Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 5: Farewell
#97 of Pokemon Team Valiant
Volcan, Luke and their families travel to Team Warmachine's Island for Shamshir's funeral.
After the ceremony, Luminara takes it upon herself to comfort a troubled Romulus.
Written by myself and Korban
The home island of Team Warmachine came into view the morning after they left Azure, the hum of the airship's engines drowning the sound of the waves below. The seas were calm that morning, though they could tell it was not to last by the clouds in the distance, blackening the sky.
On the deck of the ship, Toby watched the distant storm, feeling the wind through his whiskers and smelling the dampness in the air. "The wind's blowin' that storm toward us - it's gonna rain soon," he said to Lashanne as the Delphox guided the ship.
"How perfectly dreary," muttered Lashanne with a shake of her head, "It's like the world itself knows there's a funeral today..."
Down below, on the main deck, Caulin and Ignus played while under the watchful eyes of Degra and Luminara. At the bow, Volcan, Luke and Minato watched the island steadily come closer. None of them had spoken much that morning, the mood of the day and where they were heading forgoing any conversation they might have had. Desperate to break the silence, Volcan cleared his throat and addressed the two.
"So..." He started to say but trailed off. After a moment, Volcan put his hand to his head and let out a groan. "Sorry... this silence was getting uncomfortable."
"It's fine. I don't blame you for wanting to break the ice a bit," Minato answered before he let out a small sigh. "Problem is, what do we even talk about without bringing up the Donphan in the room...?"
"Yeah, I know," said Volcan, rubbing the back of his head, "I wanted to be here, to support Torolf and his team... But it's not exactly a merry get-together."
Luke gave a heavy sigh as he let his head rest on top of his arms, leaning fully against the railing. "We just need to remember that we're here to celebrate how Shamshir lived, not remember how he died..." Luke finally piped up. "We may not have known him for very long, but I like to think he helped change our lives for the better."
"He did, and he was a hero to many people," Volcan added, "Let's do this for him, and them."
"Amen to that." Minato said with a nod, "And we'll make damn sure we don't have a repeat of his passing ever again."
The airship slowed as it reached the edges of the island, slowly descending to touch down at the pier where a dry dock had been set up in advance. There, they found a familiar figure waiting for them at the docks. Leon, the Empoleon, stood patiently, watching them as the dock crews guided the ship in until it touched down in the scaffold.
The measurements were close to matching Lashanne's airship but as it came down, they soon realized their calculations were a bit off, and moved in to work on making adjustments and ensuring the ship was secure for the coming storm. As the ship was being secured, which Toby offered to stay to handle on Lashanne's behalf, Luke and the others were clear to leave the ship. One by one they clambered down the rope ladder until they were on the dock, and Leon approached, meeting Luke first and bowing his head in greeting.
"Good to see you again, Luke," he said politely, "Thank you for attending."
Luke nodded in return. "Shamshir was a friend to us as well. It'd serve as a disservice not to attend his funeral," he answered with a hint of solemness in his tone, "I just wish I could get more of my team to attend as well, but... We've all been busy as of late."
"It is understandable," he said, nodding. He looked up as Volcan approached. "Good to see you, Volcan."
"You too, Leon," Volcan replied.
Between the two, Ignus went trotting up to Leon, who looked down to watch the Rockruff as he stepped forward and smelled the Empoleon. "And who is this little one?" He asked, remaining still to let Ignus study him.
Luke managed a small chuckle. "One of the reasons we've been so busy," he answered, "This is our son, Ignus."
The little Rockruff barked a few times up at Leon before he remembered to use his words, sitting back and lifting a paw to wave it a few times. "Hi!" He said excitedly.
"Hello, Ignus," Leon returned, smiling lightly, "Welcome."
Volcan stepped forward and picked up Ignus, giving him an appraising pat on the head. "These are our mothers, Luminara and Degra," he added, regarding the other Lucario and Blaziken with them.
"Welcome to our island, ma'ams," replied Leon, bowing his head in greeting.
"I wish it were under better circumstances," said Degra, presenting a lidded platter of hors d'oeuvres she had brought with her, "I brought these for the guests at the wake, if there will be one."
"There will be," replied Leon, nodding again. "Thank you, Miss Degra. I'll be sure to show you where to take them when we get to the mansion."
Leon then turned to Minato and Lashanne. He recognized the latter from the brief visit to the island when Lashanne had first brought Luke and Volcan home from the west islands, though he still took a moment to remember her name. He turned then to Minato, once again having to consider who he was speaking to. "You are... Minato, correct? A member of Team Phalanx. We never had the chance to get acquainted. I am Leon, second of Team Warmachine."
"Correct," Minato clarified as he lifted his paw to shake with Leon's flipper, "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Leon. Though, like with what Degra said, I wish it were under better circumstances." He answered.
"Likewise. Still, I am glad to have the chance to meet you," he said, and then looked down at the Riolu who appeared between them, "And this must be Caulin. Torolf mentioned you once, when we went to get your father. Said he made a promise to give the bad guys a walloping for you, is that right?" He asked with an encouraging smirk.
"Darn skippy that's me!" Caulin answered, pumping his fist in front of his face, "And I heard he gave em one heck of a beatdown too!"
"No one gives them better, I promise you that," Leon replied, allowing a bit of cheer into his voice.
"Well, I'm lookin' forward to seeing him again! Boy, do I got stories to tell him!" Caulin answered excitedly.
Lashanne came to Leon's rescue then. "I think that might be better saved for after the proceedings, son," she said, "This is a sensitive day for Torolf."
"...Oohh. Oh right, uhm... Sorry." Caulin returned apologetically to Leon.
"All is well, young man," replied Leon.
