Chapter VII: Militant, Part One
#7 of The Old Rainforest
"Who watches the watchmen?"
Chapter Seven: Militant
The metal body around them rumbled as the civilians sat down and enjoyed the flight as it transitioned into normal flight. Looking behind them, one might find that they would be facing eastwards with a compass. To their side, two massive jumbo jets propelled them through the air while above them hydraulic equipment maneuvered and carefully adjusted the flaps and wings of the plane.
To anyone it would have appeared to be the perfect flight, quite literally, an onboard computer system developed by NVidia, using camera scans off the plane to perfect guide it to five decimals of perfection. Everything was accounted for, weather being calculated by the best computer systems and the density of the atmosphere, even sun pressure added into the equation.
Everything would have gone perfectly except for one tiny variable in the equation that wasn't accounted for. Was it outside the plane? Maybe a tiny particle inserting itself between the metallic boards and causing a change in the mass equators and then causing the plane to glitch out and crashing into the Atlantic or tiny Long Island town?
Or maybe on board the plane, someone hired by the Russians, maybe they were in the first class compartment? No, they wouldn't need the money provided and the risk of death would be far to outputting. Perhaps they resided in the lowest class, where maybe the terrorist would need to give himself up in order to provide for his family? Perhaps? Yet terrorists in this case were unlikely, the NSA "secretly" tracking all communications and scanning messages with words in order to elevate risks.
So instead what else could it be, what would be so disrupting that it would throw off all the equations and knock a plane out of the sky, crashing into the ground and ocean? Why a Kagen of course. And then Twilight stood up.
"Why hello everybody, show for you tonight." Twilight said standing up in the middle of his seat, on both of his sides a person in the middle row. Everyone turned towards him and everyone in the first class looked at him wondering whether or not the Kagen was a show or if they suddenly were dealing with a terrorist, this could go bad quickly.
"Sir please sit down, this flight is being recorded and right now your disruption is going to be matched up with your identity." A man said from his seat, one would now by the way his hand cautiously drifted towards his waist that the man was an air marshal. The Kagen turned over looking towards the man as he held out his hand.
"Now then I assure you that I was not scanned, in fact you'll find a hard time matching my identity, because these two idiots between me failed to notice that I replaced the man sitting here." Twilight said as the two passengers looked at each other and looked concerned and defeated. "Now then Mrs. Flight attendant if you would waddle over in your dress please make haste and check the bathroom to your left."
Attention in the cabin shifted over to the woman dressed in the blue and white dress. Looking horrified as everyone's concerned face was turned towards her, she nervously walked back and grabbed onto the handle of the door handle, a green symbol underneath.
Grabbing the door handle, the woman opened it and as she did, seemingly a series of noises were sent off with in the plane bathroom. The woman held the door in place as she held her hand over her mouth. And then a layer of red blood, seeping through the carpet exited the door. The attendant ran away screaming as blood stained her shoes, leaving the door half open.
"The hardest part of that was making sure none of you went to the bathroom today." Twilight said as the flight cabin realized what they were dealing with, a complete monstrous psychopath. The air marshal was leaning in his seat, an odor produced around him as sweat exited his young pours.
"Shut up, stand down and I won't shoot!" The air marshal screamed as he stood up and pointed his gun forward at the Kagen, always the dangerous move. The Kagen laughed, and moved out of his seat.
"Watch out, you might want to lose a few pounds, then again maybe we'll all get a few pounds blasted off in the end." Twilight said as he squashed his feet through the seat and passing the man, now he was in the aisle, closer to the marshal and the gun pointed at his head.
"I said shut up, you're going to die." The air marshal said as he shifted in his leather jacket and then suddenly three explosions exited the barrel. The man shut off his view of the world as he let his bullets go and hoped well.
"Well then this isn't good for your first day on the job, however don't blame me because any marshal facing a Kagen would be shitting their pants if they knew what I could do." The Kagen said as the marshal's eyes were open and he saw the full extent of his failure, before him Twilight with his hand extended had the three bullets floating midair a common glow shared between his hand and the metal casings.
