lost in the evergreen forest chapter 10 (Caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)

this is a story both i and Arca vasnoth have wrote. sampson belongs to me and arca and Alaster (the elf) belongs to alaster enjoy! Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 10 "so... who are we butchering today?" the elven doctored sighed as he walked...

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lost in the evergreen forest chapter 8 (Caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)

this is a story both i and Arca vasnoth have wrote. sampson belongs to me and arca belongs to alaster enjoy! Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 8 Arca slowly opened his eyes and looked at the german shepherd on top of him "Sampson!" he cried as...

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project wolfsoul: chpt 11: who are you again?

Who are you again? "Really? When have we met? I'm sorry but I really don't remember you... Or your friend... Is he alright?" "I'm... I'm... I'm fine Arctic. Thank you for your concern" John stuttered "John's fine... He's just... Not used to meeting...

fire and water

Fire and water I stand there watching her swim, she is so beautiful, I love her with all my heart yet I know it's not to be, fire and water just can't be together. Her blue scales glisten in the sun, making my orange fur stand on end, I can't be with...

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in a wolf's body: chpt 17: living the dream? it's time to wake up

this is the last chapter in the in a wolf's body series. i would like to thank all those whom have faved/came/commented/whatever from the begining Living the dream? It's time to wake up. I poked my head out of the kennel and watched Alexi walk over...

in a wolf's body: chpt 16: i will never leave you

I will never leave you. "hmm? CAESAR!" Arctic suddenly jumped up and licked my face "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" "right here next to you?" "you've been gone for hours!" "have I? But... but I fell asleep with you... I just woke up!" her anger...

in a wolf's body: chpt 4: up for adoption

Up for adoption a few minutes later Arctic was returned to the cell, "well, that wasn't so bad... although the thermometer tasted weird." "do you want to know why it tasted weird?" "go on then, surprise me." "if you have a muzzle on they can't put...


project wolfsoul: chpt 8: how far would you go?

please comment and tell me what you think. i love to hear from you guys. whether it's a "well done man!" or a "if you did this it would be better" and if you rate please tell me what you rated and why you rated it that. cheers! How far would you...



Holocaust by klaw we all knew it would happen one day. When the world started to wither. one country picked a fight with another for better land. Then some more joined in and eventually one country threatened the rest a promise of a nuclear bombing....

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happy new year

well... this story is one that was inspired by a dream i had... a weird dream... but a nice dream. enjoy. Happy new year... all around the control room one message was being repeated from all around the world. In different languages. But they all...


project wolfsoul: chpt 10: All pain is gone

All pain is gone I slowly opened my eyes... god my head hurt... for that matter my everything hurt. I looked about... my eyes still fuzzy and unfocused.. what was clear was that I wasn't in the alley on the cardboard bed... and waking up's a good...