Finally, it was Luminara's turn as she came up to stand by Luke. The motherly Lucario offered her paw to Leon as she went to introduce herself. "Good afternoon." She began with that heart-warming smile of hers. "I don't believe we've ever officially been introduced, but my son has spoken of you to me. My name is Luminara."
"Ah, you must be Luke's mother then," he said, shaking her paw. "Welcome also to our island."
"It's a..." She cleared her throat. "Well, I would say that it's a pleasure, but given the current circumstances..."
"I know it is a sad day," said Leon, sighing, "But I knew Shamshir for many years, and he would want us all to push forward and never stop pursuing our own joy or continuing the fight. After today, that is what we all shall do."
"Indeed. As Luke once said, let's celebrate how he lived, not mourn how he passed," She agreed with a nod.
Leon glanced at Luke approvingly. "Wise words. And Shamshir would agree," he said.
Luke's ears twitched as he heard the thunder from before, only it was sounding much closer than before. "We should probably get inside before it pours on us." He suggested, pointing to the thunderclouds rolling in.
"Agreed," said Leon. "Follow me, everyone."
Turning on his flipper, he started toward the mansion with the others following close behind. As they followed the path from the docks, the others took in the island and its scenery. It was largely open, with few trees, with a large outcropping overlooking the dock area they had just left. Volcan nudged Luke as they walked and pointed to the coliseum that dominated the northern half of the island.
"Brings back memories, doesn't it?" The Blaziken asked.
"Oh, no kidding. Hard to believe this was where we really started to bond and become more comfortable with each other," Luke remarked with a small smile, gently grasping Volcan's hand in his paw, "You really stunned us all with your performance back then."
"I stunned myself. I lifted a freaking Tyrantrum off me - that guy was _huge!"_Volcan exclaimed.
"And you pulled off the impossible and scored us our first victory in the tournament," Luke remarked fondly, resting his head along Volcan's arm and sighing in bliss. "And you've only improved ever since~"
Lashanne looked studiously at the Coliseum as they walked. "Huh. Kind of looks like the one in Gladiator. So, you went to Team Warmachine's tournament there?"
"Started there, but finished in Valvatna," said Volcan. "Sol kinda... Nuked the place. That's what got him sent to prison before he joined us."
"Which is why we're not keen on letting him back here," Leon remarked in a glib tone.
"I understand your concerns, Leon, but I can assure you he's changed for the better." Luke remarked. "He's... Still a hot-tempered young man, but at least he's doing his part within Volcan's team, right love?"
"There... Have been some bumps in the road," admitted Volcan, "But after he reconciled with his family, once he let go of that self-loathing, he'd been subjecting himself to since he was banished from Azure, he did change. He's still always eager for a fight but he's not flying off the handle at every opportunity like he used to. All in all, I'd say he's still a work in progress, but we _have_made progress."
"I can attest to that," Minato called back, "He at least is willing to cooperate with us when the situation calls for it."
"Well, that is something, I suppose," admitted Leon, "Everyone can earn a second chance, even a reformed troublemaker."
They approached the mansion and heard activity in the main hall even as Leon pushed open the double doors. Inside, they found countless others present in the room. Some of them, Luke recognized from his council days. Captains whom he had come to know, including Eddresdi, Cedaris and Meilin, along with several others that he did not know standing with them.
"...I guess everyone received an invitation to attend." Luke muttered to himself, feeling slightly hesitant to approach the councilmen. After he left on such poor terms, he had trepidations that they might look to him with some level of scorn or disrespect, so he kept his gaze turned away from them as the group entered the main hall.
"Don't be intimidated," said Volcan reassuringly. "We're all here for the same reason, right?"
"Even so, my departure from the Council most likely left a sour taste in their mouths..." Luke whispered back, "Considering the manner of my departure too, I wouldn't blame them if they held some measure of disdain."
"We're with you all the way, Luke," Lashanne offered, "And you know Torolf is on your side too. We're in his house, don't forget."
Luke sighed and nodded. "True," he relented, letting himself relax and lifting his gaze again.
"Where is Torolf anyway?" Volcan asked, looking at Leon.
"The room where we are holding the funeral is still being prepared," replied Leon. "Likely he is overseeing it personally. Or, he is up in his office, dealing with a couple of..." He paused, for too long, "Unexpected guests who showed up shortly before you did."
"...That pause in your explanation tells me these unexpected guests are to be wary of," Luke pointed out with mild trepidation, "Who are they if I may ask?"
Leon cleared his throat, looking around warily before he looked back to Luke. "Better we discuss that privately," he said, "You, myself and Volcan."
"...Right," Luke nodded in understanding, then looked to the others and signalled for them to give them some space. They nodded in return and went off to meet with other guests and see the rest of the mansion for themselves.
Meanwhile, Leon led them the other way, into the east corridor of the mansion away from where the guests had gathered. Once they were far enough away, which Leon checked multiple times, he turned to the two.
"I bring this up with you two, because you're the only ones who have met these unexpected guests personally," he explained, "You met them at our competition. Two of our former teammates."
Simultaneously, realization dawned on Luke and Volcan, sharing a look that confirmed what the other suspected before they turned to Leon again. "You let her back in here?!" Volcan demanded incredulously - likely louder than he intended.
"Why?? They tried to rig your tournament just because they were afraid of losing to us!" Luke quietly added. "Hell, Maggie had Bialo almost kill me through Torolf!"
"Not to mention Timber, who was part of it from the start!" Volcan added. "How could you let them come?"
"Bringing up our earlier discussion about second chances," began Leon, reminding them about their talk regarding Sol before. "But, rest assured, they are not here to re-join the team. Even if Torolf had asked us to consider it, I already know the answer the majority would give. Timber was already not popular with some of the others, and Maggie's betrayal is not something we will forgive."
