the world." he smiled. "so beautiful . . . the whole world in a wolfess, ruk, like life is." "nonno?"

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Like a fog

Most likely to never find one's true love most likely to die, alone on a street where time, like a fog, curls 'round one's feet

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Like To Kill

"you like to kill...more than you like to eat..." he stared the sharptooth straight in the eye. "isn't that right!" he shouted. he couldn't take his mind off what happened to cera, lizzie, and dusty. the predator grinned. "control your anger.

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With Friends Like These

I hope you like this. cheers **chapter three: with friends like these** "what'cha doin' there?" a youthful voice asked.

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