One Little Game

One Little Game By CalexTheNeko Alex was the latest in a long list of 'victims' that had answered the ad to babysit a werekitten. He was a calagon, a reptilian like creature covered in green scales, but brown and green furred ears and a...

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Box of Size

Box of Size By CalexTheNeko Telani had picked up the oddest item on her last job. It was a very small, maybe only a cubic inch tall. She could easily roll it between her fingers. But someone had gone the process of painstakingly carving all...

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What Happened to the Tiger?

What Happened To The Tiger By CalexTheNeko "And here are your keys and you're good to move in." The deer extended their hand out to Vance. "Uh thanks..." Vance took the keys. The white dragon with a rainbow mane and stripes took...

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Cats Dig Giant Robots

Cats Dig Giant Nanobots It started as a perfectly ordinary Saturday with an orange werekitten sitting on a couch watching Saturday morning cartoons dressed in just his fur. The small kitten had a box of cereal next to him as he shoveled food into...

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Thirteen Tales 2020: The Culprits Revealed

Tale 7 victim: mat starting form: bat-fox ending form: mega micro kitten culprit: aurum method: cursed video game important clues game is delivered wrapped in aurum's scarf mat saw culprit had white and gold fur pattern

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Micro May: Daily Life

So off screen before the story starts odin shrunk himself to a micro and me to mega micro and we've been this way for the entire month. today we must go on an adventure to get groceries! calex is pretty gung ho about the thing!

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A Small Mishap

But getting zapped by the ray twice leaves him a mega micro unable to provide much physical help to the two! kickaha ota the coyote fox! you might assume kick was responsible but really you can't blame him. you know how he is!

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