He lowered his head. "But Maggie knew Shamshir as long as Torolf did... She heard about his death, and she begged him to give her an opportunity to say her farewells. Timber likewise respected Shamshir - maybe the only person he really did. Rest assured, they are both on short leashes, and," he added, "on agreement. They are entering the ceremony wearing Siphon chain collars, and at the end, they are turning themselves in to the Guild authorities, who we have already sent word to."
Leon's answer gave Luke and Volcan pause, "They're... turning themselves in?" Volcan echoed.
"Yes," replied Leon, "In their own words, they've grown tired of running and hiding, and had plenty of time to think about their actions and how foolish they were. I don't know how much of it I believe, but I will personally see to it they live up to their agreement."
"...I have a hard time believing that," Luke said, skeptical, "Though, considering a raging berserker was able to see the error of his ways, I suppose it's not entirely impossible. Regardless, I'm keeping my distance from them during this whole thing..."
"I understand," said Leon, "I intend to put them somewhere out of the way. Most of the guests know they're here by now but I'm not taking chances."
"Good," Luke said, sighing with relief, "Well, with that out of the way, I guess we should probably get ready for the service ourselves."
Leon nodded. "Yes. They should be ready soon. Follow me."
The room - normally Team Warmachine's personal home theatre, had been converted into a gathering place for the funeral of Shamshir. It had filled quickly with people coming to pay their respects for a closed casket funeral, as Shamshir had died some time ago. The casket that housed his body was a finely crafted vessel, made of mahogany wood and bearing a carving in the Scizor's likeness on the lid.
To one side of the room were gathered the members of Team Warmachine, standing together in prayer for their fallen comrade. Among them, an unexpected face. Kaen of Team Kama, stood with Team Warmachine. A former member of the team himself, Kaen had known and trained with Shamshir himself. Much of what he knew about combat, the Charmeleon had learned from the Scizor. Sickle was also in attendance, to support Kaen most likely, and even stood by the Charmeleon as his shoulders shook with emotion.
On the other side of the room, including Luke and his group, were the guests. Captains and their seconds who had close ties with Team Warmachine. Among the attendees, much to Luke's surprise, was Romulus, decorated in a regal vest designed for a quadruped. His head was bowed, his gaze on the floor, and an expression of deep regret worn on his face.
Other guests included only two others that Volcan and Luke recognized. The tall, lithe form of Fisher, the Inteleon who had served with Kage and Shamshir, stood with the group. There was no sign of Reaper, however - the Weavile who had also served with them. There was, however, a Staraptor that they didn't know, standing over by Fisher.
From where she stood, Luminara could not only see the look on Romulus' face, but she could feel the amount of regret emanating from him like a torrential flood. It made her heart twist in her chest to see him in such a state. Granted she had seen him express regret before back when he visited Azure to inform her son of Kage's capture, but to see him fall on the precipice of depression... it dawned on her that despite his fearful composure, he couldn't handle the loss of a comrade any better than her own son could.
'Seems they're more alike than even they themselves realize...' The elder Lucario thought to herself, internally deciding that she would have a talk with the Hound of Terror after the funeral was over.
Luke and Volcan saw, much to their chagrin, the familiar forms of Maggie, the Mismagius who had betrayed Team Warmachine and directed their hypnotist, Bialo, and their Haxorus warrior, Timber to do the same. Maggie was flanked by Gallia and her brother, and she wore a collar of siphon chain as promised. Timber was flanked on either side by Aegis and Leon, and likewise wore a chain as well a mask that stretched out to form around his axe-like tusks so that he could not use them to attack. It limited his vision to straight ahead, but he did not need to see anywhere else.
"Still can't believe they let those two come," Volcan whispered to Luke.
"Torolf clearly thought they were ready to accept their punishment." Luke whispered back, "Still, them being here does feel like a desecration of sorts... They willingly betrayed their own team just to keep their reputation untarnished."
"Only to inadvertently do more damage than they prevented," added Volcan bitterly.
"Well, that's their fault. They were too bent out of shape about some backwater team beating them that they lost sight of what was truly important," The Lucario went on. "Winning, losing. That never matters so long as both parties have a good bout and there's no bad blood between them."
"Agreed," said Volcan before silencing himself as Torolf approached the podium sitting beside Shamshir's casket.
"To everyone who came here today, I thank you all on behalf of Team Warmachine," he said, his voice carrying easily across the room. He rested a hand on the podium, a hand which was almost large enough to cover the whole thing. "Today we come together to commemorate Shamshir. A warrior to all, a hero to some, and a friend to others." His other hand rested atop the casket.
"I first met Shamshir twenty years ago," Torolf went on, "I had founded Team Warmachine as many years before, and I sought new potential to expand our ranks. I heard of a mighty warrior who travelled from place to place, righting wrongs and bringing hope to people who were outside the influence of the Guilds. I sought this warrior, and I found Shamshir. When I offered him a spot on my team, believe it or not he refused me at first," he chuckled, "But after fighting together to protect a town from a band of marauders, he came around, and we fought side by side ever since."
His hand gently caressed the coffin as he went on. "Shamshir died as he lived, fighting the battles that needed to be fought. He was the greatest warrior I ever knew. He came off as stoic, often too serious, but he was never afraid of a challenge no matter the risk to his own life. He went away on a mission for the guilds, with a team of its finest to seek out a way to bring down the Dark Crusade. The mission, unfortunately... was a failure."
Out of the corner of her eye, Luminara saw Romulus flinch. Torolf was not trying to be insensitive with his words, but he was not going to mask the truth either. The Houndoom kept his head lowered in reverence, but the glint of a tear did not go unnoticed by the Lucario's keen eye.
