One Week to Change: Chapter 9
#10 of One Week to Change.
I walked alongside Nion for several minutes, we circled around the entire clearing stopping occasionally to either watch an attack in a battle, or just to stare blankly at each other after we had seen other pokémon express their love for each other. It was apparent that we weren't the only ones affected by the approaching season, and that thought calmed me greatly.
I glanced over towards where Draye was sitting three times in as many seconds, he was surrounded by several people and payed absolutely no attention to Nion and myself, which also calmed my nerves. We had sat down on nearly the exact opposite side of the clearing to Draye. We were both visible, so there wasn't any problem, and we were far enough away to be able to deny anything if it was mentioned. Standing behind us was a thick line of bush then another row of trees like those we were just walking underneath, and a slight opening to another clearing much like the one we were looking at now. I wondered why this one had to be where we stayed, but that was irrelevant, we were here, outside. I was there, alone with Nion. And we had our own space, because everyone believed the myths. Although as we passed under different trees there were shrieks from Pidgey's and Tallow's overhead upon sight of me, on the ground it was obvious that Nion and I were together... As by the way that he was the only one willing to come within forty feet of me.
I didn't care, I was happy... For once.
As I lay still, staring at Nion, nothing was out of place. I felt as if I was home again, as if my whole world had finally come together, as if I had found my place of existence and future. The only problem I faced in the near future was whether or not I would have the freedom of space, yet even the thought of being trapped in a tiny little room wasn't something I had a dire need to change. I would have Nion beside me, so I would never become bored. All I would have to do is say one little word, and he would either be there to talk to me, or just around for no reason at all. It was strange. He had always been that way for some reason, but now I knew.
I heard a whistle blow in the distance, taking my attention from Nion to the centre of the park. I watched as several identically dressed humans walked to the centre of every battling trainer, who had now released their pokémon for some free-time and turned to see what the announcement was.
"What is going on?" I asked Nion. He had a smug grin and I heard a slight chuckle come from him, he knew something that I didn't, only this time I expected an answer.
"This is the monthly tournament. Trainers come from the surrounding areas to see who has gotten stronger and who the best trainer of the surrounding area-"
"Would all competitors please join in the centre arena for an open announcement." There was a voice that boomed over Nion's, causing many more trainers pour into the clearing by the entrance behind us.
"It gets bigger with each month with many newcomers each time around." Nion finished after the announcement.
"Are you in the tournament?" I knew that Nion was strong, I had battled him myself, but I figured that there would be stronger pokémon than him.
"No... I came second in last month to a Gliscor, and knocked out in the second round the month before by a Glaceon. But I didn't want to fight in this one." Nion seemed interested in who was fighting as I watched his head duck and weave to try and get a glimpse of each trainer. "Draye didn't enter me because of you."
"You still could've fought anyway, I wouldn't mind..."
"I know that, but because it is on today, Draye will be too busy watching the battles to worry about us today. We have free-run of the park the moment the tournament begins in about an hour." Nion looked to the ground as he finished, causing me to follow his gaze to my paws. I had dug myself a fairly large hole without realising it. How I had missed outside. "Having fun there?"
I quickly moved the small pile of dirt I had removed back to the hole and patted it flat again, staring at Nion the whole time. I wasn't going to dignify his question with an answer. It didn't deserve one. Although I did it subconsciously and almost freaked out when I found out I dug the hole, it wasn't something he could blame me for. The grass was soft and vibrant, the trees rich and green. How I had missed nature, how I had yearned for escape, yet now all I wanted to do was stay with Nion. But that was going to happen no matter what. I had a new home, and I was happy to live there.
Glancing back to the gathered crowd, they had slowly started to dissipate and spread out within the clearing. "Judging by what everyone's doing, I would say they announced where the first battles are and who would be fighting in them."
I nodded slightly as the trainers dispersed through the exits and gathered in small groups talking about anything and everything to do with pokémon. I scanned the area several times in search of any pokémon that could prove a challenge. There was nothing in sight, all the pokémon had left the area when the trainers gathered. I assumed that the trainers now would have to try and find their pokémon. The thought of watching a trainer trying to find a Haunter or Dugtrio would prove entertaining... For a while at least.
"Hey Nion... Who's this?" A voice came from behind us, I immediately turned around to find a male Scizor standing several feet away. "When did you meet her?"
