Episode 2B: Second
We have a working prototype that was just finished a couple months ago, actually. it's currently suitable for a large shuttle craft, which we've been using for testing.
Spiral Nebula - Chapter 25 Part One
"this aggressor took a couple shots directly from our most powerful weapons, including the leathilium prototype missiles" said yukiomaru.
Genetic Children-Log 01
Felt close to a breakthrough, or if he was deep in thought about a certain piece of his puzzle he would stay, the longest he had been there was 4 days, in that time he managed to splice several human chromosomes into his target, he was nearing a complete prototype
Chapter 4: An Unexpected Visitor.
Slippy suddenly interrupt the introduction just to make a joke on her, "yeah, and you admire my father so much since you heard him creating the arwing and arwing ii prototype, carnel." thus carnel blushed and everyone including me laughing.
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Eleven
"it also carried the prototype substance, but it's very unstable and is prone to damaging other life forms as well as the creeper infestation.
Red Wolves Ep. 1
In the meantime sample was destroyed by terrorist who had enough time by their fight - but as a resoult of this he unleashed mutated monster (something like from the thing or prototype) who can change bodies into zombies.
Aftermath - Mysteries
The chemical they used was only a prototype, not nearly as effective as what we use now. the report suggests that the increased brain activity of the soldiers is wearing through the chemical coating.
Star Fox: Changes of Love Chapter 1 Strange Change
And krystal's prototype design with a more mature look would become in sabre and krystal's mother, and randorn's wife.
Garm and Tommy's Story
Garm 000 prototypes generally were assigned a unit number of zero. this was three zeroes. but then, it was the third official "unit zero" on this project.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 41: Conclusion (We Go Down Together Part VII)
I jumped into his utility vehicle... it was really the blue prototype in disguise!! \*gasp\* i looked to my right to find a fierce and ferocious female brown bear. "morning pet." the familiar voice of my ex said happily greeting me.
The Lion
My whole life's been working with prototypes and salvaged stuff, really."
Lone Werewolf and Cub
The ones he set out loose were just prototypes, the real ones will be far stronger than he is and ready for their real target: solterra.