"Shamshir died at the hands of one of the Crusade's lieutenants, after he ensured the escape of one of his team, and the survival of another by taking the blame for their attempted escape. He did all he could to ensure the survival of his impromptu team, and for that I could not be prouder to have called him one of us," Torolf's voice quivered for just a moment, and he turned then to the coffin in full, moving to stand beside it and staring down at its lid in sadness, his fingers trembling as they slid over the wood.
"Goodbye, old friend," were his final words before he left the podium and returned to his team.
A few others shared their own words about Shamshir, mostly about things he had done for them and the team. Even Kaen went up to share his own thoughts, praising Shamshir for the knowledge he had shared with the Charmeleon to help him become the fighter he was. Romulus for a while seemed like he wanted to go up to the podium as well, but something held him back, and ultimately, he remained where he was.
At the end of the proceedings, the casket was carried outside by Torolf and Aegis, to a fenced area that looked recently made. A grave had already been dug for Shamshir, and flowers were distributed to the attendees. As the casket was lowered into the grave, one by one the flowers were cast as everyone said their final farewells and dispersed as the grave was filled.
A headstone bearing Shamshir's name and once again a carving of his likeness was placed over the grave. Atop the headstone rested an idol that also looked like him, made of bronze. It stood tall and strong against the rain and wind as the storm came, just as Shamshir had stood against the Crusade...
Everyone was left to their own devices until the wake that evening.
Luminara sought out Romulus. The Houndoom had vanished after dropping his flower into the grave of Shamshir. With her Aura Sense, she was surprised to find he was at the Coliseum, far from where anyone else had gathered. Curiosity getting the better of her, coupled with her drive to speak with him, she ventured over to the Coliseum, treading lightly so as not to draw any undue attention as she wandered off, then when she was sure she was out of earshot she sprinted as fast as her legs could carry her, slowing only when she arrived at the entrance.
Romulus was inside the structure, and after making her way through the corridors she found him. He was sitting at the entrance to the field, safely tucked away from the rain but far enough out that he could see the battlefield beyond. He took in a breath as she approached, catching her scent, and his head snapped around to look behind him, seeing her coming down the corridor toward him.
"Miss Luminara?" He asked, standing and turning to face her. "What brings you here?"
"If I'm being blunt, you are what brings me here," she said as she continued her approach, "You're awfully far away from the gathering, Romulus. I figured you were a loner kind of man, but... I at least would have assumed you would want to be around friendly company in these trying times."
"I... I needed some time to think," he replied, seating himself again and looking back out to the coliseum grounds, "I feel more at home here... I spent most of my early life in such a place, and despite the pain it brought me, somehow it brings a small comfort. Puts me at ease, to be in a place familiar to me."
"I suppose we all have our comfort zones," Luminara relented as she took a seat next to the Houndoom, "Believe it or not, my comfort zone is out in the training field next to my home, where I practice all of my forms and keep in shape," she added with a slight smile.
"I guess warriors never venture far from their trade, do they?" He asked, looking up at the sky above the coliseum, a drop of rain finding his upturned nose, "Myself, a former gladiator."
"From the very city named after its famed warriors?" The Lucario asked, "Hmm... I suppose it would make sense, considering how fierce you come off as."
He let out a breath through his nostrils. Not quite a snort. "It was most of my childhood and my adolescent years alike," he said, "Back then, anyone could be thrown into the ring there... Even boys barely old enough to fight."
Luminara's ears perked up at that, causing her demeanour to shift into one of shock. "...Oh no..." She whispered. "You were one of the unfortunate ones, I take it?"
Romulus nodded slowly. "Yes," he said. He turned his head to look at her. "You recall when we last met. Do you remember what I said before I left your home?"
She took a moment to reflect on that time, remembering the last thing he spoke to her before taking his leave after Luke's outburst, "You made a jab about the one being you loved dearly throwing you into the ring when you were a pup..."
He nodded in confirmation. "That was my father," he said, "He'd borrowed money from the Big Five, and when he couldn't pay them back, he was put into the ring. He won a few battles, but then he was crippled in a fight with one of the more dangerous gladiators. He had not finished paying his debts... So, he turned to the only thing he had left. His son. I was only nine years old when I was thrown into the ring."
"...Oh, how horrid." She whispered, covering her mouth in shock. "How could any father do such a thing to their own flesh and blood...?"
"His fear of what the five would do to him overwhelmed whatever love he had for me then," replied Romulus, shaking his head.
"What about your mother? Where was she in all of this?" Luminara further queried.
"Sadly, she died when I was a pup," replied Romulus. "I only knew her name - Marilla, but I don't remember much else. My father told me she died in an accident, and I don't know if it was true or not. He raised me by himself until the arena days."
She was left stunned at that, unable to form any words to express her horror or her sympathy. How anyone could expect their child to fight for their life at such a tender age was beyond her... Until she remembered a certain incident in which her own child was left to do so as well, but because of very different circumstances.
Luminara then moved in without warning and wrapped her arms around the Houndoom before she even realized what she was doing, holding Romulus in a tender, yet protective embrace as if she were trying to shield him from the harsh reality of his life. His entire body went rigid as she touched him, his head raised in surprise as he looked at her out of the corner of his eye. She could almost feel his tension, but he did not protest, as though he was struggling to process what she was doing.
"...I was wrong about my initial conclusion about you," she whispered softly to the Houndoom, giving his cheek a small peck before she pulled back enough to look at him. "You and Luke are almost like two peas in a pod with how similar you two are..."
He met her gaze for a moment before turning his head away, his eyes narrowing. "I... Can't agree with that," he said, "Luke is a better man than I, in many ways. He may not have my experience, but he has held onto his morals while I..." he trailed off.
