All Grown Up - and Not
He looked over to where their sons were playing and said, "it makes days like this possible... remember when we used to play here as kids?"
A Taste of the Wild
Jarzyl moved forward in a low crouch, keeping her belly barely above the ground and holding her wings tightly furled against her back. "Sneak, sneak, sneak, sneak, sneak..." murmured the young dragon. Every movement she made was careful, calculated,...
Duet, Duel, Dessert, Date, Dragons
I can play it on the wing harp. shame i didn't bring it today." atlas mimed moving his wings back and forth, like he was playing a wing harp, pushing air across the resonant tubes of the instrument.
A Fledgling’s First Hunt
It wasn't anything at all like when she'd play wrestled with caden, atlas, or other young dragons--the bird was smaller than her, but it was aggressive and fighting to escape. it didn't bite like another dragon would, but it did peck with its beak.
That's Using Your Noggin
They would die in those stockers, toys for jessica to play with. their anguish came to an end when jessica unlocked the coffers and pulled them both out by their hands.
We danced but never truly took our eyes off the soldiers, bodies moving to a rhythm and pace dictated by the gramophone, if the band was not playing.
Yaz Buraldkin, the first King of Abun
Yaz (clan name unknown), also known as Yaz Buraldkin (Yaz the Commander), Yaz the Unifier or Yaz the Great, born in year 29 of the Proto-History and died in 51 of the Ancient Era , was the first king of Abun and the man who unified all the little...
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 7, "I Was Taught These Guys Got Feelings" - Part 2
I doubt he can see it, though, but if he wants to play mister hardass, go off, bro, no fur off my back."
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 106: Something Happened On The Way To Heaven- We Found Another Heaven
"it is our thing that we do, you know, our play date. you do remember that don't you?" doria said smiling. "play date. hmm... where you act out a scene from your favorite story whether it was from a novel, movie or hub series!" "exactly right alex."
Volcan's Gaming Discussion (Part 2)
...unfortunately, unlike those games, i can't play them anymore. i originally played the game on my brother's playstation 3, before i got my copy on pc.
The thickly padded cubs were playing a 2-player grand prix, the special cup on rainbow road, 50cc. jake playing as toad, justin playing as mario.
The Fox And The Fiddler
His fiddle under his chin, he played like he'd never played before. across the glen the girl appeared to him, softly clapping her hands in time with his music. her voice easily following the music he played as she called up the wind.