lost in the evergreen forest chapter 8 (Caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)
#8 of Lost in the evergreen forest
this is a story both i and Arca vasnoth have wrote.
sampson belongs to me
and arca belongs to alaster
Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 8
Arca slowly opened his eyes and looked at the german shepherd on top of him "Sampson!" he cried as he wrapped his arms round the dog, he gasped as he felt blood, he then noticed the empty expression on Sampson's face "Sampson?"
"I..I.I'm s...so...s..s..s..sorry... I... Sho-uld've tried... harder..." The dog coughed and nuzzled the fox "I..I love you..."
Arca was distraught "Please... try not to talk... It'll all be alright Sampson... just please... stay alive... I'll take you to the city... they'll help you..." He burst into tears
"B..But you h..hate the city..."
''But I care about you...a lot"
"I... Know... And I care about you... too... but you don't need too..." the dog screwed his eyes closed "Arca...?"
"Come on!" hefts the dog up in his arms and sprints towards the city...
"II'm so glad I met you... can I have one last request?"
"No..cause your going to make it through this Sampson..."
"Mate me one last time... then I can die... a happy dog..."
"Sampson...even If I were to do that..you would survive it...please just try to make It to the city for me?"
The dog laughed gently "W..We both know I won't..."
"If Sampson really loves Me will he try?" Arca begged
"B..But It hurts... so bad..."
"No want be alone again..." ears flatten to his head
"I... I'll try... for you... please don't let It hurt anymore..." the dog whimpered and weakly licked the arctic fox's muzzle.
Arca Passed through the brush entering a small city a few whines escape his muzzle as memories come to him...
"Sampson know where healer Is?"
sampson whimpered and tried to point before falling limp on Arca's shoulder, he closed his eyes. Arca looked to find a passerby, he quickly grabbed one "where place with healer stuff and medicines?"
the woman stared at Arca before screaming and trying to get away from him "what are you?! get off of me! HELP!" many people turned and stared at the Arctic fox as the woman screamed
"you tell where medical facilities is and i let go...you refuse he may die" he turned to her with sampson now in sight..."please..."
she pointed shakily at the hospital across the road "r...right there..."
Arca sprinted off, leaping over entire roads to get to the hospital...
the dog slowly came to... whimpering gently he whispered into the fox's ear "Arca... I love you..."
"told you you'd make it sampson...'' licks your ear softly
Sampson smiled softly "we go back to forest afterwards?"
"Yes and whatever else Sampson asks for"
Sampson smiled as he was carried into the hospital by his mate "thank you Arca... thank you so much..."
"don't worry Sampson... everything be fine now... you rest now..." the arctic fox nuzzled him gently as he walked up to the receptionist.
"e...excuse me... m..my mate is hurt... c..can you help him?" Arca placed Sampson's body on the Receptionist's desk "he is hurt... badly... please help him..."
the receptionist stared at the German shepherd before making a call, soon the atrium was a blur of movement and action, Arca was sat down by a young nurse, he watched with horror as Sampson was taken away by the medical staff, he tried to stand up to follow but the nurse shook her head and tried to get him to sit down "i'm sorry... but you can't come in... he's in an awful state... when he's in a better state you can visit him... but for now please let us work... we'll tell you when he's well enough..." she couldn't help but stare at his sheath "w...would you like some clothes to wear? a...anything at all?"
"c..can i have some clothes? please?" Arca asked softly
the nurse patted him gently on the shoulder "sure thing hun, let me just go see what we have got. i'll be back in a second, don't worry, your mate is in good hands..."
"t..thanks..." Arca just sat there, staring at a clock, watching the seconds hand go around the face, showing him that time was passing at a steady rate, the nurse came back with a box of clothes.
"here you go hun, pick whatever you want." she smiled and placed the box on the floor and walked off to do whatever it was she was supposed to doing
Arca looked through the box of clothes and whimpered softly, none of the clothes would fit his large form then he found an old lab coat like thing which he liked... he pulled it on and looked at his reflection in a window he pulled the arms of the coat off and looked into the window again, he smiled as he flexed his muscles, with the constricting arms removed the coat was much nicer, he did it up to protect his modesty and sat down again, staring at the clock once again, he yawned, his long sprint finally taking it's toll on him, he closed his eyes and fell asleep in the chair in the waiting room.