"Rulai, this is Luyo... Luyo, I beat Rulai last in last months tournament to make it to the final."
"I wouldn't have a chance against Slaen anyway." I assumed that Slaen was the Gliscor Nion lost to last month. "If it wasn't for that sandstorm you would've won easily!"
"Maybe... I'll get him next time though." Nion stood and motioned with his head for me to turn around too. But it was strange, someone had actually approached us... Nion... Despite what I was. But this Scizor obviously knew Nion and wasn't afraid of me.
"Are you looking for a grand-final rematch today?"
"No, I'm not competing this month. Just watching from the sideline."
Rulai glanced at me for a second, then returned to look at Nion. "Right... Anyway, don't worry... If I do end up facing him, I'll try and get revenge for you. Otherwise we'll have to leave it for that Vaporeon with no name." Rulai almost sounded sarcastic at the start of that sentence. Which almost drove me to striking him.
"She has a name Rulai."
"Then why hasn't anyone told me yet?"
"Because you actually have to fight her first. And even then, you need to win. And that in itself isn't an easy task. The only reason I managed was because-"
"Yeah, yeah... I know... Electricity kills water like it kills flying... I learnt that the hard way."
I sighed, feeling left out of the conversation. Not that it mattered. After listening to Rulai for just over a minute I figured that Nion had known him for at least a while. But Nion had said that he hadn't talked to any other pokémon outside a battlefield. That was something I had to ask him later. Nion had noticed my sigh and figured that I was bored.
"Rulai, can I talk to you for a minute?"
I glanced towards Nion, then back to Rulai. Only to watch Nion step forward and walk away from me. I wondered what he wanted to talk to Rulai about. Which only further increased my questioning of Nion's words. He had lied to me, he told me that he hadn't talked to any other pokémon outside a battlefield. I shrugged off the thought for the moment, it would come up in conversation later, that I was sure of. I turned around and watched as the crowd continued to move into smaller and smaller groups until there was only one left in the centre consisting of the identically dressed officials and a few trainers who looked distressed or angry, shouting random words and hitting a small book with either one finger or their entire hand. I didn't have a clue on what their problems were, I just knew that their shouting wasn't going to get them anywhere.
"What!?" I heard shouted from behind me, instantly recognising it as Rulai's voice, promptly followed by a hushed call to 'shut up' from Nion. He knew I heard him, and I figured out what Nion had told Rulai, as if he hadn't pieced everything together anyway.
The Scizor glanced at me, back towards Nion, then stared at me for several moments, only to look back at Nion. He muttered a few small words, then turned around and left, obviously deep in thought for some reason.
"What was that about?" I asked quietly as Nion lay down at my side again. I figured what it was about, but I couldn't help but to be sure. And of course, Nion only gave me a dumb look. Knowing what his response would've been, I moved on. "I thought you said you didn't talk to any other pokémon outside a battlefield." This however, received an answer.
"Look around you, where are we?"
"The park..."
"Which is used for...?"
"Battles... But-"
"Then I was right... This is a battlefield, therefore I haven't spoken to any other pokémon outside of one."
"Then how many other pokémon do you actually know?"
"I know many others, only by name though. Rulai is the only one I have actually gotten to know, which is why I told him about you."
"Which is why he shouted earlier?" Nion nodded his head slightly. "He doesn't catch on very well does he..."
"Most of the time he does, but Rulai is like me. As far as I know, I am the only other pokémon he has spoken to more than just a taunt in a fight." Nion paused for a moment. "So he hasn't had the opportunity to find a potential mate."
"So that is why you said you hadn't talked to any other pokémon...?" Again, Nion only nodded his head slightly. Leaving me with little option for further conversation... Not that I minded.
After a few minutes of lying on the grass, watching as several pokémon walked past, or trainers argued over who had the stronger pokémon out of the group, I began to lose myself in the atmosphere again. I ignored any strange looks or cowardly gasps that were directed at me, and after the fifth time I felt Nion wrap the tip of his tail around mine like he had last night. I remained silent but smiled slightly, we weren't going anywhere.
* * *
Several hours had passed, so both Nion and myself had gone off exploring the park, knowing that Draye would either be surrounded by other trainers for reasons beyond my worry, or, he would have his attention lost in the battle happening on the centre field. I wasn't entirely sure that either of these options would be correct, but Nion insisted that it was all Draye really cared about on Tournament day. At one point in time during the ay Nion had told me what it was actually called, but I wasn't paying that much attention, watching as a Mothim and Kadabra battled against each other.
