Chaos Chapter 13: Rescue Mission

Story by The Phoenix Quill on SoFurry

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#68 of Pokemon Team Valiant

Luke leaves the Guild Council to join the Rescue Mission to save his lover, damning the consequences of his actions. The team is joined by Shamshir of Team Warmachine for the rescue.

Written by myself and Korban

Edited by me

Proofread by Korban

Coffee; the lifeblood of all hard-working Artists. Can anyone spare me some change for one?

"You called us here, Captain Luke. What is the emergency?" Romulus asked, straight to the point.

Luke was somewhat disappointed that not more captains had been able to attend his emergency meeting, as most were indisposed at the time and unable to make it. Of the many, only four had come. Romulus, Leon - once more acting in Torolf's stead, Meilin - someone he was glad to see, and the ever quiet Keirrot, now recovered from his part in the fight with Eberon.

Luke wasted no time, presenting the wanted posters that Lashanne had given him. "Just minutes ago, I was handed these. They were given to me by Lashanne of Team Phalanx, shortly after she and multiple others from my team and hers, arrived in Hadleigh." He began, and divided up the posters into three pairs, sliding them over to the others, aside from Keirrot who stretched out one of his head tails to take one.

The captains took a moment to look over the posters that had landed closest to them. Keirrot was the first to respond, eliciting a gasp. His mouth gaped, the gooey texture of his flesh making several popping sounds as he struggled to get the words out. "C-Captain Romulus! It's a wanted poster, for you!"

Romulus did not seem that surprised by the idea of a price on his head. It wouldn't surprise anyone to know he had made many enemies, but his surprise did show as Meilin piped up as well, rising from her seat. "This one is for Captain Luke, and the other here for the captain of the Red Talons."

Romulus reached for a poster himself, flipping it, and his eyes narrowed when he saw Torolf's face on the front, and slid it over to Leon who had already seen the posters for Volcan and Sickle. The Empoleon scowled upon seeing his captains face with a bounty as well.

"This is terrible..." said Leon.

"This is undoubtedly Calhoun's doing," stated Romulus. "Every one of these is a price on one of the captains who led the attack on the fortress, including myself. That cannot be coincidental."

"I agree, but this bad news I'm afraid isn't the end of what I have to report," Luke stated as his composure further dropped. "A member of our Guild has gone Rogue. Grom of Team Kopis has... has taken it upon himself, to apprehend Volcan of Team Phalanx and is currently taking him to have his bounty collected..."

All eyes fell on Luke for a moment, then the councillors exchanged wary looks. Keirrot looked positively confused. "Why? Why would any captain do this?"

"Some enter this life for the honour, others for the wealth," replied Meilin. "Those motivated by wealth are easily corrupted by the promise of easy gain. This is a ploy, to turn us on each other."

"More of Calhoun's attempts to sow chaos among us," added Romulus, and then slapped the table with his paw angrily. "Captain Grom must be apprehended! Send word out to any rescue teams in the area - class C threat level. Capture on sight, and let them know of the hostage-"

"That won't be necessary." Luke stated in a firm tone, cutting off Romulus. "I'm taking my team and searching for Volcan myself. We already have a lead on where Grom will be taking him, and both Eagle Eye and Lighris are en route to Marilogne to perform Aerial Reconnaissance." He stated.

"Eagle Eye and who?" Leon asked, unfamiliar with the name.

"Lighris. Volcan's elder brother." Luke answered. "He assisted us during the Siege of Hadleigh many months ago, where I managed to free Lugia from Calhoun's influence."

Romulus looked squarely at Luke. "I understand your motives for wanting to pursue Grom yourself, Luke, but you are needed here," he stated. "You have able-bodied teams you can send to pursue Team Kopis. There is no need to deplete the council to pursue a renegade."

"I'm going. To save my fiance, Romulus," Luke said in an elevated tone this time. "This isn't just about Grom wanting money. Ever since we rescued him from that fortress, he has repeatedly blamed Volcan for the fall of Arc Island. Volcan has refused to defend himself, as he still carries the burden that night, and let Grom continue to blame him. This," he struck the table for emphasis, his paw landing on the poster of Volcan. "Is crossing the line. I will not leave this to anyone else."

"Luke, consider this before you do anything else," Meilin added, pointing to the poster that carried Luke's own likeness. "You too have a bounty, and a personal connection to Volcan who is already in Grom's hands. Perhaps he chose Volcan to draw you in, and collect the bounty for both of you."

"He's not going to get the drop on me. He attacked Volcan while he was resting, but I will be alert and ready." He retorted firmly. "I'm not backing down on this decision. Volcan means more to me than any of you could possibly understand. I made a promise that I would never abandon him, and I will not break that promise."

He then stood up from his seat, scanning each of the four Pokémon present in the room. "I'm going regardless of your approval... I will not leave the man I love in danger because of a misplaced grudge, and that is my final word on the matter." He growled, then stormed out of the council chamber before any of them could get a word in.

He stepped outside, and started down the road to the park where the airship waited. He was barely twenty steps from the door to the hall before he heard it open, and someone calling after him. He looked over his shoulder, and saw Leon hurrying after him. He stopped to let Leon catch up, knowing the Empoleon couldn't catch him even if he only walked - Empoleon weren't exactly fit for running.

"What is it, Leon?" He asked. He was almost sure that Leon had some speech prepared to make Luke change his mind, and was already prepared to refute it.

