Luna's Holiday (1300 words)

She laughed, teleporting every other stride to gain ground on the errant globe. with one last flash she was in front and gave it a mighty kick to send it back towards the chariot.

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Unknown Worlds: Always Dead

We were still in the box, teleportation did not work and i growled snarling. unleashing my claws determined to release my anger against the wall behind of me.

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New Beginning Chapter 6: A Dirty Job For a Confused Soul.

"i know teleport." he said simply. "teleport? but how? chu aren't a poke'mon, and chu can't raichu be able to use teleport rai you're human." "i'm neither." "rai...are chu a hybrid?" "i"m more than a mere, 'hybrid'!"

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Dimensional Analysis

Had he been teleported to another location? but he had never seen or heard of a forest like this one, not in all his years of traveling the world.

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A Rift in the Leyline

Usually he'd just blink repeatedly to teleport around to the meeting point but might as well take his time before he's grilled by some stormwind guard trying to find any excuse to throw him in jail.

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City Sector Uplift part 4

They had been teleported to a rooftop landing pad of a skyscraper in sector 48b, which was an outer sector forming up the edge of the city.

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Chapter 5

He followed his amulet's map to his first class, teleporting to the location that housed many of the science buildings, the massive dome under the ocean, unsphere.

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VOCT2 - Round 1: James vs Aira

"we have to wait here for you to teleport us? lame!" ackart called out, munching his last handful of fries and back in his normal avatar.

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Chapter VII: Militant, Part One

"anti-teleporting measures, don't try again or else you might find yourself just a bit shocked beyond stupidity."

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Section 1: The Chakat Who Folded Hirself (First Draft)

"why can't we just teleport it to you?" a heavy sigh emanated from the direction of the light. "because, the energy in that brush is unstable.

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New Beginning

Now why don't you both grab my hand and we can teleport to blue water." will and jack both nodded. will was still trying to find the right words.


Beast Omega Galaxy Chapter 8: The Reunion

Remember, if anything happens and we somehow get separated, press that jewel in the center and i'll be able to teleport to you. soulka: right, got it! let's be careful in there.

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