After much wandering, Nion had lead me to a small river covered in dense trees. There were other pokémon in the area when we arrived, but needless to say it was empty after a few moments afterwards. I was beginning to like the fact that Absol's were feared, it had gotten me around so well within the city, and I only had more of it to look forward to... Hopefully.
I took a quick drink from the near ice-cool water and lay down at the waters edge, leaving at least several metres between me and the water.
"I have only come here once before, as I don't have much time to myself when Draye brings me here. I was hoping to one day bring someone here..." I watched Nion as he glanced around the area. "I guess it looked better when I was only a Luxio."
I looked up-stream to see a small pile of rocks heavily covered with moss that was used as a waterfall no higher than Nion. Then down further as the water went out of sight there was another small build-up of rocks that jutted out over the surface of the water, only to have it fall down to yet another part of the stream. There were several rounded-edged rocks that poked up above the water, just spaced evenly enough for a pokémon to jump along to over-look the next waterfall. I then understood why he lead me here.
I pulled myself up from the ground and bounded along several of the rocks, coming to a stop about three stones down-river, standing in the dead centre of everything. About seven feet to either side bank, and another ten to the next waterfall. It was a very awkward position, my two forepaws gripped firmly on a single smallish stone directly underneath my chest, which should've only been big enough for one of my paws, while my two hind legs stood on two separate stones placed just over two and a half feet apart. I looked over my shoulder at Nion who was staring at me. "Well? Are you coming?" I asked rather loudly over the rushing water, causing Nion to shake his head quickly and easily cross the several stones that I had just made it over.
I rocked back a few inches, coiling up my back legs then sprung forward onto a large stone, only to skip over it, and the next five or so, to reach the large rock overlooking the next part of the river. The moment I landed I watched in awe over the rest of the river.
There was about a twenty foot drop to the next part of the river, leaving large gaps in the trees to see through. I scanned over the horizon. Starting from my left I could see in the far distance the high-rises of the city, countless of near-perfectly squared tree lines that would've been the barriers of the nearly endless numbers of battlefields, all of which were empty at this time. Further towards the centre of the river it flowed down the absolute centre of the park, only ending at the centre arena that was completely packed with spectators, trainers, and undoubtedly Draye. Then on my right was the exact mirror of the left, albeit with the very odd runner or trainer with their pokémon in different positions to the other side of the park. The entire scene was subtle, yet effective in leaving me speechless.
I stood still for several minutes, only to have Nion land directly behind me on the very small space there was left. I received a slight push from behind, but it wasn't enough to send me over the edge. Thankfully.
"I- i... It's beautiful..." I spoke softly as Nion sat down to my left overlooking the landscape much like I had done only moments before. But now my attention was drawn to him.
Nion sighed in approval. "I guess I was wrong. I never remember standing up here before though."
There was a loud cheer as two separate bright flashes appeared in the centre arena, no doubt the grand final was just about to begin and I naturally assumed that Nion and myself were the trainer owned pokémon that weren't watching it. But I didn't care, it was a battle that I naturally assumed I would compete in eventually, if given the option by Draye. Either that or Nion would again in the future, which I wouldn't mind either.
"We maybe have about five minutes left before Draye comes hunting for us Luyo." Nion muttered silently. "Although depending on who made the final would alter how much time we have left."
"I guess that's a chance we'll have to take." I glanced over the landscape once more, making a mental note to myself to come up here again in the future. "Because there is no way I'm going to settle for a draw." I stood up quickly, turned around and bounded across the stones like before, only this time not stopping midway.
After landing on the river bank I turned around only to watch Nion skip across the stones like I had done. Albeit he looked a little more graceful just because of his extra size and reach. But it wasn't going to help him several minutes from now, because that made him a larger target, one much easier to hit.
Nion glanced at me slyly for a moment. "Follow me, there are fields that people leave empty all the time for no reason at all. So we won't have to worry about being spotted." The Luxray simply turned his head forward, gaining a determined expression and then bounded off darting between trees and over the piles of undergrowth that were swept away by the birds in an attempt to try and make a nest for themselves. That got me thinking about any offspring of my own, if, by choice, I ever wanted some in the beginning. But there was no time to think of that now. I quickly jolted forward, catching up to the male Luxray that had broken into empty space.