But Leon surprised him. "Don't worry, I'm not going to try to change your mind," he replied. "I simply want to suggest you take Shamshir with you. Without Volcan along I think he will be a suitable - temporary, replacement." He added pointedly. "And I also wish to ask that you be careful."

Luke, past his initial surprise, allowed himself a grateful smile and a nod to Leon. "Thank you. And I will." He promised.

With that, Luke turned away from Leon and continued down the street, raising his walk to a brisk pace as he made his way to the airship...


After notifying Shamshir of the arrangement and waiting for the Scizor to join them, the airship was once again off from Hadleigh, turning its course southward to Marilogne where they hoped to intercept Grom. The Scizor's presence was a much-needed boost to morale for everyone who knew of him. Caulin bombarded the Scizor with questions about his many battles, and while at first Serena tried to dissuade the Riolu from bothering him, Shamshir answered Caulin's questions with practiced ease, likely having told these stories many times.

At least it kept Caulin occupied, thought Luke as he stood at the bow. Like the others, Luke felt safer knowing Shamshir was along. He knew the Scizor's reputation for combat, and though he hadn't been able to witness it properly at Warmachine's tournament, he had seen it at the battle of the Dark Crusade's fortress. The Scizor had carved a swathe through the enemy defenders with such ease, it spurred Luke's 'inner Nido', hoping that one day he might get a chance to test himself against the Scizor. He knew Volcan also felt the same way. Volcan had been denied a proper battle with Shamshir, having to fight a mind-controlled puppet version of him instead. Volcan never openly voiced a complaint about it, but Luke knew his lover...

Thinking of Volcan also made Luke's heart ache. Despite the morale boost from Shamshir's presence, the Lucario could not escape the dread of worry. He couldn't stop his mind from imagining all sorts of mistreatment that he might be suffering under Team Kopis who resented him so. Led to believe that Volcan had abandoned him, Luke couldn't stop himself from imagining Volcan being beaten, or starved, or both... he tried to shake the thoughts from his head but they persisted.

Luke nearly jumped when he felt someone touch his shoulder. He turned sharply, and relaxed when he saw it was Sickle, who didn't pull away even when he realized he had surprised Luke. He met Luke's eyes, and offered him comforting words in his most reassuring voice - a tone Luke remembered, from the night that he had shared with the Grovyle - now Sceptile, on the Kyogre's Rest...

"We'll get him back."

Luke slowly relaxed, and lifted one of his paws to rest on Sickle's claw on his shoulder, squeezing it gently. "I know we will..." He said in a soft, controlled tone before he looked ahead again. "Because I don't know what I'm going to do if we don't..."

Sickle offered no other words then. Hesitating but a moment, he let his actions speak for him, lifting his claw from Luke's shoulder and moving it to his other, gently turning him. "Come here," he said gently, taking Luke into a warm, comforting embrace.

Luke stood silently in Sickle's arms, laying his head against the Sceptile's chest. The way Sickle held him, and the warmth Luke felt in his presence. It was just like that night on the Kyogre's Rest, he remembered, when Sickle had selflessly helped Luke allow love into his heart again. Now, just like then, Sickle was once again there to support him. He wasn't the same Grovyle he'd been back then... but even in a new body, it was still the same generous, amiable man who he might have fallen in love with before he understood what his heart truly wanted.

Luke couldn't hold back the choking, frightened sobs as he clung to the Sceptile, burying his face in Sickle's scaled chest as he wept. He wrapped his arms around Sickle, holding tightly to him. His body shook violently with grief and dread, begging to be set free from the pain. Sickle never let him go, just holding him and whispering words of comfort to him.

When Luke had regained enough strength to speak again, he spoke lowly, letting only Sickle hear what he had to say. "Sickle, I need to ask a favour..." He whimpered softly, keeping his face hidden from the Sceptile. "There's... a good chance I'm going to snap at Grom when we encounter him... Should the worst happen, and I lose control..." He lifted his gaze up to Sickle desperately. "Stop me... I don't care what you do or how you do it. Just don't let me cross the line..."

Sickle pulled back from him then, looking down at Luke with a puzzled expression. "Do you really think you'll lose control?" Sickle asked. "Surely you-" He bit back his words, seeing the pleading look on Luke's face. The Lucario knew something that he didn't, and Sickle could see it written on his face... he was as afraid of himself as he was for his lover.

Then, Sickle gave a slow nod. "Okay... I promise," he said. "If you lose control, I will stop you."

"Good." Luke returned softly, only then stepping away from the Sceptile and turning to the railing again, resting one paw on it and using the other to wipe his tearing eyes. "I never want it to come to that. But Grom... He has crossed a very thin line with me. It's taking every ounce of restraint I have to hold myself in check even now..."

Luke felt a touch at his side, and he looked down to see Caulin standing there, looking up at him. The Riolu's expression was unreadable, seemingly a middle ground between sympathetic, and firm. "Uncle Volcan means a lot to me too, ya know," he spoke softly. "He used to babysit me a lot when Mom and Dad wanted some time to themselves, and he gave me pointers on how to be a better fighter when he watched me train. We may not be related by blood, but he's the best uncle I've ever had, and I'm gonna do everything I can to help bring him back." He promised.

"Caulin," Luke whispered softly, turning to Caulin and lowering himself to one knee to meet him at eye level. "You really shouldn't have come with us. Grom isn't like-"

"I know!" Caulin exclaimed suddenly, startling Luke who pulled back his head in surprise. "I know Grom isn't gonna take things easy on me just cause I'm a kid. Dad said the same thing before I snuck aboard. Yea, I'll get into a lot of trouble for it, but Grampa Victor always said that sometimes you gotta do a little wrong in order to do the right thing."

