Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 7: The Junior Tournament Pt. 1
The sounds of sparring filled the dojo as Caulin and Qiang went through their daily practice. Chen watched the two closely as they battled, utilizing the techniques they had been learning for the past several weeks. But both students showed the...
Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 6: Brothers of Azure
Sol hammered his fist against the door once he arrived at his brother's residence, and he continued knocking until the door finally opened. In the doorway stood Luna, dressed in an apron and holding a spatula in his left claw. He looked quite irritated...
Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 5: Farewell
The home island of Team Warmachine came into view the morning after they left Azure, the hum of the airship's engines drowning the sound of the waves below. The seas were calm that morning, though they could tell it was not to last by the clouds in the...
Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 4: Volcan and Ignus
_It was the second week of the summer in Azure. The days were getting hot, and the fishing was in full bloom once again, with boats heading out every day to make their catch. Farmers from outside the forest had come with their spring crop for sale at...
Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 3: New Home, New Teachers
Despite their initial delay travelling to Azure, taking time to find a language tutor for Koa and instructional material to take with them, Jora and her clan were on their way to Azure. Avoiding Westport City - as she feared her alien entourage would...
Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 2: Father
The town of Berrymoore, a small agrarian town not far from Azure, had been suffering multiple storm cells over the past several weeks, with violent lightning strikes raining down upon the town, the plantation from which it made its living, and had...
Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 1: Sons
The crews had been at work for more than a week and had laid the structure's foundations, for what would become their new home. The workers that Chen had hired from Westport City were following their specifications to the best of their ability, but the...
The Lecture
Brent Tetherson woke to his alarm, sitting up abruptly in his bed and causing him to nearly drop his laptop on the floor. He managed to catch it before it fell, gritting his teeth at the close call before setting it back on his bed. He let out a breath...
Volcan's Gaming Discussion (Part 2)
For this list, we will be exploring various video games that at one point or another, were up there with my favourite games - at another time (in some cases), might have even made it as favourites in the previous list. There may be a few titles on here...
Volcan's Gaming Discussion (Part 1)
In this section for Volcan's Gaming DIscussion, I will be starting out with my top ten current favourite games. I'll also be including entries that could have made the lists, as sort of honourable mentions, though I will also go into brief detail as to...
Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 8: Sakakku
The _Ravager_, the current flagship to the Dark Crusade, was alive with activity as the latest additions to the Crusade's army were brought over from the shore. The ship was scheduled to depart as soon as the recruits were brought aboard, and the crew...
Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 7: The Junior Tournament Pt. 2
Caulin and Qiang approached the ring, accompanied by Volcan who walked a few steps behind them. The announcer introduced the two of them to the crowds, drawing all attention to them as he called out their names via microphone. Qiang felt exposed,...