Dog Boy - Chapter 3

"i've got a bit of a cold and i'm wondering if you have any masks." "of course," the woman said, reaching into a drawer and handing me one. "thanks." relief came over me as i put on the mask, hiding my deformity.

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[Commission] Damsel in Distress

"the mask looks like it was a last minute thing". he ran a finger across his face, brushing his mask. "i guess i poked a nerve there." "well...i had to improvise.

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Dragonball Z fanfic Chapter 3: Reunited for a moment

But to everyone's surprise, the old man forfeited and removed his mask, saying he couldn't win in a straight fight. also, his time was about to be up, but he wanted to look at his grandsons without the mask.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 16

She saw the door, leading back to the cells, and saw the molokhiin standing below her, the masked face watching her ascent. she was hoisted higher and higher towards the roof of some tall tower.

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Thorns of the Blood Rose - Installment 1

Within the sauna of her mask what little breath she could manage betrayed her, forming sweat that stung her eyes and tendrils of hot condensation which trickled down either side of her grey lupine muzzle.

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Under Cloak of Darkness

He wore a mask of metal and a long, hooded robe. the mask looked like a human skull, but made of solid iron. "who are you? what do you want?" he said nervously. then he realized. "you're-you're�" he started. "dameon swade.

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It Started With Toast- Chapter 16

Dropping on the floor he started to do push ups, while on his 11th push up he looked up at the mask. "who are you? the mask just floated down next to him and shouted down his ear in the same style voice.

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happy new year

"main entrance is closed, no one's getting in and we're not getting out." one of the masked men announced "you ever been base jumping, kid?" "" the teen muttered "you'll enjoy it.


D.E1 Part III Prologue

If the masks sense that we are being too personal with each other, we will get in trouble." the female leader said irritated. "i only brought him because as you say, he's strong.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 3: Chapter 7

Cassandra stood still for a moment, then sighed and reached up to undo her mask. even take care couldn't help wincing at the sight under the mask but she didn't back down and pointed to the chamber. "should i undress?"

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A Dragon's Tale Genesis-Chapter 4-Ten Minutes Out

,i shouted,"toss two flash bangs,frank,two tear gases,alternate grenades and everyone gas masks on!" we slid our masks over our faces as wyatt tossed his flash bang,frank his tear gas.

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