He then shot forward and hugged Luke tightly. Once more caught off guard, Luke sat there rigid as his mind processed the Riolu's words. Eventually, he surrendered and returned Caulin's hug. "...Just don't get in over your head, alright?" He pleaded to Caulin. "I don't want to see you hurt, let alone have to tell your father..."

"You won't." Caulin assured Luke softly. "Cuz I'll have you guys with me, and you're crazy strong, Luke." He said with a giggle. "Well, maybe not Dad levels of strong, but you're still pretty strong."

Sickle chuckled at the Riolu's banter. "That he is," he agreed. "Which reminds me. Luke, once I get the hang of this new form of mine, think we might have a little rematch?" The Sceptile asked with a grin. "You beat me at Warmachine's tournament when I was a Grovyle, but I'd like to see if I fare any better as a Sceptile."

Luke's ears perked at the Sceptile's challenge, looking back at him. A little more of the old Luke started to show then as his mouth curled into a tight grin. "I'll take you on whenever you're ready," He answered with a nod. "It'll be nice to fight all out against you, unlike last time."

"Then it's a match," he said, winking at Luke. "I look forward to it."

Luke nodded and held his paw out for a fistbump. "You better make me work for that win." He returned, winking back at him.

"Bet on it," replied Sickle, returning the fistbump.

" I call dibs on the winner after!" Caulin exclaimed proudly.

"Get in line, shrimp." Came another voice, making the three turn to see Sol staring at them from across the deck, leaning against the railing with his arms crossed. "If anyone's gonna get first dibs on who wins between these nutjobs, it's gonna be me."

Luke stared at Sol curiously, wondering why he'd want to challenge him of all Pokémon. He thought, if anything, the one Pokémon Sol would want to challenge more than anyone would be his father. Or even his brother for that matter. He was about to open his mouth to speak before another thought entered his mind, making him rethink his words before he spoke up again.

"There's something I want to ask you..." Luke said to the Typhlosion. "You used to believe in your own strength and nothing else, and yet here you are allying yourself with us to take Calhoun down." He took a few steps closer, trying not to let his anxiety show as he met Sol's deformed eyes. "Be honest... Not including whatever debt you feel you owe to Volcan, why are you fighting alongside us? What did Volcan do to make you change your ways?"

Sol slowly uncrossed his arms, lifting himself away from the railing and stepping closer to Luke, never taking his eyes off of him even as he towered over the Lucario. "Because he spoke to me like an actual Pokemon for a change, not some tool or trinket to be tossed aside after it's worn out." He said matter of factly. "Sure he kicked my ass, but it was more the way he kicked my ass and the fact he didn't talk down on me that made me think that... Maybe, all this time, I was wrong..."

Sickle cast a curious look at Luke, trying to read his expression as he heard Sol's words. The Lucario could sense that his words were genuine, and the look in Sol's eyes was also enough to convince Luke that perhaps he was changing for the better.

The Lucario then stepped forward and offered Sol his paw. "Well... in that case, I suppose I should welcome you formally to Team Val-." He said with a smile.

"Fuck that shit," Sol interjected. "If I'm getting involved in this whole shindig, I'm only following your lover bird, not you." He stated firmly. "He's the one that's earned my respect, not you or anyone else on this dinky flying boat."

Luke heard Sickle growl and looked over to see him taking a step closer to the Typhlosion as he spoke. "You might want to still show some for the one who kept your flaming hide out of the chains," he pointedly reminded him. "Luke was the one who made that possible, remember?"

"It's alright, Sickle," Luke said, hurrying to defuse the situation before a fight could break out. Still, his gaze hardened as he gazed back at Sol. "If that's what he wants, then I'll pass custody of him over to Volcan if he's willing to accept the responsibility..." He relented. "But first thing's first. We need to get him back before we can have that talk, understand?"

Sol shrugged in response. "That's why I'm here" He retorted before walking past the Lucario, stopping only to give Caulin a small pat on his head before continuing on his way.

"I don't trust him," Sickle whispered to Luke once Sol was out of earshot. "Even if what he says is genuine, I still don't..."

"At this point, all I can say is that it's better we have him on our side. We could use all the help we can get in our fight against Calhoun, even from someone as wild as Sol," Luke admitted while breathing the tension out of his shoulders.

"But what happens when he decides he's repaid his debt to Volcan?" Sickle asked.

At that, Luke sighed. "We'll have to cross that bridge when we get there..." Luke admitted uneasily.

They stood there in silence for a moment, until they heard Lashanne let out a holler. "Eyes starboard; flier incoming!" She called, bringing everyone's attention to the right, where they saw a winged form approaching them.

"That's probably Eagle Eye." Luke said.

"That's too big to be Eagle Eye," corrected Sickle, narrowing his eyes and shading them with his arm. "I see yellow... I think that's Lighris."

Luke squinted his eyes as well, barely able to make out the jagged wings of a Zapdos as it closed in. "...I stand corrected." He said before looking to Sickle. "We better give him enough space to land before we converge on him. Here's to hoping he's found something useful."

At that, Luke cupped his paws over his mouth and called out to alert the others that Lighris was coming in and to make room. The group did as Luke suggested, making room on the deck as Lighris' form became steadily larger, drawing closer to the moving ship until he reared back, unfurling his wings to slow himself and reaching out with his talons. He landed on the rail, feet holding tightly to the wood as to steady himself before he hopped forward to land on the deck, spreading his feet for balance as he adapted to the sway of the ship.

