Hoof and Claw

Hoof and Claw By Ziegenbock "Easy, tiger..." The prowling mass of fur and flesh circled his prey, closing in slowly. The mountain goat matched him pace for pace. Usually by this point, predators would have backed off, the legends...

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hope leaves the territory living den

chapter 4 I wake up to the sound of guns and birds. "what is going on" I say to the pack. "poachers shooting at the birds" the pack says "everyone ready for the sneak attack on the poachers" I ask but get silence back until we see a flash of grey...

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We Hunger

We hunger The prey is scented We are alert We are ready We move and the many become one We quicken, the wind from our passage flowing through our fur We slow as we near the prey She has not caught our scent yet Keeping the wind in our noses we...

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Duplicity (Vore, Cat/Squirrel, F/m)

Duplicity By Izzy Koji --- Though he was surrounded by the sounds of a rather busy city, Izzy's ears only exemplified certain noises around him, as if his senses were tuning out the things that were less important for survival. He could hear the...

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Camp Pred + Collected notes

"A place to sink your teeth into your fellow man.." Smell the fresh air, listen to the sounds of the world around you.. and welcome to the most exciting two weeks of your life, where your very survival is at stake.. you've heard of extreme...

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Denied Love

Denied Love By Donkey As Lora is out hunting for some food to bring back to her pride she spots a zebra stallion out on the plains tending his field of grasses, or whatever it is those tasty things eat. As she stood there watching him she...

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A Chimera's Hunt

Shwoopy was jerked awake from his cat nap by a loud, insistent growl. He blearily looked around the forest. Where had the sound had come from? He saw nothing. He scratched his head in confusion, running his claws through the course brown hair on his...

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Jamie's Appointment

Air escaped through a black nose, a point of sunlight which trickled in from the window reflecting off of Tim's sense of smell. Golden sights gleamed through his eyelids as they eased open to see the conscious world again, which...was still a bit...

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Voring with Josh

The FurTube video opened with cheesy dramatic music put in over footage of Josh, a Nova Scotia retriever, awkwardly dangling a small rabbit over his open mouth. The rabbit giggled as Josh looked into the camera with wide, anxious eyes. "Dude, Norah,...

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A Tasty Squirrel + A Hungry Fox = An Unhappy Squirrel

_I apologize for not submitting much. I thought I'd upload this mini-story to bridge the gap while I finish a few other stories that are rather far along. I really wanted to write a short story that focused mainly on the post-vore interaction between...

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Unto the Rising Sun

He knelt at his Master's side, and looked long towards the quietly rising sun. Gazing long upon the sun, felt the heat as it touched upon his thin torso, and felt the light creep up across his long, sensual wings. Upon his face, he wore a veil...

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The Angel

A cold wind and a light haze drifted low through the forest's floor. All was dark. All was still. A night as any other. It was a time for the creatures of day, to rest, and a time for the creatures of night, to flourish. It was rare for one world, to...

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