"Your end results may have differed but like with you he was forced into a life of combat and survival at an age no one could ever expect any child to endure..." she quickly rebutted. "The difference being that your father forced you to it... While Luke had no choice but to survive."
Romulus considered her words for a moment, his eyes searching over the ground as though he might find an answer there, "I did not realize he had grown up in such a way," he said. "But - wait, you are his mother, aren't you?" Romulus asked as he looked at her again with a studious expression. "What happened that forced him into such a life? Did you two get separated somehow when he was a child?"
Now it was Luminara's turn to feel a wave of guilt wash over her, making her lower her gaze to the ground slightly before she responded. "...That's... One way of putting it, yes," She answered cryptically.
He saw her expression and lifted his paw, waving with it. "I won't ask further," he said, "It is understandably a sensitive topic for both of you." He looked out into the rain again, his arrow-tipped tail flicking absently. "Still... If you think we're alike, perhaps it is worth considering doing something I think he would do in my position."
The Lucario glanced at Romulus curiously at that remark, then noticed his tail flicking about and narrowed her eyes as she scooted closer to him. "And what might that something be, Captain?" She asked softly.
"I'm not sure yet," he said. "But perhaps it is the one time in my life I won't have to resort to my usual ways. Maybe there's something else I can be remembered for, besides being the Hound of Terror."
Luminara nodded softly, then she lifted her paw to touch his cheek and guide him gently to look her in the eyes; that warm, motherly smile present on her face as she looked right at him. "That time will come eventually," she said in a soft whisper. "...Perhaps sooner than you think." She added in that cryptic manner again.
Romulus felt something stirring within him as he looked into Luminara's loving face. An alien, yet... somehow familiar sensation, like something he had not felt in a very long time. At first, he didn't know what to make of it, but it grew stronger the longer he looked at Luminara.
His initial reaction was apprehension, that perhaps she was somehow a threat to him, but that thought was quickly dashed from his mind by simple reasoning. If she intended to hurt him, she could easily have done so by now. She seemed as surprised as he was though when he began to tremble. He lifted his paw to look at it, as if seeing it for the first time, and watched in a mix of awe and incredulity as he saw it shaking.
She responded to his trembling by lifting her other paw and gently sliding it under Romulus' in an attempt to hold it, grasping with just enough strength to help ease his trembling but keeping it loose so he could pull it away if he felt he needed to. The Lucario's eyes never tore away from the Houndoom's throughout the wordless exchange, even as a faint blush began to become visible along her cheeks.
"Miss... I..." Romulus was completely at a loss for words by her kindness toward someone she barely knew.
"You're in pain, Romulus... So much pain that it's heart-breaking," she said lightly. "I'm just offering to alleviate it, even if it's only for a moment..."
"I... I don't know what you mean," he said. He didn't feel like he was in pain, but at the same time, he felt there was truth in her words, and he didn't pull away from her despite his uncertainty with the emotions he felt.
"You've endured a traumatic life no man should ever have to go through, and in turn it nearly turned you into a monster." She answered, her words finding his ears, yet seeming to reach deep into him. "Now, you're suffering the loss of a dear comrade. You're so wracked with guilt it's practically radiating from you like a Lanturn's glow in the deep blue sea." She added as she scooted close enough for her to fully embrace him once more. "None of this is your fault... you don't need to carry this weight any longer. You can relax... Let it all go."
"I... I don't know how," he said, sounding winded, the trembling starting again. The emotions were surging through him now, threatening to overwhelm him despite his efforts to rein them in. He had always managed to keep his emotions in check before, but something had changed this time; it was as if he didn't want to, like something in Luminara's melodic, motherly voice made him want to let them go.
"Then let me help you." She responded, inching herself closer so that their noses touched one another. "Let me see who you truly are underneath that mask."
His breathing was heavier now as he looked at her face, feeling his heart racing. He had never felt anything like he did at that moment, as though he were being drawn to Luminara. The angry beast within him tried to take back control, tried to make him hold himself back... But he couldn't. For once in his life, he didn't want to...
He voiced no protest, nor tried to resist Luminara any further as he lowered his head and leaned into her, surrendering to her embrace. His heart steadied, though still beat harder than he had ever known it to. Even in moments where his life had been in danger it had never raced like this, yet those moments were often followed by a chill of anticipation. Here, he felt only warmth filling him.
The mask began to crumble, and the stone that had encompassed his heart for so long with it.
His eyes clenched, and he took in a single sharp breath before letting it out in a sob. He could see tears streaming down his snout, startling him. He had shed tears at Shamshir's death, but this was nothing like that. They were streaming down his face like two rivers freed from dams, wetting the fur of his snout and dripping from his nose.
"What's... Happening to me?" He asked, his voice breaking.
"You're letting go of your chains and letting your mask finally crumble," Luminara whispered to him, lightly kissing the top of his head, "It's just us here. You can finally let go of your demons, and I will protect you from them so that they never return..." she added, letting a few tears of her own run down her cheeks as she resonated with his pain.
Her words took him deeper. In his mind, the beast was still fighting, backing away from the light that was trying to find its way in. But that inviting light was chasing away every shadow he sought to retreat into; he tried to fall back into himself, to return to the cold, comfortable void he'd come to know. But Luminara's voice, and her embrace... Kept him in the light.
Romulus finally let it out. His sobs turned into a deep, mournful wail, his sorrow coming all out in that single sound, before the sobbing returned in a fit. In that moment, he was a pup again, clinging to his mother for comfort.
For thirty years of his life, he'd held his emotions back, letting only his anger and his spite for the criminal element drive his actions; there were times he'd let it out, unleashed his frustrations to keep himself sane and able to lead, and turned to his team for guidance in case his temper led him astray; he knew he was angry, all the time, and anger and power made a dangerous combination. He'd always depended on his team and his ability to let loose when he needed to keep himself in check.
