happy new year

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry

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well... this story is one that was inspired by a dream i had... a weird dream... but a nice dream. enjoy.

Happy new year...

all around the control room one message was being repeated from all around the world. In different languages. But they all meant the same thing. The device is in place. A few years ago we found a way to end all wars... and create peace. Testing was started. It passed all of our expectations. We then built it into a device that would release it to the world.

We decided that as soon as the clock strikes midnight it would go off. Three hours to go... all the devices where set and ready to go. They were all placed on tall buildings where they could get the maximum radius and could not be discovered before midnight.

"sir... one of the agents in England got captured before he could prime the tower of London device."

I turned and looked at the owner of the voice "bollocks... have you sent out a team to retrieve him?"

"yes sir..."

"good... now we wait. three hours to go..."

the seventeen year old boy slowly came to, he was sat on a chair with his hands tied behind his back. He looked at his surroundings, he was in a dark room with only a small light hanging from the ceiling, and two chairs in front of him. Two men in suits walked towards him

"you're awake good. Please tell us what you were doing and you can go..."

"fuck that!" the other man grabbed the boy's collar "tell us everything you know! What were you doing on the bridge? What was the device? Tell us now and things won't be as bad."

"you want me to tell you? I can tell you some things... but you wouldn't want to know..."

"please ignore my colleague. Do tell us."

"okay... one... go jump off a cliff and two... good cop, bad cop never works... dickheads..."

the teenager then got a blow to the face from 'the bad cop' that knocked the chair over backwards. He groaned and curled up slightly on the floor "oooh... my fucking head..."

"i'm sorry young man... but you brought this upon yourself... if you told us what we wanted to know you would be fine wouldn't you?"

"what do you fucking want?" the teen murmured

"weren't you listening you little shit?! What's the device? What does it do? Are there any more anywhere else?"

"what does it do? It'll create world peace."

the two suited men looked at each other "world peace? What do you mean?"

"tonight the world will sleep... and when it wakes up the world will be perfect... everyone will be part of the pack... no war... no fighting... no stealing... everything will belong to everyone... and everyone will share! No one will need cars... or planes... or money. It will be beautiful..."

"a...are there any more devices?"

"oh yes... hundreds... maybe even thousands! The world will sleep."

"you're bluffing..."

"I'm afraid I'm not. It will be so peaceful... no noise... just the cool wind blowing... and the howling." he smiled as he heard muffled gunshots "That's all I shall say. Besides my ride is here. It was nice talking with you gentlemen."

the door burst open and six men with body armour, balaclava's and fn fals Charged in and shot the two men. "come on kid." one cut open the plastic ties that bounded the teen.

"main entrance is closed, no one's getting in and we're not getting out." one of the masked men announced

"you ever been base jumping, kid?"

"n...no." the teen muttered

"you'll enjoy it. Follow us." they ran through the building, running up stairs till they got to the roof.

The teen walked up to the edge and looked down. "that's a long way down..."

"you know kid... it's usually a good idea to wear a parachute when base jumping..." the masked men laughed. "here." the leader motioned to some parachutes that were lying on the roof "we had them air dropped in earlier... you can thank us later..."

they all put the parachutes on and got ready to jump

"HEY! STOP!" armed police swarmed onto the roof of the building.

"jump!" the leader of the masked men held on to the teen and leapt from the roof quickly. The others soon followed. "pull the cord!" he pushed the teen away as he pulled the cord, watching as the teen's parachute deployed before opening his own.

"sir. The agent has been recovered and has primed the device."

"good. All the devices are ready?"

"yes sir. one hour."

"Good. Now we wait." everyone in the control room watched the clock patiently. Years of planning had gone into this. It would be a night no one would ever forget. The night humanity evolved into something beautiful.

The clock ticked. Forty five minutes.... thirty minutes... fifteen minutes... "okay... everyone outside... we should be with everyone else when it happens." in an organised line everyone in the command centre walked towards the door. Walking out into the fresh air. In the streets people were celebrating, waiting for the new year. Ten minutes. The clock ticks on. A hissing noise could be heard, people slowly dropped to their knees before falling asleep where they fell. The sleeping gas seeping, knocking out all who inhaled it. I made sure to get a deep lungful of it. I don't want to be awake when the changes start. Five minutes... I fell to the ground slowly closing my eyes. In the streets no one moved. All where still and silent. As the last few minutes ticked away a second hiss sounded out. That was when the change started. The silent atmosphere was ruptured by the cracks as bones shifted and changed, strange moans of people in their deep sleep. All around everyone was changing. Then people's bodies started growing fur, everyone no longer human... but something grand... something civilised... in a few hours time the world will awaken and see their new lives and rejoice.

The first thing I heard when I awoke was the howling. I knew we had succeeded. All over the world... everyone joined in... I raised my head up to the sky and let out a cry. The harmonious sound. Of several billion wolves howling out at the same time. The world can start again. This time. It will work.