Thing Born of Blood

Story by WolfSlaveCly on SoFurry

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I know, I know, it's not a story, it's a poem I wrote many many years ago. But I think you all might enjoy it. I wrote it for English class after reading and watching Seabiscuit. I had the best poem in class. Anyways, here's a poem. It's really short.

The body moves, the muscles flex,

The legs unfurl in the morning haze,

Flying across the waving green,

Power engulfed within a thin frame.

Speed and strength marry upon the back of evolution,

And the life sighs with the time it took to create it,

How long it took to bring together two opposites.

The form has no form, only a blur in the mind's eye,

The land like wet paint that flows together,

Wind like the breath of the land, the mist of breath upon my face.

I belong here, hooves drumming like thunder, lightning harnessed beneath my fingers,

And the blaze of fire whips at me from the back of fate,

Nothing matters on the wings of the beast,

Its breath my breath, its life my life, souls intertwined in a Heaven lived alive,

Darkness banished within the souls.

A symphony of heartbeats,

Thunder riding beneath my feet,

The power a thing alive, and nothing can force them away.

The essence of the marriage of strength and speed,

The beast is made of this, of the time it took for this.

My emotions mirrored in its large eyes that tell me of instincts I have long ago drowned in human blood,

In the blood of my ancestors before me who have lost the love of nature.

A mirror form of me lies beneath those eyes,

And the snort of life comes from his flaring nostrils.

I'll never forget the thing that released my soul from its prison,

My mind from its puny morals,

Nature gave birth to this, gave birth to me,

And so I ride on the back of my brother, and he carries me past all things of mind,

Carries me to all the things of the heart, born of instinct.

I was made for this; my horse was made for this.