Chapter 4: An Unexpected Visitor.

Story by rsareal on SoFurry

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#5 of Alex's Journey to Become Star Fox Team

We all know the drill since the Star Fox char weren't mine from the start. If there are other names involve in this story withuot me noticing it, then I apologize for using it without permission. Continue the story and enjoy.

Chapter-4: An Unexpected Visitor.

It's been a month after Alyssa's death and I stayed in hospital bed for rehabilitation after three weeks in coma because of the incident. Right now my progress was extremely slow because I didn't have the will almost at anything. Nurse Kyra and Maria always helped me during my rehabilitation, sometimes Dr. Fong done some check up on me. They are still wondering about my changing fur after seeing Alyssa's death. Dr. Zachael's assumption was that because of my shock that my fur change color from grayish brown into white snow, and that was the reason why my father said something nice about my fur. After my rehabilitation session was over, I have some free time in my room. I watch day pass by through the window and didn't care anything as if I shut myself in my own dream and fantasies. Nurse Maria told me that someone came to see me very often and I didn't notice about since I was shut myself.

The sky in Corneria slowly turns to bright golden yellow, telling me that it's already noon since there are no clock in the room. This time I was aware about my surrounding and heard the door open. I look at the door and saw the mysterious guest that always come and visit me and it was a female desert color cougar. She saw me looking at the door when she entered the room and she released a sigh of relieve.

"Finally you've notice me, Alex. I've been trying to speak with you and yet you didn't notice me." All I could do was lowered my head and flip my ears back at my head feeling sorry for my actions. "It's all right. I understand that you were full of grieve about your family."

"So where should we start. Okay, my name is Carmel Revenant. As you can guess, I am a cougar. I know your name is Alex, although you were a bit different than the last time we met." I looked at her in question look, at least I tried to. "I'm guessing that you forgot about meeting me, though I'm not surprise about it since I came to your house just to see your mom once."

I tried to gesture her that it's all right. It is also my bad that I didn't pay attention to my surrounding and said, "It's my fault as well that I didn't remember, and how come you know about my mother?"

"I know her when we were at high school. She was one of the top students in her class and I happened to be her classmate. Back then I was a girl that can't stand in one place for too long plus a trouble maker. She helped me when I was in big trouble once and since then she became my close friend up until now, but enough about my story. What about your side of stories?"

"I can't say much about myself since I'm a failure in the first place. I can't protect my mother and sister, even myself. I don't deserve to live anymore and I wonder why I am not allowed to cross the line."

"Listen; don't put all the blame to yourself. It's hard for me to hear that Rachel had passed away leaving only you as one of her children that still alive."

"And that is why I don't understand. Why me, why I am the only one that still alive?" I started to cry feeling pity to myself for quite a while. "I'm sorry. I'm just not in the mood for everything; would you excuse me for a lot longer?" I looked at the window again shutting myself into my dream and fantasy again.

It was an awkward silence until the visiting hour is almost up. I could hear that she was sobbing to herself. Then I heard she said, "I'm sorry that I can't help you with anything. I really wanted to help you by trying to get to know you better, and I'm not really a good talker myself. I'm sorry that I open up your wound. Please excuse me and I'm sorry." Then she left the room crying leaving me alone. ‘No, Ms. Carnel. I'm the one who should be apologizing for distrusting you. I know you want to take care of me and yet I turn you down. My only hope is to let myself dying in suffer. That way I can meet up with my family again. But why my father won't let me pass, and why does my father told me to hold my childhood dream? I don't understand at all, I don't understand everything!' My emotions were completely mixed up and thus my tear start running again, slowly soaking my white fur and the blanket sheet. My tears keep on running until it's time for my dinner. Nurse Kyra brought some food and medicine for me to eat. I used to eat less than the regular portion they gave to me, but this time was different. I heard her scream for no reason, seeing something strange had happen on me.

My dreams and fantasies came to ceased when I heard the door burst open and Dr. Fong, Dr. Zachael and Nurse Kyra enters with a rush. I asked them what is the matter, but they storm me with "What happen to you" or "Something wrong to you" or "Did you hurt somewhere". I asked again what the matter is and what all the fuss is about. Then Dr. Fong told me something weird, "There's a blood stain in your eyes, cheek, and the sheet. Are you sure that you are okay?" ‘There's a blood stain on me, how is that possible?' I reached the wet part of the sheet with my right paw, it is cold because of the room temperature but it is still wet. I took my hand to my eye sight and saw something red, it is blood.

Two weeks had passed since the tears incident, I saw that Carnel visit me very often seeing my conditions and talked friendlier about everything. I now learn that she works as a technician in certain company and she was an expert as well. She sometimes meets up with her two colleagues who happened to worked at the military air base, planning to create any kind of engine or device they could think of and they even built one right now. She also meet up with new friends, some of them were mercenaries, workers, and even soldiers. Because she was a part of the new project, she was transferred to the military and act as one of the head technician. She didn't say anything more than that because of its classified or secret if that is what she meant. I once told her that when I was a cub, I admire the Star Fox but right now it was just a simple dream that will wash away by time.

"So you were an admirer of the Star Fox Team." She scratches her head weakly as if she was thinking quite hard. "I tell you what; since I worked at the military, maybe one of my friends knows about Star Fox members. Or I do know one of the members at least. I could ask them to spare some times to join me on the next visit and just to make sure I'll invite all of the team members."

"I'd be very happy to meet with all of them. The last thing I remembered about them was the founder of the team, James McCloud." I was very happy when she told me that I would meet up with the team members. I waited for her to show up with them; even I can't sleep at the first day she told me.