I followed Nion closely. Close enough for me to attack if I felt the need to start early, as he had on me last time. Yet far enough away for me to be able to stop without him noticing allowing for me to watch over something that might've caught my eye. It was an unlikely prospect, but possible as I barely knew the first thing about this city beyond Draye's apartment... Home.
We ran through another two fields, placing us about three fields across, and two down, from the centre arena. Although why this one would be deserted I wouldn't know. They all looked about the same to me.
"Alright. This is our field. We won't follow any set rules, except that we won't try to kill each other. Because there aren't any trainers around to save us if something does go wrong."
"As long as you know I won't hold back Nion." I replied as he walked to the other side of the park.
"That's good, because I wouldn't have it any other way." He answered back cockily, he thought he was going to win this... But he had another thing coming.
I spread my forepaws and lowered my head into my standard defensive position, strafing around the arena in the opposite direction to Nion, who just walked casually like nothing was happening.
I closed my eyes for a second, sensing what was around me before I would strike. Nion was still standing opposite to me, obviously waiting for my first strike. He was either afraid to strike me first, probably due to the fact that he loved me. Or was trying to draw me in so he could counter quickly. But I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of waiting. I opened my eyes slowly, then continued on my slow pace around the battlefield, Nion mirroring my every step. I took a slight step forward, and he followed suit. I changed direction and stepped to my right, he turned around and stepped left. We stood just over twenty feet apart after one minute, our time was running out quickly, but I wasn't going to strike when he was this ready.
From behind Nion the crowd cheered as what I assumed meant that a strong attack had struck, but it was my distraction. Nion turned his head to see what it was, only by instinct, but the moment he turned back, the side of his face was met by the heel of my hind leg, sending the male several steps back. It was a cheap shot, yes, but he had more than a few of them against me just under a week ago.
"Maybe you should focus a bit more of your attention on me Nion... Or am I that hard to keep an eye on?" I had jumped back several feet after I stuck Nion, leaving us both at the same distance at the start of the battle.
"I really wish you didn't do that, but I should thank you for not using your claws."
"Don't mention it... I'm sure you'll be in the same position again soon enough." I stepped forward once more, closing the distance between us if not only slightly.
"That's not what I meant Luyo, and you know it." Nion stood tall and pressed forward like I had, only this time Nion looked more focused, slightly frustrated that he dropped his defences for just that one moment. I figured that a mistake like that wouldn't happen again... In this battle anyway.
Nion pressed on the attack, stepping forward closer to me until we were just under a short leap away, circling around each other waiting for the right moment to strike. There was another cheer from the crowd, only to go ignored by both Nion and myself. I guess that this would be like a normal battle from now on, no more distractions.
I feigned to step right, as that was how our circle was going, and jumped left, moving into a roll that shot past Nion and left me standing behind him. I thought for a brief moment thinking that it was a little too easy, and it was, but I continued with my attack regardless. You don't just waste an opportunity like this. I leapt forward, extending my forepaws to, this time, slash across Nion's hind leg as he did mine during our first encounter.
Nion flicked his tail towards me, knowing fully well what I was attempting to do. A jolt of electricity jumped from the tip of his tail and connected with my left shoulder, sending me flying several feet only to roll away and stop in a defensive stance once more. My shoulder ached from the shock, but I shook it off. He held back in that attack like I had in my first one. Only as a first strike though. Things would get tougher.
Another cheer was elicited from the centre field, growing louder as the Growlithe chants started emerging.
"Sounds like we don't have much time left here..." Nion quickly spoke, stepping forward to me once more. "Let's make this a little more, interesting, shall we?"
The moment Nion stopped speaking his legs tensed and clenched into the soft grass. His eyes started to glow with electricity, he was obviously charging something that I would have to look out for.
I kept my stance, but backed off a few feet so I had enough time to react if he did decide to shoot at me then and there. But I used the time wisely, preparing an attack of my own. By the time Nion moved again I was ready to strike or dodge, depending on what he did from now.
Nion closed the gap between us. We stood twenty feet apart... Eighteen... Fifteen... Ten feet apart... And he just smiled. "Well? Shall we begin?" I gave a quick firm nod, which caused Nion to smile slightly. "Ladies first then..."
"With pleasure."
I started my attack again. Feigning to step right, but bounding left and rolling behind him. And just like last time, Nion stood still, waiting for a reason to move. I leapt forward to strike, but this time I held my forelegs firmly against my chest, bracing for the attack, but if he missed, I would strike with my scythe-blade on his leg. I had everything planned.