"Now then let's not waste any time with your death." Twilight floating the bullet in the air and then with a simple slide of his fingers, threw the bronze bullet backwards. Enter the man, the air marshal was knocked to the ground and would probably die, not that it meant anything in the long run of entropy. Ignoring the empty screams of the passengers, Twilight walked down the aisle and to the next portion of the plane.
Twilight passed through the curtains and entered the first class, no one payed much attention either held up with those nice free and customary earbuds that were the rage these days. Ignoring the idiots in that section Twilight walked through, only one person possibly knowing what was happening.
And that was when Twilight arrived at the pilot's door, looking at the locked door Twilight only smiled and put his hands forward onto the titanium exterior. His hands started to glow and like that energy started to bury itself through the door and like that the metal locked door started to melt. The Co-pilot was the first to turn his head and then flip an emergency switch.
"Oh please don't even do that you know that none of you are going to make it out of here." Twilight said smiling as he walked forward and entered into the pilot's cabin. Looking around both the pilot and co-pilot looked horrified as Twilight entered into the cabin and they turned away from the dash board. Twilight ducked in and looked at both of them, knowing that he was going to do something bad.
"Stand back sir, you have no right to be here. Leave or else you will be arrested and killed on sight!" The pilot said as he faced the Kagen, not truly knowing what he was saying. The plane view was out towards the Atlantic, and they were right above Long Island. The computer controlling the plane slowly increased the speed of flight as it gained altitude.
"Oh please, we already got this far why not take the plunge, in this case really do so." Twilight said as his eyes glowed and then he put his arms out, both pilots realized what was happening and they both quickly started to click at a series of buttons and maybe to relay a panic message or maybe goodbyes.
"Hello black box recorder this is the last transmission of this plane, from the Kagen God Twilight, tell the arrested Outsiders hello." Twilight said out loud as he started to glow and then an explosion. The entire plane exploded as Twilight released his energy.
The plane split into a million pieces all on fire as they fell through the sky, a trail of smoke behind them. People screamed in horror as the massive supersonic shock wave of the plane's explosion hit their ears. And then the plane's pieces fell like literal rocks and splashed into the Atlantic Ocean.
And with that the plane was crashed, game over, yet not for the Kagen. With an orange glow as he walked out of the ocean, the Kagen looked at his regenerated body and smiled. Now the Outsiders wouldn't know who he was again and this time, he would surely manage to get one up on them.
Then again maybe the Outsiders wouldn't even have to know what he did, they wouldn't even be much to deal with. The Kagen smiled knowing that the Outsiders were as much criminals in the eyes of the law as he was and with that, the Kagen climbed out of the ocean and teleported disappearing from the world and disappearing from the crash site.
"You can't do this to me, I'm a full blooded Outsider true and true!" Dustin screamed as he as he was dragged and lifted by two militants, being grabbed he was taken into the courthouse and lifted with such vigor. The Outsider struggled as he was lifted up the stairwell, neither solider or outsider really enjoying that part. Dustin tried to escape their grip, not that it would matter, he was handcuffed with energy matter.
Keeping still, the Outsider was moved up the stairs and through the courthouse and into the building. Arriving at the top of the stairs, Dustin wished he might at least having a crowd protesting for or against him, but it seemed he wouldn't be much likely to happen. Keeping still he looked around and saw the white walls of the courthouse interior.
Being taken to seemingly an assistant's desk, Dustin was held still as one militant kept a good grip on him and the other started to search through his pocket. Trying to avoid their grip, Dustin struggled, but it seemed the man had found what he was looking for, a metallic badge in his pocket and his gun hanging on his right waist. Dustin was taken back as he saw his Outsider given equipment taken away.
The assistant grabbed them and reached down into her desk, struggling for a second suddenly a pair of metallic gauntlets appeared. Dustin struggled while he realized that they were going to deactivate his powers. Standing still, he saw no point to continue struggling and allowed the men to clasp the finger strangling handcuffs onto his hands.
