Chaos Chapter 13: Rescue Mission

The scizor's presence was a much-needed boost to morale for everyone who knew of him.

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RJ's Adventure - Chapter 2: Preparation

Maple and a scizor walk up to the three of them. "spike, i see you and zig have made a new friend.

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Late Arrival

Blade walks into the cabin silently, even with his steel hide hitting the floor. He approaches the bed where his love, his mate, his wife, lay asleep. He smiles and leans over her landing a soft kiss on her cheek. He gets down on his knees and smiles,...

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DA in Pokemon MBTY: Part V:

You fainted on the first round against scizor." charmeleon fell over anime style. luke looked to the rest of them and smiled, he clenched his fists and looked to his master "alright! i'll train super hard this time!"

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One Week to Change: Chapter 9

A voice came from behind us, i immediately turned around to find a male scizor standing several feet away. "when did you meet her?" "rulai, this is luyo...

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Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 4: Clash

"there's going to be some disgruntled fighters you know," the scizor warned. "not to mention the bad rep." "leave that to maggie," torolf replied.

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Pokemon Conquest: Defend Aurora!

One had a skorpi, another had larvaitar, and the third had a scizor. "well, well, well, is this the new warlord of aroura?" the first said "my lord, there is an attack!" the inter-kingdom messenger was standing on the pathway in front of the shop.

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Chapter 5 - History Lesson

The golden scizor helps him up. roykl seems glad that she and the little one are still there. draco walks up. "no worries, rokyl. you did fine. as for you two, it's not safe for you to be out anymore." he returns the 3 to their pokeballs.


Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 5: Farewell

The casket that housed his body was a finely crafted vessel, made of mahogany wood and bearing a carving in the scizor's likeness on the lid.

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Chapter Three: Dark as night, Twice the blight

._ **alyx aurora claira corbin jake aurora dorian fairlove dennis rowan natalie fairlove sylvia fairlove jennifer scizor the narrator nancy bristol randy akers** a dark smudge was carried across the last name making it impossible

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Chapter 4 - Unwanted Guests

Xatu hovers over and lands on houndoom's back, both of them ready to double team the mighty scizor. as rokyl's battle rages, jules gets ready for his own battle. the flygon hovers in front of him, a cocky look on its face.
