The Start of the End of the world
#3 of A Dying Breed
~And so, ends one of the most tragic parts of mine and Sam's life. But this was by no means the worst. No, there was trouble brewing on the horizon, and no matter how far away it may be, it had the potential to tear our world apart. And it did.~
I gazed at the horizon, admiring the view of the sun rising.
"No matter how many times I see this, it still entrances me..." I said to Sam, beside me.
"Yeah, it never gets old, huh?" she replied, cheekily.
"Yeah, just like us. What is it now, one hundred years since we got together?"
"Something like that,"
As we sat together, cuddling close to protect against the cold, we shared a passionate kiss.
"Mmm, someone's frisky this morning," Sam commented.
I just shrugged and said, "Well, why can't I be?"
She had no answer, so we went back to staring at the sunrise.
After about half an hour, the sunrise had all but vanished, so we started to walk back to the cottage that I had built just for us, in a secluded area of the nearby woods.
When she stumbled, I gave her a look of concern. Her belly was already swolen with a litter of pups, due in the early summer, and was causing her some problems.
"Honey, do you want me to teleport us back to the house?" I asked.
"No, no, I'll be fine," she said, as she stumbled again.
I just gave her a disapproving glance, and started to walk again.
Within minutes, we were back home again.
One of the many reasons that I chose this particular area to live in, was because of all the changes that all the pokemon of the region had gone through in the past century. Among them, almost all of them walking on two feet, instead of on all fours, like Sam and I still did.
This made us uneasy, not the least because most pokemon now towered above us.
As we walked through into our bedroom, Sam sort of collapsed into the bed, and curled up.
I gave her a quick peck on the cheek, and left the room to make breakfast.
~This day started out so ordinarily, we never would have guessed what would happen~
I went back into our room, laden with a tray full of fruit, when I saw Sam hyperventelating.
I dropped the tray and rushed over to her.
"Honey, is it- it- happening?" I asked, concern flowering in my voice.
She just nodded, pain seeping across the mental link that we shared.
I draped a warm blanket over her, and teleported to the hospital in the city outside the forest.
My sudden appearance might have startled the villagers one-hundred years ago, but the people here didn't even blink. That said, they knew who Sam and I were, and what we could do, so it was no big deal.
There, I found a midwife specialising in four-legged births, and brought her back to our house.
When we got back, I found Sam lying on her side, and curious, squeaky voices coming from under the blanket.
When she saw me, she gave me a weary, but happy smile.
I rushed over to her and found that, in the ten minutes that I had been gone, she had given birth to seven, healthy eevee cubs.
~And with that, Leafia, Blacky, Eifie, Showers, Booster, Thunders and Eievui came into the world~
After dismissing the midwife, I went into the kitchen to try and ressurect the lost breakfast.
As I walked in, I saw all our cubs cuddling close to Sam, trying to get their fill of their mother's milk.
I laid the tray down next to her and gave her a kiss.
"So, what do you think we should call them?" Sam asked, suddenly.
"I don't know," I replied truthfully, "I haven't really given it much thought,"
"I was thinking of the ancestral names of our species,"
"You mean the-"
"Yes, the Seven Champions"
~Brief note: The Seven Champions are a group of heroes depicted in ancient Eevee lore. It describes seven pokemon, an Eevee, a Leafeon, an Umbreon, a Vaporeon, a Jolteon, a Flareon and an Espeon, saving the realm of the Eevee's from invasion from the south. They were hailed as saviors, and were made honorary Elders. In those days, though, the Elders were wise and kind eevees, and were an intergral part of daily life, unlike the Elders from mine and Sam's time~
"That sounds like a great idea!" I replied, enthusiastically.
She smiled at my over-the-top reaction, and gave me a sort of sad look.
"What's wrong?" I asked, concern re-entering my voice.
"Nothing, it's just, I have this wierd feeling, like something's wrong," she said, and I knew exactly what she meant. And not because of our link. Well, mostly not becasue of our link.
I had been feeling strange for the past few weeks, but nothing was wrong with me. At least as far as I knew.
I looked out the window, and noticed something wierd.
There was, what looked like, a stream of something coming off of our sun, and disappearing into nothingness.
I dismissed it as something brought on by long days and even longer nights, so I ignored it.
~This was a big mistake~
* * * * * *
Hey all! Here's probably the last story that I'll probably get off before I leave for a two week jaunt around Coral Sea, so I hope you like it! Umm, this is the first story of mine that has side notes (Narrated by Me/Matt) included into the main story body. Copyright info on my userpage, but if you're too lazy to check it out, all characters in this story are copyrighted to me, Firefox1234
Merry Christmas and Happy Yiffing!