Standing still, Dustin lost all sense of his word; he couldn't feel any water around him. If he couldn't move his fingers, he couldn't use his powers and or feel any water, he was trapped. Still that seemed to be the least of his problem's today, he was then taken into the deep interior of the courthouse and traveling through a few hallways, doors on either side, he was suddenly taken through a titanium door and into a cell.
Into a rusty metal lined floor, Dustin watched out for horrible nails sticking out of the ground and looked forward. And then as he looked around, he saw the Outsiders, yet he wasn't taken to that cell. Instead he was taken into the next room, Dustin looked back at Elias and Colin who gave him death eyes as he peered into, and then he was taken into another room, passing through another door and into a nicer room, white lined and a single table in the center.
He sat down and there was a couch on the edge of the room and a vending machine for candies and other such food's. Dustin looked around as they wondered if this was some sort of stupid interrogation room, because they wouldn't manage to get much out of him. Dustin smiled knowing that he had the advantage in this place, as he had the powers.
"Hello Outsider, now then you are just in a barrel of trouble. Being investigated by a military tribunal and being replaced and the public being turned around you, so then I'm am General Thaddeus Hurt." A wolf said walking in being dressed in the camo uniform. Looking around, Dustin wondered why he was chosen to be talked to.
"Well we will fight for our freedom, you can't trap us forever and we will get back to our job by Monday, don't forget all that we did for this city." Dustin said as he looked around, there was a TV above him, looking at the screen it was something about a plane crash and someone named Twilight. Dustin instantly knew what was happening and looked in shame at what was happening.
"More of this will happen, when our enemies realize that we a trapped and they will attack the city, how many souls on your chest do you want to know you killed because you arrested us?" Dustin asked, hoping to intimidate the man and get him and the other outsider realized from the prison.
"Don't worry soon the villains of New York will soon to realize their fear of another enemy and stay back one they find the horror of the Second Platoon of New York. This was only just sand falling through the fingers of the transfer, but for now patrols are starting." Thad said as he sat down and looked at Dustin, his punishment was told and the Outsider knew what he was dealing with.
And thus Dustin was thrown into the cell, it was a nice cell if a bit old about twelve feet by six feet and looking around, they had three beds and one bathroom, they would have good luck figuring that out. Dustin looked at Elias and Colin who both looked angered and confused as Dustin landed in the cell and realized that he might be turned on after this.
"Ok, I can explain." Dustin said as he backed himself into the corner and hoped that maybe the two of them wouldn't turn on him. Colin only smiled and Elias put his hands out, then glowing. Dustin at least felt better with his cuffs off but there still was the matter of the force field in front of him blocking him from using the water in the cell.
"You can explain, you destroyed us, we are nothing now, and we are literally nothing now. You got us arrested and with a time limit you could have called us or something, but you let your stupid ego take over!" Colin yelled inside the cell, as he did the two soldiers watching guard over them quickly walked to the wall and seemed to activate some sort of sound proofer.
"I know but yet really can't explain it, so then Elias anything from you?" Dustin said as he sat down in the bed and looked at the Kagen shark who seemed to be giving him the dirty eye as well. Maybe they were angry at him, and maybe he did deserve that anger but still it wasn't as bad as it seemed.
"I can feel Twilight and what he did, you know this is your fault, and if you're going to not be so stupid headed I can teleport you out of here." Elias said as his hands glowed and suddenly his hands shifted. And then he was shocked onto the ground, Elias screamed in pain as he landed on the ground and stupidly shivered on the ground.
"Anti-teleporting measures, don't try again or else you might find yourself just a bit shocked beyond stupidity." The solider said, Elias said nothing as Colin came over and looked at him, he felt the Kagen's forehead and felt something so it wasn't all a loss for today. Dustin breathed as he looked around the cell and wondered how much they could pin on him.
"Ok, we can't teleport out so we're going to have to fight today and we're going to have to fight our way out of this cell, legally fight out of this cell, so then who's the best lawyer?" Dustin asked a she looked around and waited for Colin to say anything, he managed to get the dirty eye from the lizard. And Dustin just did an eye roll, he guessed he would be doing much of the lawyering which seemed about right.
