S3 Ep2- New and Old Love
Bohdi met a girl named morgan a snow tiger at 5'11, zephyr met june a female eagle at 6'3, colton met kim a 5'11 partly blind bat, magma met tammy a 6'1 with a fiery personality and storm met susan a 5'11 otter girl.
Too Proud For Your Own Good Chapter 1
The eagle held tightly to the thunderbolt and when the phoenix got close enough, the eagle threw the lightning bolt and it crashed into the phoenix with such immense power that it shot him out of the sky.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 51: May The Night Forever Protect You
The eagle said jumping into the arms of the dawn horse. "relax! it is just demona." jonan said chastizing her friend's cowardice. "thanks for saving our bacon by the way."
North and South Chapter 2: Seeking
"eagle eye has the experience, but you've got the head for it," volcan added. "i think having you two is the best way to go." lashanne turned to look at eagle eye, wondering what he thought of the idea.
The Battle for Azure Finale: Unveiled
He nodded to eagle eye, thanking him for the information, and looked for a high spot where he could address the townsfolk.
Have You Ever Stopped To Listen?
Sat and watched an eagle skim across the waves to grab its next meal? walked past a field and paused a moment to look out at the wildflowers now in bloom? have you ever pulled your mind away from everything else around you...
Battle for Hadleigh Chapter 6: Misguided
eagle eye, right?" she pointed at the talonflame. "i don't have a map to hadleigh, so i'll need you to guide us there." "you betcha!" eagle eye said with a nod. "though i gotta ask...ya sure yer flying boat can keep up?
roo's adventure
In the birds nest, a highly intelligent, small, yet divine eagle, was sitting in its nest. it was performing its ritual of the flames. this ritual happened every thouasand or so years, and was very, very... stupid, would be the right word. so, the eagle flew
Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 4: Village
Summit even brought in a batch of eagle eggs the other day, we still have a few of those left i believe." embryo hesitated for a moment, she was confused on how this dragon could misunderstand.
Survival, Chapter 1: Acorn Paste, Honey, and an Egg
He had hooked one ribbon of grass that also held an enormous eagle feather into a tear in his right ear that had never healed. in the other, curiously for a squirrel, was the skull of a sparrow that had been bleached by the sun.
Mar: A World at War; Chapter 1: Review
Regarding the beings that inhabit this realm are, in a word: perspicacious, the original race that lives in the light realm are eagles.
Maverick Hunter - Chapter 6
The navigation screen of the stealth shuttle glowed a fuzzy green. _'Auto Pilot'_ and _'Tracking'_ were locked into the top left corner as the screen displayed a large blip on its radar map. A red square surrounded the blip and blinked between a light...