All of that was lost in the flood, and the sorrow he'd lived with and held back was finally set free. He slumped against Luminara; all strength having left his limbs. The whole time he sobbed, Luminara was right there with him, holding the Houndoom tightly in her arms and pulling him into her lap somewhat. She too was sobbing slightly as she felt Romulus finally let go of all his anguish, feeling all of that pain and hatred he had bottled up for decades ebb away and allow his true emotions to pour in
"It's okay, Romulus," she kept whispering to him as he continued to cry, rocking him slowly to help comfort him that much more.
He couldn't find any words to speak in return as he tried to come to terms with the feelings she had reawakened within him. His mind still reeled at what she had managed to do, to make him let go of the rage he'd held onto for so long, and the guilt he'd acquired when he'd learned of Shamshir's death. Now, he didn't know what he felt as he lay there in Luminara's embrace. Overtime, his breathing began to steady, his heartbeat returned to normal, and his sobs stopped. He could feel strength returning to his limbs, and he stood on his own again, relieving Luminara of his weight.
Romulus took a moment to check himself, breathing deeply in, and then out, repeating it several times until he found his voice again. "I feel... Lighter," he said when he was finally able to find his voice again.
Luminara smiled warmly back at him. "Then I fulfilled the task I set out to do." She answered, lightly rubbing his cheek with her paw to clear away the tear stains. "You've taken your first step into letting go of your past... It'll be a long road ahead, but you won't be walking it alone." She added reassuringly.
"But I don't understand... Why would you do this for me? Especially after I once hurt your son."
"My son was too quick to judge you... He has a kind soul, but he can be somewhat impulsive," she returned softly, rubbing his cheek with her paw slowly, "I saw a glimpse of the real you before you left... I couldn't in good conscience let you carry that guilt within you," she then blushed slightly and averted her gaze. "On top of that... I find you to be a rather handsome Houndoom..."
Much to her delight, Romulus blushed. He was speechless for a moment before he cleared his throat. "Thank you, for everything," he said with genuine gratitude. "I think I feel far better than I have in many years. Pains I didn't even know I felt is just... Gone."
"It was my pleasure, Captain," Luminara returned with that heartwarming smile of hers, then she quickly leaned forward and planted a light kiss atop his forehead. "I do hope to see you again in the near future. Perhaps maybe, grab some tea together."
"If I should find myself in Azure again, I will certainly welcome that," he replied, smiling lightly. Something she had not seen him do until now.
"It will be a date, then." She added with a giggle, then looked up to the sky absently. "The rain doesn't appear to be letting up anytime soon... should we risk going back all soaking wet, or perhaps... wait it out a little longer?"
He looked out at the sky to gauge her claim, confirming that the storm was indeed not letting up anytime soon, nor did the rain show any sign of lightning. "I don't want to miss the wake," he admitted. "But... I suppose we still have some time." He added, looking back at her.
"Yes... I suppose we do." Luminara concurred, once more sliding her arms more securely around Romulus as her smile broadened more. "Time enough to warm ourselves up before we face the torrential rain around us."
He nodded and allowed himself to lean into her slightly as they stared out at the rain, seated on the cold stone floor in the mouth of the passage.
After a moment of silence, he spoke again. "Luminara?" He asked.
"Yes?" She whispered back, looking back down to him curiously.
"Thank you, once again... For helping to break the stone around my heart," he said, looking up and smiling at her, "I've carried that weight for so long. Now, I'm glad... Glad to be rid of it. I had always found comfort in it before, but now I don't think I need it anymore."
"Thank you for allowing me to see who you truly are behind that mask," the Lucario returned softly, smiling and giggling softly as she looked down at him before she held his head against her chest comfortingly.
"Something even I didn't know about myself," he said, sighing as he enjoyed her presence, "I always thought I was standing in the area between good and evil, precariously leaning to one or the other, too far into one to ever fully go to the other."
"Everyone is capable of change, Romulus. What matters is the desire to change, and the Pokémon that help influence that desire." She remarked in a sagely manner. "I think all you needed was the right Pokémon to guide you into making that change in yourself."
"But it seems she found me," he remarked whimsically.
"And here she will stay for as long as you desire." She added.
He let out a contented sigh, turning his head to rub it against her body. "I think I am okay with that..."
"Good." She returned, then she started to giggle softly and kiss his cheek "Because I wasn't planning on letting go." She added before she playfully nudged his side with her knee, making them both fall into their sides.
He let out a surprised grunt as they fell to their sides and opened his eyes to see her face in front of his. He was blushing again, looking into her face, feeling his heartbeat quickening once more.
"I-I was under the impression that customs here in the east moved at a slower pace," he remarked, before he realized what he had just said.
Luminara froze for a moment as well, blinking softly as she stared back at the Houndoom in surprise. "...Did you just...?" She began, but this time it was her words that died in her throat. She just lay there in silence, staring into his eyes as she grasped at what he was referring to.
"I-I'm sorry," he said, trying to pull back, "Perhaps I misunderstood your intent."
She held him close still despite him trying to pull away. "No, no. You have me curious now." She stated with a smile. "Tell me... what are the customs out in the west when it comes to courtship?"
"Uh... well..." he began and cleared his throat. "If you'll forgive the grim reasoning... Most people don't expect to live long enough in the west to enjoy a lifelong partner." He explained, trying not to let his tone betray his lack of experience - though he was not fooling Luminara, who was more experienced with such relationships and could tell by his voice he was quoting someone else's description of the subject. "So... Most just pick someone they like and give it their best go."
Briefly Luminara wondered if Lashanne might have more insight on that subject, given her recent relationship with Minato. Could that be how they had done it? She could only imagine how nervous Minato might have been, and the thought of it only made her chuckle in response.