"So then, we have to fight a military tribunal who does know who we are and know what we did. Surely your father won't help us in this situation and surely it would more hurt us then help us." Dustin said as he looked around and knew this was riding on him, he turned the team against him and he turned the whole team against him, maybe he deserved that.
"Ok, all we have to do is convince everyone that we are better for the city than without us, I mean Twilight already crashed a plane without us, and god that sounds far more psychopathic than I imagined but it works for us and we just need to be convincing." Dustin said as Colin groaned and laid against his bed, looking over to Elias who was still laying against the floor.
"God we've cocked up, why does it have to come to this, always has to come to this and us being idiots." Colin said as he climbed up onto the bed and looked around, Dustin smiled at least they were still alive or they weren't shot on sight, looking around all three of them would have to face some odds in order to get out alive or not arrested and put in comfy rooms.
"Well then, I think we need some rest, we all better rest up because later this is going to be the case of the life time and we will need to defend ourselves." Dustin said as he leaned back on the bed and closed his eyes, hoping no one would do anything stupid to him while he was resting.
"So then master, you're plan has worked wonderfully. But if I may ask sir, how did you know the Outsiders had a time limit?" Major Inferno said as he walked into the base with Ronan, his master was standing in front of large TV watching and waiting for something to happen to the Outsiders. All large news channels set on the massive tv.
"Well four channels and still all commercials, how stupid was this world that I once knew. When I rise, the world shall change for the better." Ronan said as he looked at the TV's and then grabbed a remote, muting the television and turning towards the lion. "Well my wonderful major, you see we all gain our information from somewhere and I have my sources."
"Did they forget to shut off your coms beacon?" The lion asked as he looked at Ronan, confused by what the wolf meant. He looked around, he didn't see anything that could intercept Outsider radio, so it seemed a bit strange. Looking around the wolf smiled with that grin on his face and knew the leader of the Neuroseekers had something on his mind.
"Well know this, it is always better to know thy enemy and who better to know then the man you've worked with for five years." Ronan said as he smiled and looked around the room. The major smiled as he looked around and looked at the wolf and his lead, both of them nodded. Ronan looked aged and smiled, walking forward and walked back towards a table in the room.
"Another interesting fact is that it would have never worked out between me and Riptide, our relationship would have become systematically unstable within use my in twelve years. As it turns out every time my powers it causes my cells to regenerate, I would age twice as slow had I continued to stay with in the Outsiders, this only extends my life." Ronan said as he looked at his militant and looked around.
"How is that sir?" Major Inferno said as he walked over to the table and Ronan opened the base of the table and pulled out a bottle. It might have been shaped exactly like a vodka bottle. Pulling out two crystalline shot glasses, Ronan poured him and his comrade two shots and grabbed them. They clicked them together and drank them down together, their throats burning as they did so.
"I don't even have to have to care about being drunk, I can just turn my liver invisible and then like that I am back to normal, but you see Dustin is immortal but I'm not. And while Dusitn might not have to worry about ageing, once he stops aging at about twenty, he'll have to skip around from young person to young person each one only lasting ten years until personal intervention on my a thirty year old is dating a twenty year old." Ronan said as he poured another shot and looked at the Major, who seemed to enjoy the drink as well.
"Now then how shall we take this, if we can assume the Outsiders are going to arrested are held up for a substantial amount of time then, when shall we invade New York?" The Major said as he turned and pointed to the large map of New York hanging on the wall, it was massive and it showed all the burrows, a tiny portion of New York as well.
"We shall stay here for a while, let the city rest in places, and allow tinnier amounts of Neuroseekers and other gangs to wear them down. I full doubt that Riptide will be able to full convince the tribunal that the Neuroseekers a threat and they will go unnoticed of our full base here." Ronan said as he smiled and looked at the map, only a layer of the map, the sewers placed above it, were in their control for now.
"And after?"
"We invade and kill all mortal men, and then we ask all the other Outsiders to join us, and then after that the United States." Ronan said as he looked at the map and wished to extend his red boarders across the land. He smiled looking at it and wondered if it would be possible. "These men don't understand the extend of the Outsiders and we need to take advantage before they realize what happens."
