Cold nights

Story by MoonMoon on SoFurry

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So this was something that i wrote today in english class insted of doing some project where i have to write about who i am, i hate doing stuff like that so let me know what you think about this little short story

The sounds of distant thunder rolled in on the sleeping town torn by war, crime and poverty, in a small tin hut slept two young cubs and holding them was their tired, worn down mother whose face was just worn down. Holding them close to keep them warm for the long cold nights. She lifted her head up hearing the sounds of the police cars and held her babies close to her; she often wondered how they could sleep so soundly with everything going. As soon as the cars drove past her small hut the night sky grumbled as she heard the droplets of rain start to fall she took the blanket off of her and tightly put it around the pups as the rain picked up. She paused for a moment and looked down at the pups and smiled at them before crawling out of the hut standing in the rain, the lights from the center of the city glowed reflecting off the water on the ground. She always hoped that she will one day be able to be a better mother to her kids. A tear rolled down her cheek following the stained fur from the many tears cried. Looking down and at her foot paws she saw a little basket, taking a knee she pulled off a rag covering it and smiled sniffling seeing fresh fruits and some bread in it with a small note in it "Stay strong dear one day you will be better off but just take care of your babies they grow so fast and wont be small forever" and after that for the first time in her life she cried tears of happiness and not of pain and sadness. Crawling back inside with the basket she heard the sound of trucks drive away, laying down next to the cubs she hold so dearly to her heart, her eyes feeling heavy as the rain started to fall to a slow rated almost like a lullaby and with that she fell into a deep sleep as the rolls of thunder passed and the rain drowning out the noise of the restless city.