"Give us the word, Thunderbird," Tristan stated, punching his fists together. "Where's Grom, so I can knock him out?"

"He jumped onto a boat in Westport, and he's been sailing along the coast since then," replied Lighris. "Eagle Eye is still tailing him but he told me to come get you guys while he kept following them." His eyes narrowed. "Probably for the better... It was hard not blasting Grom to oblivion when we saw him carrying Volcan onto the boat."

"You saw Volcan? Is he hurt?" Serena asked worriedly.

"He seems okay, but Grom's got him tied up like a pig - for lack of a better term," replied Lighris. "I only saw him briefly as Grom is keeping him hidden from sight, but there was no mistaking it."

Luke felt himself seething with rage the more he listened to Lighris' report, and his team was noticing his slow change in demeanour. Hank would walk over and place his claw over Luke's shoulder to try and calm him down. "Easy boss..."

"I know...sorry." Luke said through grit teeth, sucking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly.

"What is the plan then?" Katsu chimed in. "Do we strike while they are sailing? Or wait until they make berth at their destination?"

"What kind of boat did he get onto?" Lashanne asked.

"Trade ship, I think. It's been keeping to the shore," replied Lighris. "It's not too fast but it's got plenty of crewmen aboard."

"And no one's asking about Volcan?" Lashanne asked. "You'd think a tied up Blaziken would rouse some suspicion at least!"

"He must've made sure they didn't see him," offered Kage. "Brought him aboard disguised as personal cargo, perhaps." He then looked at Lashanne. "Trade barges are steam-powered. Can your ship catch one?"

"If we gunned it full throttle, yes, but Grom will see us coming," offered Lashanne. "If he's cowardly enough to kidnap Volcan we can't rule out he might use him as a hostage. We're better off getting him when he makes landfall in Marilogne."

"If he is going to Marilogne, I think I might know the contact he will be seeking," Jora offered. "We can intercept him there."

"Wait, you know who this Grom fucker's gonna be seeing?" Hank asked curiously.

"That sort of information could have been useful earlier..." Kage remarked in a slightly scornful manner.

"Lay off of her, Kage," Luke warned the Greninja with a growl before he addressed Jora directly. "Who do you believe will be waiting to take Volcan from Grom in Marilogne?"

"There is a recruiter for Calhoun's group living there. A Perrserker named Tabbis," explained Jora.

"Wait, Calhoun has an agent in the town?" Shamshir asked.

"Marilogne is isolated, and often overlooked by travellers, who go around instead of visiting it. As such, much of the town is in disrepair due to its weak economy," explained Jora. "Much of the populace who chose to remain there are desperate, and easily swayed to his cause. Many times, outcasts from other towns have moved in there, and were later recruited."

"If it's so isolated, why would he not simply raid it?" Sickle asked. "He attacked Arc Island and Hadleigh, both of which drew plenty of attention. He could've taken the town and no one would be the wiser."

Jora shrugged her shoulders. "My best guess is that because the town does have a working port, he wanted a place where he could safely dock his ships if they needed repairs. That, and of course, recruits for his army. A lot harder to enlist villagers he's captured, as most will refuse him, others would not fight at their best. He only hires those who are motivated, so that they will fight well for him."

"He understands the principle of recruitment, then. That it must be done willingly," Shamshir said, begrudgingly respectful of Calhoun's tactics. "Still, this Perrserker you mention... He could possess valuable intelligence about the Crusade."

"In that case, we can kill three pidgeys with one stone..." Kage remarked in a calculating manner. "We can apprehend Grom, save Volcan, and take down Calhoun's recruitment officer all in one fell swoop..."

"Gonna have to side with Froggie in this one." Hank added. "I mean, we got the manpower to accomplish all three of those objectives. May as well go the extra mile, right?"

"I would not advise that," Jora stated, shaking her head. "If you endanger the recruiter, the entire town will come to his defense."

Shamshir frowned at that. "We can't fight civilians... The backlash on the guilds would be egregious if we engaged them."

"Then we do it discreetly." Luke answered quickly. "We take down both Team Kopis and the recruitment officer before they can sound the alarm."

"Yawn." Sol bemoaned the suggestion, rolling his eyes. "I say we go in loud, nail them all at once, get your lover bird and get out before the stampede happens."

"That would risk collateral damage, Sol," Katsu remarked firmly. "Allies of Calhoun or not, they are still civilians. We cannot bring harm to them no matter the cost."

Sol scoffed. "If they come in swinging first, then I'm gonna swing back. Self defense and all that shit."

"This is going to take stealth either way," said Sickle. "We need to get to the contact, and through him, we can get to Grom and get Volcan back."

"That would be where you come in," Lashanne said to Kage.

The Greninja nodded slowly. "I'll make him talk, one way or another."

"..Ominous." Hank remarked.

"Question is," Sickle went on, "do we meet the contact before or after he meets Grom?"

"Either way should work," Shamshir replied. "If Grom hands Volcan over to the contact, we can get Volcan back that way, while another group can apprehend him while he's apart from his teammates."

"A two pronged attack with minimal casualties..." Luke muttered with a small nod of approval. "Alright then. We'll split into two groups best suited for each task." He said as he looked to Sickle. "You think you can put up with Kage's antics for a while?"

"I don't think I can go with him this time," replied Sickle. "I'm not as small or light as I was before. I could give us away."

"I can accompany him," offered Jora. "Though, many in town may recognize me, so I must stay out of sight."

