I lie here in the Darkness
This is a poem I wrote in the dead of night many years ago.
I lie here in the Darkness
I lie here in the Darkness
staring up at a black hole I know to be a dead light bulb
The only real Light comes from the streetlamp outside
shining through the venetian blinds
There is not much
I always keep them shut tight
I hate the Light and the Light hates me
it burns my eyes and chars my skin
The hateful Sun
it works its way into my brain and makes me think of where I've been
and all the things I've done
Whereas the Darkness enshrouds me
protects me
comforts me
It is the only one who truly understands
I lie here in the Darkness
staring up at a black hole I know to be a dead light bulb
I can hear the girl in the next room scratching at the walls
but I can also hear the Moth outside
tapping against my window
drowning out her calls
I was lying in the darkness
staring up at a black hole I knew to be a dead light bulb
but now I am outside
staring up at the Moths encircling the streetlamp
I do not know how I came here
and there is blood on my hands
Maybe they were right about me
I stand here in the street
staring up at the Moths encircling the streetlamp
They are so beautiful
but I hate them
I hate them because they love the Light
even though it burns them
even though it kills them
I hate them
But am I a Moth?
Or am I the Light?
Maybe they were right about me
I was standing in the street
Staring up at the Moths encircling the streetlamp
but now I am sitting in a cell with my eyes shut tight
listening to the buzz of my fluorescent Light
I am sitting in a cell with my eyes shut tight
and I wonder
I wonder if there are Moths around that Light