"What do you mean?"
"We are the children of the atom, our bodies are of mutations and we should understand who we are, the master race, the true potential of these apes and we can show them. But until that day arrives they sit without knowing what we can do and we can then exterminate them." Ronan said as he walked over and then the map seemingly actuated.
As the map turned vertical, and Ronan stood in front of it, a hologram projector activated and multiple pawns appeared on the board. Perhaps of this thing called ego a king was positioned on Riker's Island and everyone was else was pawns.
"And then when mankind is extinct we the mutants, we the children of atoms and radiation, will take over and superpowered men and women will run through the Earth." Ronan said as he walked over to the map and suddenly moved his pawns, the blue pawns were knocked down and seemingly destroyed and turn into the rumble.
"Well then, when you are ready to move ten thousand Neuroseeker troopers stand at bay in this base and in the sewers, all of them ready to move at your command and kill those who you wish." The Major said smiling as he turned and looked away.
"Have you ever figured out where some of our troopers have gone, disappearing but the Outsiders haven't killed them and they haven't been left laying out in the sewers?" Ronan asked the lion, holding him in place as he almost turned away and exited the room.
"Nothing yet sir, I will have someone investigate soon." The Major said and then he walked out of the room. Ronan smiled and looked at the chess board before him, ready to crush the pawns, but a finesse would be needed, the need to hold back and not attack anything that moved, that would be key in this case.
"Soon then Outsider, soon I will find you a place in my army and you will join me, because you will find my belief to be true and together we will exterminate mankind." Ronan said smiling as he walked away and stood alone in the room, the screens flashed information at him and he knew this was his chance.
"You will join me Outsider or else this city will burn." Ronan said clamping his hand but he held himself back, wanting to keep his sophisticated side and the other parts of his mind in check. Walking to his mirror, he looked as his vision flashed, eyes red, fangs extended.
"I still don't think that the werewolf side fits you, are you sure you want that; how it invigorates your powers and how it makes you stronger. You can phase through walls with that, go beyond being invisible."
Looking through the mirror Ronan found his reflected eyes facing Dustin, the shark standing in front of him; dressed in that black hoodie, cargo shorts. It had been so long since he had seen the shark without a perception filter. Ronan turned away from the mirror and decided to see the illusion in his own eyes.
"Well then my mind must be creating you; and quite a good you; else a shapeshifter got into my room or maybe I'm a just that good. Right now you should be dressed in black and white, but I do hear it is quite slimming." Ronan said as he walked up to Dustin and looked at the shark. Putting his hand on the shark, he walked around and examined the body.
"I am a hologram master; you built me to be a perfect replica of the subject known as Dustin and my body is completely interactive and completely to scale with the shark." The hologram said as Dustin, Ronan suddenly swinging his arm.
"No! No! All wrong, activate subject mimic program 475!" Ronan said as his hand slammed into Dustin, the hologram allowing it to pass through for a second as its body shifted around it and then hardened again. The hologram then reset and obeyed it master, now fully intending to copy Dustin.
"You're a monster, after all we did together you do this and destroy your team leaving me in the aftermath, you deserve all the pain you feel." Dustin said as he looked at Ronan, the wolf smiling and looking at Dustin as he smiled. Ronan simply laughed, looking at the hologram as he walked around the room, his insanity taking him completely over.
"So then, let's talk." Elias said as he talked on the bed, looking around he glanced at Dustin and wondered how they got into the situation at hand. Around the room, the three of them stood still with seemingly contempt towards the shark as they stood in their soundproof cell, they could say anything and get away with it.
"Fine then, I did what I have to, I think at this point we should all agree that dealing with Ronan is going to be my problem." Dustin said as he looked around the room, still not realizing the error and butt headedness of his actions. Colin groaned as he sat down on the bed, looking around.
"You are an idiot, you go completely tunnel blind when you see or hear Ronan's name don't you? I mean I would hope you remember that we are a team, we can work together. We might not have been captured if you just called us or you know didn't act like a buffoon!" Elias said as he put his arms out and waved them about seemingly attempting to get Dustin to realize the stupidest of his actions.