"You can hide in my Shadow, if you stay close enough..." Kage remarked, keeping his gaze forward. "I can transport up to one other with my Shadow Sneak..."

"Or I could just...ya know... do my magic and make you invisible." Hank added with a smirk and a wink.

"Can you maintain that when I am not near?" Jora asked.

"The only limit to my masterpieces is my own imagination." Hank remarked confidently.

"Let's hope that's not just a boast," Shamshir remarked, unconvinced, and was about to say more before stopping, and looking at Luke. "Nearly overstepped my bounds. This is your mission, Luke, not mine. How shall we proceed?"

Luke glanced at Shamshir for a moment, then looked to the rest of the team considerably before he answered. "Okay...first thing is first. We need to confirm the contact, and be ready when Grom hands Volcan over to him." He said. "Kage, you take Hank and Jora. You three are the infiltration team. The rest of us will be on standby and be ready to apprehend Grom when he leaves."

"I'll keep overhead with the airship for a quick escape," offered Lashanne. "No good in a straight up fight with only one arm but I can still fly cover."

"Good. Eagle Eye and Lighris will provide air cover for us as well." Luke added, before addressing his teams. "Any questions?"

"I think that's all we can decide for now," replied Sickle. "We can adapt as we go."

"Agreed," added Shamshir.

"Then we're set." Luke stated. "We put our plan into action once we have the location of the drop off. Take this time to rest or go over some strategies with your fellow teammates, because we only get one shot at this."

"We won't fail," promised Serena.

"Volcan comes back with us, no matter what," added Tristan. "I'll take Grom down for good if I have to."

Luke nodded in agreement before he dismissed the gathering. The Lucario heading below decks to find a spot to meditate and help maintain his calm composure... At least until he came face to face with the Emboar that took his mate away from him. Until that moment, he had to keep his head in the game...

But it was much harder than he could ever have imagined... try as he might, the rage would not abate.


Marilogne was not a large town, but it had definitely been built with expansion in mind with so much open land surrounding it. The houses were also arranged to be spaced efficiently, rows upon rows of two-story townhouses, each block built in a different style but every neighbouring house on that block designed in a similar fashion to the first. The arrangement would have been neat, and given the town a rather orderly charm. If it were not in such disrepair...

Unfortunately, as Neilla had told them before they had left, it was definitely a slum town. The houses were in disrepair, poorly kept and filled with inhabitants who appeared healthy, but downtrodden. They dragged their feet as they had walked the streets during daylight, and barely regarded one another beyond passing glances and occasional nods.

This was the type of town Kage visited expecting to find a mugging taking place on every street corner, yet, throughout their time camping at the outskirts and waiting for dusk to fall over the area, there had not been any. The town was depressing, yet peaceful, as though some order was being kept somewhere in the shadows.

"Man this place just makes me feel all down in the dumps, and we're not even within the town's limits..." The Zoroark commented, shaking his head. "Poor fucks. They don't deserve this kinda life..."

"I do not know the history of the community, nor why the chose to settle here as it does not appear to be a frequent stop to travellers," Jora said. "I only know of the contact Calhoun often met here when passing by and to pick up recruits for his forces."

"It is a prime location to receive new recruits." Kage stated in a calculating manner. "As Shamshir said earlier, Calhoun understands that recruitment cannot be forced, and these citizens seem like they would be desperate enough to join his ranks for whatever promises he feeds into their minds." He scoffed in disgust. "A truly vile method of brainwashing..."

"Maybe, but ya can't deny that it works," Hank remarked. "Not saying I condone it."

"It is a method that I am all too familiar with," Jora commented, a hint of regret in her voice as her expression soured.

At that, Hank looked back to Jora and hissed a bit as he regretted his words. "Whoops, uh... sorry." He replied, scratching the back of his mane.

"It is fine," she assured him. "Come. The townsfolk will be abandoning the streets shortly. Let us get to the rooftops," she suggested, dropping to all fours and starting ahead, her long body as fluid as a serpent as she moved soundlessly over the grass, barely visible in the waning light.

With a snap of his claws, Hank rendered himself and Jora invisible as he followed her lead. Kage followed suit, disappearing into his shadow. Jora was, as far as she could tell, the first to reach the houses, approaching the blank sides and slipping to an area between windows before rearing up onto her hind legs, where she then placed her claws on the wall, slipping then between the bricks and climbed up to the roof, still all without making a sound, and crested the top within a few seconds, lifting herself over the tiles to avoid scraping her scales over them.

Hank and Kage had their own methods of scaling the building Jora was climbing. The Zoroark approached from the opposite end of the building where there was another at his back, then he jumped up and kicked off one wall, travelling to the one behind him and kicking off of that next, effectively wall jumping until he reached the top of the structure. Kage's method was more direct. Without any noise or preparation, the Greninja leapt up out of his shadow and cleared the building in one mighty leap, passing over Jora's head and landing in a low crouch on the roof to minimize the noise he would create upon landing.

Jora came up beside Kage shortly after. "If memory serves, the contact was always staying at the town's one and only inn," she said in a whisper, lifting a claw and pointing to the only building not designed to resemble the others by block. A three storey structure built near the docks, overlooking the shoreline from the top of a low hill.

"Then we'll scope the building until he finally reveals himself, or when Grom and his team arrive to drop Volcan off." He stated, looking over his shoulder as Hank reappeared behind them. "You took your time..."

"Couldn't help it. Took the more creative and exciting way up." Hank remarked with a grin.

"It's a wonder you didn't give away our position with your antics already," Kage coldly stated.

Jora looked between the two curiously. "Do you always banter like this?" She asked, perturbed.

