The Risen Curtain - Chapter 16: The Interview - Magecraft & Magic
After all, magecraft works by bringing forth natural events through a supernatural mean." she explained. "it could have been made by other, non-supernatural means, but it would be a lot harder.
Family Days 17
What was that supposed to mean? what did that mean about them? what did it say about him? was he even supposed to exist? "i should've told you...i never meant to hide it from you chris..." "why?" "i...i didn't want you to hate me son.
The Desert Mouse
"i mean it. now, come on. you need a hug." the porcupine giggled. "mm. i guess." and he stepped forward, taking a deep breath (of her) through the nose. and wrapped his arms around her.
The Very First Step of a Pokemon Journey
I mean, what about your parents and..." he paused. "come to think of it have we ever seen-" "okay, so we need to get going for aurum's thing." leon interrupted. "that means going through town." leon groaned.
Juryokine: Chapter Eighteen
What does that mean for me?" "it means that if they ever find out what you are, we're both in big trouble." the jacket underneath toke's shirt suddenly felt like the heaviest thing in the world. "how much trouble?" he asked.
What Happened to the Tiger?
But like i mean that means cookies are bigger now so you know, i think i came out the real winner in that little prank war." "i feel like i only understand about half of what you're saying." vance trailed off slightly. "i mean...
Childhood Nostalgia
What do you mean?" pat tilts their head, tapping their left canine with their flat tongue as they think. "i mean what i mean. i didn't love him as much as i wanted to _be_ him. i was pretty scrawny as a cub, and got confused for a girl."
Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 96 - For better or worse...
Because someone once told me that giving up doesn't always mean that you're weak... sometimes, it means you're strong enough to let go...
Gates to Misery CH: 7
It wasn't a mean voice or anything, but hearing that out of nowhere scared me. i thought i was imagining it and went to sleep.
Spare Parts
"i don't just mean cleaning, i mean cleaning," jackie clarified. "are you sure you're ready for that...?" \*\*\* [flick!]
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:35
"i just...i mean...i usually cuddle up to trenny's tail at night, and i mean...i-" dawn giggled, holding up a hoof to stop the already thoroughly embarrassed vixen from having to struggle through her attempted apology any further.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 16
This would mean that spyro's magic is still working. this would mean that they aren't that old yet. this would mean that he will still have his brother the way he remembers him.