That day has come at last when Carnel appeared with four new guests that completely unfamiliar to me. The guests are a rabbit, an avian (falcon), a frog, and a fox. The rabbit wears a red shirt, green pants, yellow scarf, a long leather coat, judging by the size of the body it is ‘he' and quite old for a mountain rabbit at least around 40 of sort. The falcon wears red long shirt, red pants, and a short long-arm leather jacket, his body was well built covered with blue feathers. The frog wears a blue shirt; yellow pants, red cap; red scarf and leather coat the same as the rabbit. The unique part is that he wears a headset giving him quite unique personality. As for the fox, he wears green shirt, brown pants, red scarf, and leather jacket with their sleeve rolled up. Judging by the size of his body I'm guessing that he is four age older than me at least but his light orange fur is nice.

Carnel approach me and introduce the guests for me. "Alex, allow me to introduce the Star Fox team. The frog name is Slippy Toad, he is the youngest team member ever been recruited. He is an expert inventor just like his father, Beltino Toad."

Slippy suddenly interrupt the introduction just to make a joke on her, "Yeah, and you admire my father so much since you heard him creating the Arwing and Arwing II prototype, Carnel." Thus Carnel blushed and everyone including me laughing.

"Next up is Falco Lombardi, the blue avian. He may looked young but when it comes to trouble, he always there joining the party."

"Really now, and I thought that you were the same as me when it comes to a trouble maker, Carnel." ‘You got that right, Mr. Lombardi.' I said agreeing Falco's sentences. "Any way, nice to meet you Alex." Thus I nodded in happy.

"That was way back when I was a high school you know, Falco. Next up is Peppy Hare, He may look old but his skills were as sharp as he was still young."

"It is nice to meet you, Alex." Peppy the rabbit extend his right arm in order to hand shake with me and I replied, "The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Hare."

"And lastly Fox McCloud, he is quite a timid person but his skills were very impressive for his young age, a little warning that all his skills are heritage though. *wink*" I don't believe myself that she wink at me as if she wanted to tease me, but what surprise me more is that the fox name was so familiar especially the family name.

"McCloud, as in James McCloud?" Carnel and Peppy nodded slightly, "The founder of the Star Fox team?"

"Yes that is true, and this is his son," Carnel said it with high respect. "Although he had a slight problem, because he also lost his father during the mission that his father took." The news really surprises me beyond last time, because he also lost something precious to him. But compare to me, I probably lost much more. I looked at him once again and saw discomfort reaction or to be precise, sad and loneliness just like I am.

"I see, you lost someone dear to you as well," I replied after hearing the sad news. I lowered my eye sight and express my sadness to him. Others lowered their head as well, but Peppy felt sadder than me and I wonder why. I looked to the guests again and saw Fox's looked of surprise to hear what I said before.

"You mean, you too lost..." Fox said trying to understand what I said, and all I did was a simple nod. By the way he acted I guess he is quite timid at first and the rest is still a mystery.

"But compare to you, I probably lost more than that. I guess that Ms. Revenant didn't tell you my side of a story about how I end up in the hospital, Mr. McCloud." I waited for his answer or to be exact their answer.

"We only heard that she had a friend's son wound up in the hospital because of an accident, and Slippy here asked all of us to come with him to pay a visit since we are quite famous in the Corneria." Falco explain their reason why they came to the hospital.

"I see what a letdown." I shrugged my head feeling a lot disappointment not because I didn't have the chance to see the founder but what Falco's answer. "The reason four of you came here because Ms. Revenant request. Since I am an admirer of the Star Fox team, I'm quite happy to be visited by all of you. But I guess I can't hold my hope anymore for my support."

"What do you mean?" Fox asked the meaning from what I said. I inhaled my breath and slowly exhaled trying to clear my mind and thus I began my stories from my first know the Star Fox to the last edge of my return. It takes at least 45 minutes without any interruption since it is long stories. After finishing my stories I told my reason why I can't hold my hope anymore because Falco's answer meant that they used the Star Fox's reputation just for fame not glory.

All the guests lowered their head in grieve after hearing my stories, although it really hurt me most since I tore my wounded heart and mental. Since Carnel is my mother's close friend, she cried the hardest. I closed my eyes and hold my tears. Then I heard a foot step coming closer to me, not long after that I can feel the bed shifted because someone sat right next to me. I open my eyes and saw that it was Fox sitting at the bed right next to me with his face also expressing grieve for me, but somehow I get a funny feeling that it was more than just a grieve. I soon found the answer when Fox shed some tears and said, "I never thought that we share the same faith." Then he hugged me expressing how sorrow he is to him and that completely stunned me, I could even hear him crying at my shoulder.

"Wow, that's the first," Peppy said out of blurt by Fox's action. "He usually never that close to a complete stranger." I never thought that Fox would act like that as well, but still it is a surprise. I want to comfort him slowly by hugging him back when suddenly I feel a lot of pain coming from inside me. So much pain yet my body reacted without my command. I struggle a lot and tried to push Fox away but I ended up falling from the bed, and that surprise everyone even Fox. I didn't know what happened to me. This is the first time I acted that way. Fox slowly tried to reach me but my whole body retracted away from him as if my body told me that they were afraid.

Fox asked what happened to me but I replied by shaking my head telling that I don't know myself. "It's an androphobia effect," I heard from Peppy. "Judging from his stories, I guess his body had developed a phobia of being touched by males." I don't want to believe it since I was that close to Fox who share the same faith as me, thus I started to cry again and said numerous times, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry."


Well that is my story so far. I never believe myself that Alex always crying in this chapter since I also understand how he felt when he lost his family. Anyway, I do accept any critics and comments if there are any grammar and spell errors. Thank you very much.