"Unfortunately..." Kage remarked in disgust.

"Hey, c'mon now. Someone's gotta be the jokester to your brooding emo gig in this team." Hank stated with a snicker. "Besides, deep down you know you love the attention."

Jora continued to look between them as their conversation carried on. After a moment, she shrugged and stepped over to the edge of the roof. "I clearly still have much to learn about... 'teams'," she said, gripping the ledge with all four of her claws before she made a jump, soaring over the street to land upon the roof of the next block of houses.

Realizing they had been left behind in their banter, both Kage and Hank quickly ceased their banter and followed after Jora, both Pokemon leaping over the next building with ease and following after the Salazzle as she progressed closer to the inn where their target was residing.

As they drew closer to the inn, they had to stop as they reached the edge of the last row of houses closest to the inn, which was too far for them -or at least for Jora and Hank, to leap to from the row of houses they were on, but it was clearly a popular stop for the downtrodden people, as they were coming in and out in droves, the departing groups often stumbling drunk or in the company of a female.

"I do not know which room he will be in," Jora admitted. "But if he is here in town, this is where he will be. Grom will have to come here."

"Then here is where we will wait." Kage remarked, already laying prone on his stomach and keeping his eyes peeled for any sign of Grom or the contact.

"Hopefully not fer too long." Hank remarked as he followed suite and lay prone on his stomach as well.

"Do we have any way to know if he has already been here or not?" Jora pointedly asked.

At that, Kage tried his earpiece. "Kage to Eagle Eye, report status."

"Eagle Eye to Mr. Grim. I just saw Grom's boat along the horizon. ETA five minutes until he makes berth." The Talonflame informed him.

"Understood. We're in position near the drop off point." He returned before cutting the feed and looking to his comrades. "He's almost here. Stand fast. We'll make our move when we see him..."

As they waited, a boat soon appeared from the darkness of the open water, floodlights shining over the waves as it crept into port, attended hastily by the night time dock workers who secured it and placed the gang plank, allowing a single passenger to disembark.

A massive Emboar stepped off the ship, following the pier to the shoreline before starting for the inn. He stopped a patron who was coming out, showing him a slip of paper, and the Pokémon pointed back at the inn. Grom nodded his thanks to the patron, slipping him a Pok for his time, and then approached the inn, carefully avoiding the out coming patrons.

"I have never seen an Emboar before. Is that him?" Jora asked, pointing at the huge swine-like Pokémon.

"Yep. That's him." Hank answered with a slight growl in his tone. "Just looking at him pisses me off..."

"Rein in your temper, Hank. Do not act rashly." Kage firmly warned the Zoroark. "We wait until the exchange is done before we strike..."

"Yea, I know...just can't believe he went so far as to kidnap Chicken Legs... It's disgusting."

"I did not see Volcan with him," Jora pointed out. "He must still be on the boat. Do we approach the inn to eavesdrop on the meeting, or do we try to free him now?" She asked, looking at Kage.

Kage considered the proposition, but he knew Volcan would not be left unguarded. Grom had also been without his two teammates, Morganth and Quake. There was little doubt they were standing guard over the captive Volcan, and between the three of them he wasn't confident in their chances of overcoming the two without drawing too much attention. Still, it came across as curious that Grom wasn't bringing Volcan with him to collect the bounty...

Coming to a decision, he motioned to the two with his hand. "You two stay here. I'll be back..." were his last words before he crawled off the building and dove into the Shadows below. As they watched, they saw a dark splotch emerging from the shadow of the tavern and meld itself to Grom's own shadow, cast by the light coming out of the inn as he entered, and Kage seamlessly bonded to the Emboar and accompanied him inside.

"And people call me a showoff.." Hank remarked.

"I will keep my eyes on the boat," Jora offered. "In case anyone tries to move Volcan off."

The inn was noisy even to the Greninja as he kept himself hidden in Grom's shadow as the Emboar approached the receptionist desk. He showed a piece of paper to the Pokémon there before he was directed to the suite on the top floor of the inn. Grom was immediately heading up the stairs, his heavy footsteps thundering through the floor as he walked, a nervous haste in his step.

As Kage watched through the window-like opening beneath Grom's shadow, the Emboar reached the door he wanted, and knocked heavily. The door opened to reveal what Kage could only fathom as an excessively hairy Meowth, with gray tinted fur and big orange eyes peering out from beneath a horned helmet.

"Are you Tabbis?" Grom asked.

"Who's asking?" The hairy cat returned.

Grom held up the paper displaying Volcan's bounty. "I'm here for my money," he said.

"I don't see no body," the Perrserker - as Jora had called him - pointedly returned.

"Cuz I ain't handing him over to you," retorted Grom. "I wanna meet the boss."

Wait, what? Kage's eyes widened in surprise before narrowing in suspicion. '...He wants to meet with Calhoun?' He thought to himself, now incredibly puzzled by Grom's behaviour. Why would he demand to see the Shadow Blaziken when he was merely dropping off a Pokemon to collect a bounty?

"You want to meet the boss? That ain't part of the arrangement," Tabbis returned. "If you want the bounty, I got the money to give ya."

"Cuz I'm not just here for the bounty. I got something to discuss with your boss, in person - I ain't talkin' through a flunky."

"Flunky?!" The Perrserker growled, brandishing his claws, but he didn't get one step before Grom punched him square in the face, the force of his blow launching the hairy feline across the room to slam into the opposite wall.

