Kapitel 2 Erdbeerenmarmelade

blacky grinste das ich seine zähne sah was nicht oft vor kamm. ich zock meine jacke an und lief zu ihm. wir lifen zu den treppen 'ähm blacky' fragte ich 'was ist den?'


Any Day Now

It was me, two crewmen, and blackie." "blackie?" they asked. "he never told me his real name. he called me blondie..." he raised his hand and plucked at a tress of sandy hair, still tangled and weathered. "... so, i called him blackie."

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BLACKMAIL - Chapter 6

"don't worry blacky, i think i have an idea", nyle says to the youngest prostitute, leaves the place and goes over to speech. "speech, saw that red echidna there?"

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BLACKMAIL - Chapter 2

"take four blacky", said speech to shadow putting a +4 card on the others. "i hate this game..", shadow complained taking that number of cards, "only because you always loose", maurice joked.

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Excerpt of "Brooklyn Blackie and the Unappetizing Menu" from Inhuman Acts, a FurPlanet book

Itemid=811) a **case file 013 - brooklyn blackie and the unappetizing menu** **by bill kieffer** call me brooklyn blackie. i'm not your average wolf. i'm a little on the short side. i'm half dog; though i don't like to talk about it too much.

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Blackie - a dream

## blackie ###### a dream. ### sharpfang'98. ### thanks for help going to dogg and lupus. blackie ======= i was one of few survivors in the post-nuclear world. it was a long time after the war.

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Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #11

With each step that both of the Pokemon took, the sounds soon echoed throughout the barren area. Everything was out of place; from the indented buildings to the craters in the ground--the town was destroyed. The dark type initially caught on as he felt...

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blacky asked. "everyone, i'd like to introduce you to my son, mark, and my daughter, hope," chloe said. suddenly, there was another flash of light, and another picture appeared on the ground infront of chloe.

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New year, new life chapter 3

"hey blackie! what the hell do you think you are doing?" cynder backed off slowly but then she bumped into another dragon, she span around and the dragon glared at her.


New year, new life chapter 6

blackie there is a slut, a slag, a sket, a whore!! you gonna stop me? what are you going to... arggh!!" spyro had grabbed his throat. spyro grabbed his head smashed it into the floor then leaned in dangerously close to him.

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The Start of the End of the world

_~and with that, leafia, blacky, eifie, showers, booster, thunders and eievui came into the world~_ after dismissing the midwife, i went into the kitchen to try and ressurect the lost breakfast.

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- all the others evolve - showers into a vaporeon; booster into a flareon; thunders into a jolteon; eifie into an espeon; blacky (who i haven't actually introduced) into an umbreon; and leafia evolves into a leafeon - chloe gets pregnant and gives

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