"That is... Quite an interesting custom," she remarked, idly stroking Romulus' cheek once more. "One I'd be rather curious to explore, but... I suppose if you would rather adhere to the customs back east, then we can."
Romulus was clearly taken aback, her forwardness catching the Houndoom completely off guard had rendered him speechless. Luminara was now openly laughing at the sight of the speechless Houndoom. "Oh my, what is this I see before me?" She asked. "The great Hound of Terror left speechless by the hands of this simple housewife?" She further teased.
"I...I am... I'm simply surprised..." he said weakly, clearing his throat, "This is... all so sudden. The kindness you've shown me was most welcome but this..." He swallowed. "I... I don't know what to think of it."
"Well, if it helps any." She began as she started to lean closer to Romulus, just enough so that he could feel her breath along his lips but staying just out of range from them actually meeting. "Think of it as extending my kindness even further."
"It... Feels like I'd be asking too much," he whispered back, but didn't pull away. His mind did not share what his heart desired, and for Luminara he felt something he usually pushed aside as a potential weakness... But now, it was overpowering him...
"Is it really asking when the other party is offering?" Luminara asked in a whisper, already parting her lips and tilting her head before he could even give an answer.
Romulus' heart was racing again, in a mix of fear and longing for the woman before him. Moments ago, after only meeting him one other time, she had come to him intent on helping him come to grips with his guilt and his pain. No sooner had she done that, she had shown him a mother's love - something he had not felt since he was a mere pup, farther back then he could remember. Now... she was still offering him more...
It was all too fast for his mind to process, but his instincts were primed, and his body knew what to do. Soon, need overcame reason, and the Houndoom's lips met Luminara's. Hesitant at first, but then pushing in gently. He turned over to rest more atop her, his forepaws laying over her chest as he held their kiss.
She made no attempt to stop him from rolling on top of her. Rather, she welcomed it and rolled willingly with him, sliding her arms around Romulus' back in a protective embrace as they kissed deeper and more passionately.
After a moment of kissing, he pulled back, taking a few breaths as he let his mind catch up to what he was doing. He stared down into her eyes for a moment, and then went ahead and kissed her again, this time more passionately and pressing his body down against hers, his tail actually waving behind him.
She was about to speak up before he dove back in, making her grunt somewhat before it turned into a passionate moan, kissing the Houndoom back with equal if not more passion than their first kiss. Her limbs practically clung to Romulus, and her own tail was quickly swaying back and forth beneath her in this heated moment. After another long moment, he broke the kiss again, needing time to catch his breath.
"Haaah... Wow." Luminara whispered as she too took a moment to catch her breath after such a passionate kiss. "It seems I've quelled one beast only to awaken another~" she cooed softly.
"So it would seem" he whispered after regaining his breath, "That felt so... Exhilarating. Nothing like I've ever experienced before."
Luminara tilted her head curiously. "You mean to tell me that in all of your life, you've never kissed another woman?" She asked.
"Not like that I haven't," he replied, shaking his head.
"And I thought my sons were sheltered," Luminara remarked while rolling her eyes slightly. "I guess I'll have to break you in then, won't I?"
"Uh... Break me in?" He asked, not understanding.
She then lightly tapped his nose with her paw and giggled. "Teasing~" She said softly. "As much as I am enjoying our time together, I don't think we should rush things along that quickly... And besides, we still have to return to the others before the Wake begins."
"R-Right. By now someone has likely noticed we're missing," he agreed.
Luminara planted one last quick kiss on his lips before she gently pushed him back to his feet, waiting for him to step off of her before she got back to her feet next. "Ahh, well then. Shall we return to the others, Captain?"
"Yes... Let's," he replied, moving to walk at her side and giving her the warmest smile he had likely given anyone in his life.
With that, they walked together back through the coliseum. The rain had lessened as they emerged through the main doors, but it had not completely stopped, and so they hurried along the path toward the mansion, thankful that it was paved and not a dirt path. All along the way, Romulus stayed by Luminara's side, still feeling the pull to her that was so unfamiliar to him, but he didn't want to contest it. She had given him something he'd been missing from his life for a long time, and he wasn't yet ready to give that up...
"So, when Shamshir braced himself to take that hit, this guy was so certain that he was going to take him down he _completely_forgot that Gallia was there," Torolf told the story to everyone gathered. "Imagine his surprise when he goes into a Drill Run, ready to take out Shamshir... and then gets stopped in his tracks when Shamshir catches him with his pincers thanks to Gallia's Psychic slowing his momentum! Then Shamshir goes..."
"This is the best part," Gallia cut in, smiling.
"'You've been underground too much. You can't see past your own ego,' and then wham!" He slapped his fist into his open palm. "Uses his claw like a cudgel and knocks the guy silly, giving the authorities time to move in to detain him!"
The members of Team Warmachine shared a chuckle, and even Luke and Volcan, present to hear the story, were smiling, glad to see the team finding some delight in remembering their fallen comrade.
"It's good to see that even in such a mournful time, everyone here can find some way to lighten the mood," Luke remarked as they listened into the next story Team Warmachine had to share with the others about another of Shamshir's many feats and experiences.
"Isn't that what Wakes are about?" Volcan asked, taking a sip from the drink in his hand. "Sharing the fond memories you have of the fallen is the best thing you can do for them, I think, so that even though they're gone they're never forgotten."
"With what he did for us, I don't think any of us will forget him," Luke added, looking at his paw absently. "Take me for example. I never would have ever considered learning Bullet Punch were it not for him..."
"And damn if that didn't come in handy for our fight with Sash," Volcan agreed. He then let out a disappointed sigh. "I guess my only regret is I'll never get to square off with him for real..."