Grom crossed the room to the dazed feline, picking him up by the horns on his helmet and lifting him to eye level. "I'm gettin' my bounty, and I'm meetin' your boss. So where is he?"

"Why do you even want to meet him? You just came here for money, right?!" The Perrserker returned, grabbing at Grom's massive hand.

"My business, not yours! Now you going to tell me or am I going to beat it out of you?!" Grom bellowed, rapidly losing his patience. "Where is Calhoun?!"

The more Kage listened in on this exchange, the more confused he was becoming, and that was a rarity for the Greninja. The way Grom was demanding to see Calhoun in such an aggressive manner made Kage start to think that there was more to this than some half baked kidnapping scheme...

"He's coming here! He'll be landing tomorrow!" The Perrserker squealed. "Let go! You're going to cave my helmet!"

Grom dropped him then. "Wasn't so hard, was it?" He asked.

"Dammit, my head!" The Perrserker whined, holding his iron-clad skull. "You go to all that trouble and you won't even tell me what you want from him?"

Grom huffed. "You really wanna know?" He asked, looming over the Perrserker. "Fine. Because I got a personal score with that Blaziken I'm handin' over to him, and I wanna make sure he's getting what's coming to him. On top of that, I'm going to collect these other bounties he's put out, and when I drop them at his feet..." he loomed closer. "I want in, as one of his top brass."


After Kage slipped out of the inn and reunited with the rest of the group, he recollected to them everything he had overheard from the conversation between Grom and Tabbis, as well as how violent Grom was willing to be to prove his point. Everyone stood aghast as they listened to Kage's retelling, sharing looks and whispers of disbelief.

"He wants to join Calhoun?!" Sickle demanded. "He's not just out for money but a position in Calhoun's army?!"

"This has gone way too far!" Lighris growled, talons scraping the deck of the airship. "That fucker is selling us out!"

"Bad enough he's tryin' ta collect a bounty, but siding with the enemy?" Sol growled, paws gripping his biceps tightly as smoke shot out of his nostrils. "Yea, fuck your morale code. I'm offing his ass the first chance I get."

"I-I don't get it... Grom always hated Uncle Volcan, but Calhoun destroyed our home. Why would he want to join him?" Caulin asked incredulously.

"It does not make sense to me either," Serena agreed with Caulin. "Grom lost family and friends on Arc as well..."

"The pig's lost his mind," Lashanne stated with disgust. "We can NOT let this happen. I say when Grom meets Calhoun we take out ALL of them at once."

"We do not know many of Calhoun's forces are going to be there," Shamshir cut in. "We could run straight into overwhelming odds."

"Shamshir is right. We can't wait for Calhoun to arrive or we lose Volcan for good." Kage agreed. "We need a plan to retrieve him and bring Grom in before Calhoun arrives."

"Smash & grab," Sickle offered. "We cause enough of a ruckus to distract them and then Lighris and Eagle Eye swoop down and nab Volcan."

"I'm not strong enough to carry Volcan - he's too big," Lighris returned, and gestured to the Taloneflame perched on the rail beside him. "Eagle Eye's half my size - even together we wouldn't get twenty feet towing my brother."

"But that twenty feet would pull him out of danger," Sickle offered. "Someone quicker and more able to carry him could grab him amidst the confusion."

"Well if we're lookin fer speed, then look no further to the fastest jackal in the world, right boss?" Hank remarked, gesturing to the Lucario in question.

Luke had said nothing throughout the entire exchange. His eyes were focused squarely on the boat deck ahead of him, and even when all eyes were upon him, he didn't tear his gaze away. They could all see his eyes had shrunk into tiny beads that were vibrating like jittery bugs, and his paws were clenched so tightly at his sides that they were shaking, and his breathing was becoming short and erratic.

"Uhh...boss?" Hank asked, waving a claw in front of Luke's face.

"Hank... I wouldn't..." Lashanne warned the Zoroark, the edge in her voice enough to tell Hank she was dead serious.

He heeded her warning, slowly backing away from the seething Lucario and giving him the space and time he needed to bring himself back under control. After what felt like an eternity, Luke was finally calm enough to think rationally again, but that spark of rage never left his system as he spoke.

"If Eagle Eye and Lighris can get Volcan out of danger, then I can swoop in and extract him to the airship before they realize he's gone..." He remarked.

"They would have to bring him outside for us to make a rush grab like that," Lighris commented. "We may not be able to actually make the snatch until they try to make the exchange..."

"Out of the question." Luke firmly replied. "We wait until that long, we'll lose Volcan for good. Calhoun will definitely have safety measures in place to ensure the transition goes off without a hitch."

"Then how do we get Volcan off the boat?" Lashanne asked. "We're not getting to him without running into Grom or his cronies, and they'll bolt the moment they see us."

"Not if we attack him all at once..." Luke answered.

The way Luke spoke those words sent a shiver along his comrade's spines. It was as if they were hearing someone else's voice coming out of Luke's mouth. His tone was so filled with malicious intent, everyone standing close to him found themselves taking a wary step away from him, all eyes watching the seething Lucario. Out of everyone present, only Sol showed no signs of intimidation. He was actually smirking at the Lucario's behavior.

"I'm liking where this is going," said the Typhlosion.

"I'm not..." Sickle whispered, looking at Luke warily, feeling a chill creeping up his back.

Luke would then feel a firm hand grip his shoulder, then he was forced to look squarely into the eyes of Kage, who looked like he was ready to smack him right then and there.

"Get yourself under control, or so help me I will personally put you out of this operation," He threatened Luke.