"Ok even so, why do we need to do this now, why can't we just accept that maybe I did something stupid and just move on, we'll win this fight. We can just prove that we are good for the city and then they'll let us continue." Dustin said as he looked to Colin and Dustin, there had to something they could do, some sort of correct order where they would be let go, it was always like that.
"And you think this time it is going to be just as simple as that, you just need to realize you're an idiot. Just stop it and realize it!" Colin said over the two of them bickering. They looked towards him surprised at the blind lizard's outburst, they stood still for a second, maybe pondering their sins or what they had truly gotten themselves into but they stopped thinking about themselves.
"Well then I guess we should work together, we can maybe stop this." Elias said as he nodded at Dustin and the shark nodded back, Dustin extended his hand and the two shook it as they made up. Looking around, they turned towards Colin hoping that the lizard would have something for them some sort of information.
"I can see it now, they're planning against us they now what we want and we know what they want and right now Thaddeus is working to do his damn best to put us away and put us away for a long time." Colin said as he looked around the room, seemingly his eyes were blank as he peered beyond the wall and saw all, no one could hide anything from Colin, he saw all and he saw where all. The lizard smiled seeing his team get back together and knew that they were going to have to work together in order to survive.
The sewers were dark and looking through a million eyes was hard but somehow he managed. Walking forward and keeping track of everyone was easy, but planning around the Outsiders absence was hard. Letting them climb out of the sewers, covered in rotten goop and all sorts of horror was easy, but regeneration was hard.
Twilight looked down on Times Square, in his new body, reborn body, better than all before him. A little more power, a little less regeneration energy. And looking down as millions of cars passed him by, he watched and twirled his hands. His eyes glowed red and he felt his tendrils extend as he waited in silence.
People walked along the street in the middle of the day and the Kagen vampire kept still as he watched. People started to scream as the manhole covers started to shake, fearing the same inferno that had taken the town earlier in the day but this would be much worse. In the middle of the night the Kagen would strike.
His warriors pushed the covers off the sewers and climbed out, dripping off their body a combination of oil and water, decomposing leaves and other such things falling off as they climbed out. Lifeless bodies and rotting jawlines composed songs of screams out of people as the zombie Neuroseekers walked forward out of their now temporary tomb.
Smiling as they walked forward, Twilight jumped down as traffic was put to a stop, once a car stopped they all stopped and thus the shark and his warriors had a fair taste to all in the square. The shark jumped down and grabbed someone, instantly his tendrils grabbed them and held them in place, his teeth extended out and sunk into her neck, draining her of blood and giving him the life energy he so succumbed to.
Still it wasn't enough, as Neuroseekers ran out, some ripping at people and others still with their guns firing into the crowd, the Kagen ran around the madness with a taste for blood on his sleeve. Twilight grabbed and drained as many people as he could, draining them of their precious bodily fluids and throwing them to the ground as his invasion of New York seemingly took place.
"This is Sally Sparrow, we are reporting from Times Square as suddenly people of armor and related to the Neuroseekers have appeared."
Twilight's ears perked up he heard that voice before, on the TVs. He loved that voice and then he jumped, plunging his neck into that voice as scream cut through the crowd. Twilight smiled at his pure evilness and looked around, he was close, he felt his blood banks expanding but still it was not enough he needed more blood, more blood.
Jumping onto the cameraman he drained most of the talent out of New York's number one reporting team and knew that he had done what most people would have wanted him to do in the first place. Shame for Sally he did think thought, what a massive news story she had missed. Too bad however; and thus the Kagen moved on again.
People screamed and attempted to run out of the way, yet like Sally most found themselves being complete collateral damage to Twilight's rage. The shark smiled as he and his warriors moshed around the square, dealing with and killing whoever they could.
"Yes more; and more my warriors you are doing excellent work of these poor mortals!" Twilight screamed out as he ran around the square, grabbing people out of cars and splattering their crimson fluid over their nice new wax job. The shark smiled as he sunk his shark teeth into their necks, dropping them and seemingly leaving a symbol on them.
