lost in the evergreen forest chapter 10 (Caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)
#10 of Lost in the evergreen forest
this is a story both i and Arca vasnoth have wrote.
sampson belongs to me
and arca and Alaster (the elf) belongs to alaster
Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 10
"so... who are we butchering today?" the elven doctored sighed as he walked through the corridors to the operating rooms...
"don't talk like that! we do good work!" the nurse argued
"pfft... you and i both know we work in the anteroom to the morgue... who is it?"
"he's a german shepherd ...age 20,''
"oooh yipee...another day of reparing someones stupidity... let us hope this one survives... whats the lad's name?"
"er..." the nurse read the sheet again "vasnoth... Sampson vasnoth."
"Vasnoth?!" the elf's ears perked up "who bought him in?! did he give you a name?"
"sorry alaster... no name... he was a big white fox."
"no... it can't be... here take the tooltray....''
''wha... but sir-''
''don't question me!'' said the elf removing his gloves..as a white aura encircled his hand.....
before every one's eyes the scars and marks and bodily damage just repaired itself in no time at all... years of recovery passed in but a few moments.
a young nurse looked between the german shepherd and the elf with disbelief "how the..."
the elf looked at him, placed his finger over his lips and smirked "shh... it's a secret..."
"Uhhhh...wha?" a lost and sleepy voice asked.
the elf gently patted the german shepherd on the head "quite the few bumps you had there, eh lad...?''
"w..what happened?" Sampson inquired
"Hmm from the injuries...i'd list it as severe rape....nothing a few magicks wont cure...." he smiled.
leans to whisper in the dogs ear "Hmmm nice set you've got there..." the elf ran his hand down the dog's chest
the dog blushed furiously and slapped the elf's hand away
"ooh feisty" the elf crowed
"w..what do you think you're doing?!" Sampson cried angrily
"Im petting a wee lil' puppy dog what does it look like...?" the elf exchanged playfully.
the german shepherd covered his crotch with his hands and growled "are you fucking mad?!"
the elf sighed "depends in which definition pup...." walks to the door. "Ever since I lost my home.... my mate... everything I ever fought for In a dragon raid... I felt this hollowness..."
"i...i'm sorry... b..but you can't go about touching other people like that..."
"I was looking at this...." He held out a white hair.... "He may have been a close friend of mine...what is his name?"
"Arca... is that your friend's name?"
The elf burst out the back door in a frantic rush.... a hand crafted charm fell...it was composed of white fur and shedded nails.... the smell of liquor can be scented on the air....
Sampson jumped of of the bed and scooped it up in his paw, he sniffed it, he started whimpering as he realised it smelt more of liquor than his mate, he placed the charm on the bed and walked out of the room... he walked aimlessly around the corridors... till the scent of the liquor got stronger. he opened the door and looked in, the elf was sat at a table with a shot glass and a bottle of something... he looked at Sampson with tears streaming down his face... "He never died... he ditched me..."
Sampson put his hand on the elf's shoulder "he thought you were dead..."
"no... he ditched me... h...he ditched me..." his sad tone turned to that of anger "he ditched me for you!" the elf threw countless warrior metals and old day weapons across the room.... "He wants a warriors death..? i'll deliver upon him one!" the elf teleported out in his sagely robes...
the dog growled loudly and picked up a dagger from the elf's collection of weapons he then ran towards the portal and jumped through it
As Sampson walked out the portal closed... and he was inside the men's restroom. Sampson realised how stupid he must've looked... he was naked with an ancient dagger... in the restroom... he blushed as people stared at him... Arca one of them... the dog dropped the dagger and threw himself at the large arctic fox "Arca!" he buried his head in his mate's chest and murred happily
"s..sampson...? b..but how?" Arca stuttered quietly
"he...he's crazy!" the german shepherd cried
"who? who's crazy?
"this doctor guy...big ears...thinks you left him for me..."
Out of no where a huge energy bolt hit Sampson knocking him out..... and a portal pulls him in... "If you wish to see your beloved again you'll enter..."
Arca growled and stepped into the portal.