Luke stared right back at Kage, his eyes shooting daggers right back into Kage's for that brief moment. But the former assassin never backed down, and slowly Luke seemed to come to his senses, and turned to regard his friends, seeing how they were looking at him.

"I-I'm sorry," He said lowly, almost in a whisper, ashamed of himself.

"I have warned you not to let your emotions cloud your judgment many times," Kage said, less scornful with his words this time. "You are irrational and I will not stand by and watch you destroy yourself to your own fury..."

Katsu walked over and gently rubbed Luke's other shoulder. "You are keen to retrieve your beloved...I sympathize with your desire, but Kage is right...attacking them haphazardly will yield us no results, and we might endanger Volcan's life even further with such rash actions..."

"Listen to your team, Luke," Shamshir chimed in. "Saving Volcan is our priority, but it must be done right."

"Yea... you're right." Luke returned with a soft nod. "Thank you, guys..."

"Don't sweat it boss. We got yer back." Hank said with a nod and a smirk. "Now how's about you use that big brain of yers to come up with a plan?"

Luke nodded. "Okay... Give me a moment," he returned before resting his paw on his chin, pondering heavily on what their next move should be. "If we're going to go down this route, then we need to time this just right. We need to use the element of surprise," His eyes fell upon Lighris, and an idea popped into his head. "...How precise is your control over lightning, Lighris?" He asked.

"Pretty good. What'd you have in mind?" He asked.

Luke smirked in response. "I'm thinking a thunderstorm might be a good way to draw their attention away." He said.

"It's a start..." Kage agreed. "It'd provide us with an excellent distraction."

"Allowing us to sweep them right off their feet without even realizing it." Hank added with a small laugh. "That's the Luke I know!"

"When we surprise them, it'll give Lighris and Eagle Eye the opening the snatch Volcan, while everyone else can buy time to pick him up," added Lashanne.

"That could work," agreed Sickle, nodding.

"I can give it a try," offered Lighris. "You guys can take advantage of the initial shock to get the drop on 'em."

"Emphasis on drop," Lashanne added with a grin. "If we fly the ship right over them, we can drop on their heads." She looked at Hank. "Think you can mask this puppy?" She asked, gesturing to the deck.

Hank gave a small laugh. "Like I told Miss Aphrodite here," he gestured to Jora, "The only limit to my masterpieces is my creativity." He said with a wink. "And I got loads of it~"

"Then we have our plan," said Lashanne.

"Eagle Eye and I better get in some practice," Lighris suggested. "We're going to need to time our snatch of Volcan perfectly if we're going to grab him and pull him out of the fray. We need someone close to his height."

"Who here's the tallest?" Sickle asked, doing a quick sweep over the group.

"That would be I." Katsu remarked, standing tall on his hind legs. "Alas, I am also twice Volcan's weight as well, so I may not be a good choice."

"How much does Volcan weigh?" Sickle asked, looking at Luke as though he'd know.

But Serena spoke up first. "One hundred thirty-six point four pounds," she answered. "Assuming he hasn't put on or lost any."

"...Do I even want to ask how you know his exact weight?" Lashanne asked.

"I ran the clinic on Arc with my mother - I saw his patient file many times." Serena replied, and then blushed. "Um... that probably didn't sound flattering... I didn't want to imply Volcan was a regular there and... oh." She blushed harder. "Forgive me, Volcan..."

"You are just full of surprises, my dear." Katsu remarked with a chuckle.

"That does pose a bit of an obstacle... and time is of the essence." Luke muttered softly. "Maybe I could be the practice target, then? My steel typing makes me a little heavier than others my height - maybe I'm closer?"

Out of nowhere, Luke felt Tristan's claws on his sides, who then proceeded to pick him up off the deck, startling the Lucario. "Whoa, hey! What the hell Tristan?!" Luke exclaimed frantically as he was lifted into the air, instinctively waving his arms and legs.

"You're about twenty pounds lighter than Volcan, I'd guess," the Aggron remarked, setting Luke back on his feet. "But you're also about two feet shorter than him."

"I'm about a foot over Luke but I'm at least twenty pounds lighter than Volcan," Lashanne added, crossing her good arm over her broken one. "And there's this - Can't be the test dummy when I'm already busted. So..." She looked at Sickle. "Well, you got a lot bigger when you evolved. Off the bat I'd say you're close to Volcan in height and weight."

Sickle rolled his eyes. "Lucky me that I evolved so recently," he said, shaking his head. "I've gone from a nimble Grovyle to a training dummy."

Hank patted the Sceptile's back gently. "It's only fer this one time man." He assured him with a smile and a quick peck to his cheek, snickering as he walked past him to another spot in the group. "Do it for Chicken Legs."

"Yeah, I know," he said with a sigh. "Alright. Let's get this started."

Chaos Chapter 14: Break (True Epilogue this time)

"This won't go the way you hope it will, Grom," Volcan said not for the first time since his capture. They were outside of Marilogne, far from the eyes of the town as directed by Tabbis. Even though the town was effectively ruled by Calhoun, it was...

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Chaos Chapter 12: Kidnapped

_Port Azure, the following morning._ After a much-needed night's sleep, Minato was on his way to Volcan and Luke's shared home outside the borders of Azure. He had been to check the boat, making sure it was properly up to code in maintenance before he...

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Chaos Chapter 11: Mission Complete

Calhoun's mega evolution had initially caught Minato off guard, as well as the sheer dread the sight of it had caused with its unnatural appearance. But that surprise had quickly worn off as the fight resumed, the Lucario as motivated as ever to defeat...

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