Hope and Sorrow

You can either reminisce or drown with those stories of your past. having love where it never belongs is in the moment i lay on. restrictions based off of morals and common sense creates a pressure from what peers might judge upon.

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Dinner Mimicry (Otherwise Untitled)

, his feathers a matted flatness of a very clean rat recently drowned. ~ the fennec, her focus on ladling over another glomp of batter, "you didn't marry me for my cooking, right?"

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the question. poem

Maybe a great tide will come and drown me. or snuffed out by an animal. maybe i will take my own life. i wonder when and how. on this great ocean of life. that was the answer. that there was never any thing to fear. but to take on.

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Where I'll Be Waiting: The Cabin

**me:** drowned in snow and coldest it could be, the storm continued, samuel having to push on as hard as possible, grunting and shuttering with each miserable step, he continued to cry out his missing brothers name, "rudy!!

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Thing Born of Blood

My emotions mirrored in its large eyes that tell me of instincts i have long ago drowned in human blood, in the blood of my ancestors before me who have lost the love of nature.

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Sorrowed Past- [Prologue] (Scrapped)

A blurry image slowly fading as the voices seem to drown out, vision seeming to be filled with darkness as everything goes quiet. (a few days later) \*moan\* what happened, where is?.. "he's gone, he left to fight him, and...

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Poem: Sorrow

They drag me on and on and on but i only slow them down be free of me, forevermore just leave me here to drown happiness eluded me, in order for it to come i escaped to virtual worlds and times too hard to overcome yet all throughout, i managed to

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I lie here in the Darkness

Only one who truly understands i lie here in the darkness staring up at a black hole i know to be a dead light bulb i can hear the girl in the next room scratching at the walls but i can also hear the moth outside tapping against my window drowning

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Ballad of the Otter War

A **fail** ure **note** d **by** the **first** to **pen** the **rite** of **pass** age **known** to **us** as **war** the **best** of **batt** les **make** no **boys** to **men** a **card** we **play** to **face** a **way** from **shore** and **drown

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Entry 7

I would never have known he was there if he hadn't bused up laughing at me when i came out of the creek looking like a drown rat.

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Cold Nights

Trucks drive away, laying down next to the cubs she hold so dearly to her heart, her eyes feeling heavy as the rain started to fall to a slow rated almost like a lullaby and with that she fell into a deep sleep as the rolls of thunder passed and the rain drowning

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Cold nights

Trucks drive away, laying down next to the cubs she hold so dearly to her heart, her eyes feeling heavy as the rain started to fall to a slow rated almost like a lullaby and with that she fell into a deep sleep as the rolls of thunder passed and the rain drowning

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