"Yes, kill the men and mortals, make sure they fear and know fear; they and all who know them will regret the day that they messed with the Kagens!" Twilight screamed as through the square, which was now bare the Neuroseekers spilled blood, both from the warriors and those they struck. And thus they extended out through the city, some citizens prepared for such a situation shooting at them and slowly knocking down there numbers.
Still for the time being, it would be two hours and three blocks until the Neuroseeker's zombie army was no longer a problem. And through the night time city, with lights of pizza shops and tiny malls all layering the city blue, the Neuroseekers wondered through the city. Other still wondered through the alleys until morning until they managed to be sighted in the morning. But no one helped them, seemingly the military too busy with the Outsiders and the Superheroes losing their faith in the city they once protected.
And all through the night, Dustin, Colin and Elias stood in their cells, all of them stuck awake as they attempted to prepare some sort of defense. Yet nothing came to them as sleep seemed just as crazy a concept and just like the Outsiders for the first time in fifteen years both them were out a defense.
Twilight jumped and teleported throughout the city, killing and drinking the blood of whoever dared to stand around him. His policy was freedom and Twilight right now was free to do whatever he wanted to do. The shark jumped around the city and he was free to do what he wanted, and free to kill who he wanted and free to make of it what he wanted.
He could stand at the edge of item and look back, no one controlled him and was free to make his own choice. He jumped around the city, doing all he can, drinking all the blood he could and everything that was working. Draining blood was worth it and his vampire self flared as he jumped around the city and he wished to do as he pleased and he did as he pleased, the citizens of New York sleep with a bit more contempt with that fact.
"Well then Outsiders yet talk about your crimes."
The door opened and out of the room came Thad. The Outsiders woke up from their shallow sleep and found themselves facing their oppressor. Dustin smiled hoping that they would be released now. Thad walked over to the control panel and tripped a few buttons, the force field falling down and allowing the Outsiders access to leave if they so wanted.
"I will trust that you won't escape, else the guards will shoot you and I highly doubt that Azbantium bullets will do much good inside your systems." Thad said as he nodded to the two soldiers taking guard, the venerated general walked into the cell and stood before the three Outsiders, he wanted it all and the Outsiders seemed to be doing everything in their power to stop him from getting the city in his hand.
"Last night, we got a bit of a problem. You see from the sewers of Time Square, Neuroseekers rose from the ground. But they were dead, and there was a vampire like shark attacking, drinking blood from everyone. Sally Sparrow is dead, whoever did this will find the city quite turned against them." Thaddeus said as his head turned towards Elias, the Kagen shark taken back as he was singled off.
"Oh are you saying that I did it, I can't teleport out of here yet but you aren't doing much in convincing me to stay." Elias said as he looked at Thaddeus, standing up the shark opened up his wings spread and showed his fangs, the two guards raised their weapons, but didn't fire.
"Calm down, do you know the Kagen that is doing such, we seem to be expecting someone named Twilight, and while he was once a benevolent Kagen he has gotten a bit evil in the meantime." The general said as he held up a photo of the Kagen seeming from the night before, all three of them looked confused as they saw it.
"I don't know if it would be him, I'd have to feel his energy to be completely sure; he could have regenerated into anyone and after the events at the end of the universe I won't blame anyone until I see them." Elias said as he returned to normal, his eye color fading back to blue and folding back his wings. Sitting down the General smiled as he put the pictures away.
"No it doesn't look like him, but after the plane crash he could have regenerated again and we still wouldn't know what he looks like. However, quick question, why does this involve us?" Dustin asked as he took one last look at the pictures before the General took them away. The shark wondered what Twilight was doing, well Dustin guessed that was obvious, he was invading the city while the Outsiders were away.
"Because you failed to find him and now we have to deal with him, you have caused our problems and now we have to solve them." The General said as he stood up and seemingly insulted the three of the Outsiders. Dustin was taken back as he looked at the man, wondering if he could really blame them for being bad at their job.
