Lone Survivor

I'm afraid that i just might be the only survivor of that disaster. i better get out of this place and back to civilization as quickly as possible.


Cosmic Stars - Chapter Eleven

They've found survivors, but the wolves didn't feel any better. the survivors were dying, worse off than the wolves and refugees. every one of the survivors knew that if they were going to continue surviving, they'd have to risk everything they have.

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Days of the W.A.L.K.E.R.S

"eat thoughs, any survivors are usually hungry but the time they get to where i am, if they get here un-bitten that is."

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Interview wth a Soldier

Interviewer: Hello. I understand you wish to keep you identity concealed? Interviewee: No, that is not the case. I have just been told that my appearance would throw off viewers at most tv stations. Interviewer: And why is that? And, how should I...

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I Am God

A brief look into the mind of a mad apocalypse survivor. is he, as he claims to be, the god of the unholy mutated beings he once called friends? or is he in reality just as demented as they are? you be the judge.

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#1 of survivor series he woke up to the sounds of birds chirping. sunlight already beaming in through the windows. several things went through his mind. where was he? why am i hungry? what time is it? what happened while i slept? when did i fall asleep?

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In this world, there are events unfolding that will change many people. But the reality of this world is not all grim. For within a small shelter, the love of the world can be seen. A love, few know or learn of but one that we all should take heed of....

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V=1f0fmuf-s54 survivor's fears a blackhawk helicopter flew over the tall skyscrapers of present day new york city.


A Blackhawk helicopter flew over the tall skyscrapers of present day New York City. The tall behemoths of buildings stood towering over the landscape, casting an eerie shadow. Glass was knocked out of the skyscrapers, and makeshift signs laid...

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Dragonflight: Segment of My Book "Planes"

One of the Skyriders, mounted on top of a black dragon, took a single glance at the two surviving scouts before he sped away from them. Loud concussive blasts filled their ears as the fight went on in locations beyond their range of sight. Both of them...

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The Last Stand

These are the last words I will be writing; it's a shame that it would end like this, but before it ends, I would to leave a legacy behind me, so, maybe one day someone... or something would be able to understand what happened to this place, this...

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Survivor's Podcast

"and we're here with more echo survivors, devon ortega and cameron wilson." "thanks for havin' us." "still very painful after all we've been through, but i think it's time to get the girevances out." "know always that you're very brave.

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