Exactly like last time Nion flicked his tail and sent a shock towards me, hitting my prepared block as I shot back six feet and landed cleanly, but the moment I landed I shot a Shadow Ball at Nion that he wasn't prepared for, striking the male right in the centre of his chest. The small explosion causing me to grip into the grass, and cause Nion to go some distance the other way, I couldn't see through the dust. I heightened my senses and slowly worked my way through the cloud, searching for a glimmer of light that was Nion's charged self. An attack like that would at least weaken him a bit. But I knew that it wasn't enough to win the battle.
I heard a rustle from behind me as I saw a hidden shape fly towards me, paws outstretched. I stuck one of my own forepaws to block his right one, leaving my scythe-blade to block the other, which worked to no ends. Nion's right wrist connected with the edge of my blade, leaving a cut against it, but as he struck my blade, his claws extended and ripped through the top-layer of fur I had on the left-side of my head. Watching Nion recoil, I felt the wound with my leg. I still had fur there, it was just going to be red for a little while.
I watched as Nion half-tended to his wound, but quickly returned his attention to me. The dust had just started to clear but as we circled around each other I noticed the trail of blood on the ground that followed Nion's path. As I followed the trail it only became thicker, as Nion limped heavily around in the circle, spending no part of his attention on anything, but me.
Nion stepped forward to attack me, trying his hardest to keep all weight off his right paw, which continued to drain the life from him bits at a time. But as Nion flew towards me, I payed no attention to his attack, only the wound on his right foreleg.
I was struck on my side, sent flying several feet into the small crater that no doubt came from my earlier attack on him. But as he landed I head Nion shout painfully. Something was wrong, and I had to stop our battle. I stood up, grunting in pain as my ribs shouted in despair. I ignored my own pain and climbed outside of the crater, only to find Nion lunging at me once again. "Stop!" I shouted, just before I rolled away in defence. Nion fell past where I was and landed at the bottom of the crater, shouting painfully once more as he did. "Nion stop before you make it worse!" I shouted at him in-between pants of exhaustion and pain.
The Luxray looked at me, standing over him. "N- no, ho- hold-ing back!" Nion was obviously too focused on attacking, and beating, me that he forgot about himself. Thankfully enough for me, in that moment the dust had cleared completely, allowing for me to see exactly what damage I had done to him.
Even after only the short while he lay in the crater, obviously too exhausted to stand up and strike again, already there was a small pool of blood that had formed around his paws. The Shadow Ball looked to have done minor damage, but all I could see were the slightly charred remnants of his black fur from his chest. But I didn't want to spend anymore time just waiting. "Stay here. I'll get Draye!"
"No!" Nion shouted back at me hoarsely. "You'll be- tra- trapped inside the ball for d- d- days!"
I wasn't going to argue. I probably was going to be locked away for a while... And it made me feel whole thinking that even though he probably would die from the wound, if given enough time, he was willing to let me go free for it. Unfortunately for him, it was my choice and I didn't want to play chance that someone would find him with his life. I had to go. "Hang on Nion..." I said quietly as I turned away from the crater.
Nion called my name once or twice, but as I ran past the deep red trails along the ground I wasn't going to turn back.
Everything turned into a blur as I ran to the centre arena. Cheers had grown to their pinnacle as the battle had been won... By whom, I didn't care... I ran up to where Draye was sitting before, and grabbed his attention immediately when he saw me.
He stood up and stared down at me. "Luyo? What happened to you? Where's Nion?" I rummaged through his open bag and grabbed the first ball I saw, taking off in the opposite direction immediately after I had grabbed hold of it, Draye charging through the crowd as he tried to keep up with me, but the moment we broke free of the crowd Draye caught up and followed me easily. My painful steps losing their pace with each passing moment.
Everything went dark as I reached our battlefield. From what I heard Draye was either yelling at me, trying to comfort Nion or calling for some other form of assistance. But the moment I reached the edge of the crater, I collapsed onto my side. My breath was short and laboured. My legs ached and cramped. My eyes tired and heavy. My mind lost, and throbbing. Everything soon went black. Black like my heart towards the one I claimed to love, yet possibly killed in battle. Please Nion, forgive me... But my thoughts were cut off in my mind, as I drifted into the darkness...
* * *