Luke gently leaned into Volcan's arm. "Well, the most you can do now is keep fighting, and honour the sacrifice he made for us all." He said softly. "Just as we all will."
Volcan nodded. "I will," he vowed. "We'll win this battle with the Dark Crusade, for everyone that they've taken, including Shamshir."
Luke nodded with a confident smile. "Damn straight we will." He said as he pumped his fist in front of him.
Volcan nodded back and leaned closer to his husband. "So far this is turning out to be quite the summer... and our wedding comes as soon as it's up~" he said, grinning. "You ready to tie the knot for real when that comes?"
"I've been ready since the day I first proposed to you back in that cave out West." Luke answered with a loving smile, rubbing his nose along Volcan's beak. "You'd think I'd start getting cold feet this late in the game?"
"Some do as the day gets closer," Volcan remarked, shrugging.
"Well, not this groom to be." Luke remarked with a chuckle. "My mind is set, and I've no intention of backing out now... I love you, Volcan, and I can't wait for the day we stand at the altar together..."
"Good to hear," Volcan returned, pecking the top of his head. "Because neither can I. I love you too, Luke."
The Lucario chuckled and guided Volcan to a tender kiss, holding it for several long seconds before pulling away and bumping his nose lightly along his beak. He was about to speak up again when he noticed Romulus and Luminara gently pushing through the doors and shaking themselves dry from the rain outside.
"...Now that's a sight to behold." He remarked, motioning for Volcan to look over at where he was staring at.
Volcan followed his gaze and blinked in surprise. "Um... What are Romulus and your mom doing walking together? In the rain for that matter?"
"...I... don't know." Luke answered. "Then again, this is a funeral... Maybe he wanted some time to himself and, with Mother being the kind of woman she is, wanted to offer her condolences?" He said with a shrug.
"Maybe so. But you'd think they'd have come in before the rain started," Volcan added, rubbing the back of his head.
"...Maybe he needed the extra support?" Luke stated. "I mean, even someone as stoic as Romulus can't be like that all the time."
Volcan cast him an incredulous look, as if to say. 'Really?' without voicing it aloud.
"...What?" Luke asked, catching his incredulous look. "C'mon, surely you aren't suggesting that they might be into each other."
"I meant about Romulus," he remarked. "This is the guy who doesn't have a statue in Hadleigh because the sculptors there are too scared of him to try to make one."
"...Oh. Well, okay I'll give you that." Luke admitted, looking back to Romulus and noticing that he looked less... intimidating than usual. "...That being said, does Romulus seem a little... I dunno, calmer to you?"
Volcan looked again toward the two, his eyes narrowing studiously. "Now that you mention it... Yeah. He doesn't look angry for once; he looks at ease."
"Well, like I said. Knowing Mother, she probably found some way to get through to him," Luke offered, "She always did have that motherly touch going for her."
"She did birth three boys, including the one next to me," Volcan reminded with a smile. "I imagine she'd have to have that skill down."
"To a Tee." Luke said with a laugh of his own, rubbing Volcan's chest with his paw.
The wake went on with the attendees sharing more stories of their past with Shamshir. Even Maggie and Timber offered their own pieces to the exchange, recounting missions they'd shared with the Scizor, and what he had done for them. But, soon, the two had to be taken away to be shipped out, honouring the bargain they had made with Leon by accepting arrest and incarceration.
Volcan and Luke stayed with their friends and family members, meeting only a few other attendees. Luke was still apprehensive about interacting with his former colleagues on the Guild Council, and Volcan did not wish to leave his side. Night came, and a few guests began to leave.
When it came time for the group to set out, carrying a sleeping Caulin and Ignus with them, Torolf saw them out, and even walked them to the pier. The rain had stopped, and a brilliant full moon shone in the night sky, accompanied by thousands of stars that became clearer the further they walked from the house.
"Thank you, all of you, for coming," Torolf said, "you have no idea how much it means to me and my team."
"It was our honour, Torolf," said Volcan, "thank you for inviting us."
Torolf nodded. "Shamshir respected you, both of you," he said, looking between Volcan and Luke. "I'm sure he would feel honoured himself, knowing you came to see him off."
"He deserved no less," Luke said, firmly.
Torolf slowly turned his gaze up to the sky, studying the stars overhead. As he stared, they all saw the trickle of a tear in his eye as he mourned and bid one more silent farewell to one of his oldest comrades, finding his mind lost in the infinite sky for a time until he managed to collect himself.
"Well... I won't keep any of you any longer," he said. "We all have work to do, still... But, once again, thank you all for coming."
Volcan lifted a hand to rest on Torolf's shoulder. "We will find justice for Shamshir, Torolf," he promised, "of that, you have my word."
"We will defeat the Dark Crusade," Minato put in.
Torolf's brow furrowed, and his hands clenched into fists on the ground. "Yes... We will," he reaffirmed, "Justice will be done."
With a final farewell, Torolf began his trek back to his mansion, while his honoured guests climbed back aboard the airship. Dock crews released it from the clamps to let it carry itself aloft, its engines spinning up as the gas bag carried it into the air.
Luminara stood at the railing, looking out to the water, when her eyes caught the glow of a lamp below. She squinted her eyes, seeing the glow was coming from the deck of a long, sleek boat that was drifting away from the docks. She could make out only one occupant on the deck, and she could see they were looking back up at her as well.
The Houndoom, half illuminated by the lantern, stared up at Luminara. She couldn't read his face from their current distance, but she saw him lift his forepaw to wave to her. She brought her paw to her lips, kissing it, and then repeated the gesture to the Houndoom below, until the sleek boat and the airship were too far away for her to see him anymore.
"Romulus..." She whispered, her paws holding the rail tightly as she continued to stare back at the glow of the lamp. "...One day, I will see you again."