The Journey Chapter 9: Team Prime

Suddenly, a bright purple light shone around each of the missiles. they stopped in mid-air. sabrina and her pokémon were glowing with the same light. 'is that all?' she asked, almost bored.

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The Rogue: Part 1

The bastards had hit me with a missile! i looked over my left shoulder just in time to see the plume of fire and most of my left wing disintegrate. the maverick jerked towards the left, and yet another alarm sounded, as well as a light.

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The End and The Beginning - Character Sheet - Rumar Black-Iron

Magic missile level 1 - evocation casting time: 1 action range: 120 feet components: v, s duration: instantaneous you create three glowing darts of magical force. each dart hits a creature of your choice that you can see within range.

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Calin Regainig the Edge Chapter Three

You will pull out of missile range and make no effort to interfere as the ship departs the system. after we are at translation we will release our hostages in emergency evac bags." calin and his team froze awaiting orders.

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Zero's the Unsung Hero - Part One - Intro - Seemingly Harmless IT Technicians and a War on Red Team

Automator, have a missile pod yet?" "nope, better." as he said that, a hornet flew straight up in the air and fired round after round and rocket after rocket at the banshee, and in no time at all it was taken down.

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Red told her as tsume sent firing missiles straight at her only for the woman to hold up her umbrella, dust and smoke flew everywhere but once it cleared thinking that they won she stood unharm as she was hold the umbrella on her shoulder.


P.O.Wned chapter 1: The beginning

Not only did they lose more then expected, having suffered extensive damage to three out of the four ships, and had even lost the fourth when a missile that had gone astray had picked up his ship as it's target.

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The Bridge Of Cologne prt. 2

Plasmid and solid rounds began to fill the air, missiles and slugs exchanged in kind as the two sides fought with renewed vigor.

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The Wayward Mate

Though missiles are limited." adreena said. "setting sensors to maximum range and resolution. the database states that calron iii is an uninhabited world." zalina said.

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2. My New Life-1

Interception vessels, easily and quickly swatted the torpedoes out of space like flies, then returned fire with one volley each of 4 bright blue missiles that easily pierced the shields of both ships and crippled them by destroying their warp nacelles and

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Autopilot (Otherwise Untitled)

From the starboard side one of the remaining gallium flares arced out greet the missile threading its way through the patch of ice hunks scattered above the jagged stump of dorsal fin the craft currently flaunted.

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Death's Hand

The two jets, eight white, shiny missiles hanging off of their sharp wings, rocketed off of the runway to intercept the intruder.

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