"While the Outsiders are away Twilight will play, don't you get it he isn't afraid of your army..." Dustin said as he tried to defend himself, with something he needed some sort of defense to show that he and the Outsiders were good but nothing was working in this case. Everything showed the Outsiders were terrible at their job.
"He will fear me, don't you dare say you'll install fear into him; you have let the three main enemies against this city to rise up and act with no boundaries all while you travel to wherever you please." The General said as he stood up and pushed back against the Outsiders. Dustin looked at the general wondering if he could be serious.
"No we didn't install fear, we had respect from Twilight, knew that we were a threat to him and he knew when to strike, but now you have him unchained, he is uncontrolled." Elias said standing up and looked at the general, General Thaddeus looked taken back and surprised as the Kagen stood up and defended himself and his team.
"And are you saying that you are in control of him, doesn't sound like something I'd want to hear from a general like you. We've seen what you did in the war, we know what you did, all you killed and all to defend your dying race." Thaddeus said as he focused on Elias and insulted the shark straight to his face. Elias face turned into an angry frown as he saw his raw record brought up.
"Oh really you don't even have a clue on what you are dealing with, you don't know what I did and you haven't seen what I will do for this planet, so call yourself ungrateful!" Elias said standing up and looked at the general, who had insulted him. He smiled as he showed off his fangs, his eyes turning red and a massive set of wings spreading. "Do you really want to know what a vampire Kagen can do?"
"Elias sit down, don't sink to his level!" Colin called out as he saw the rage inside Elias burn. His aura turned a dark black and the shark started to walk forward, the two militants walked forward raising their guns and getting ready to unload Azbantium bullets into the shark. The shark smiled and he put his hand forward and onto General Thad's chest, grabbing him he lifted him into the air.
"This is what I will do for this planet, and don't you ever dare question my loyalties and actions during the Kagen War!" Elias said and then there was an energy wave, seemingly in a second Thaddeus was knocked back against the wall.
"Don't fire raise the force field." Thaddeus said as quickly the guard slammed his hand on the control panel and the forcefield was risen up on the cell. Elias quickly turned back to normal as he watched the general scramble to get up. The shark laughed it was almost funny. Elias sat back down as he closed his wings and pulled back his fangs.
"Well then Outsiders, I guess I will see you in the court, good luck facing the tribunal." Thaddeus said as he walked away, one of the guards following and holding the General by the solider as he grunted and limped away from the force of the Kagen. Elias smiled as he looked around.
"Oh god Elias do you know what you did?" Dustin said as he stared at the corner of the cell. Elias looked over, his eyes still flashing red. Dustin shivered looking to the pupils of the Kagen. Turning his head over, Dustin looked over and saw in the corner of the room, actuating slowly and surely a camera, primly positioned to capture everything they did.
"Oh god they saw that and now they know I am the vampire, confirming rumors and giving me another charge, as well giving you the charge of harboring a criminal." Elias said as he looked over to the camera and realized that he might have screwed up just a bit. "Well then Colin I don't know if we will escape but I love you, whatever happens."
"Elias I love you too." Colin said as he reached over and grabbed the hand of the vampire, their fingers interlocking and holding each other tight as they stood to look at each other facing the odds they had to face. This was what it all lead up to the Outsider captured in prison while outside in the world, the Kagens and the Neuroseekers ran wildly.
The superheroes too ashamed of their powers and too distracted by protesters in order to help; all the while below the city vampires and werewolves ran free without any regulation. The Outsiders couldn't do anything about it, trapped in their cell at the New York Federal Courthouse, and all the while the city seemed to be collapsing around them.
And all the while, the Outsiders worked on a defense to help themselves, the Neuroseekers worked on an offence to talk over the world and the Kagen, Twilight worked on growing his forces in order to take over the city. The city shouldn't of slept that night, all of citizens should have been up looking outside their windows in worry.
The city that never slept, seemed to be sleeping on the job as it lost its main defense, all Outsiders being taken in and captured, all the while supervillains ran around and played without being stopped and seemingly this was just the beginning of it, because if New York Citizens did know of the future and what was coming for them they would let the Outsiders go and stay up unsettled.