Blue: Chapter 9

"keys are in the ignition." "i'll drive." dylan got in the driver's side and turned the key. he waited as the others got in, then he slammed his foot on the gas and they sped away.


Prologue: Initiation

After throwing a fireball into the fireplace to ignite it, raiden slipped his jacket off, tossing it onto a nearby chair, then kicked his boots off. he knelt by the fire, staring into the golden flames, allowing them to warm his fur.

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Day 29 - Ill

I ignited the fire in my heart, the taste of dirt on my tongue a clear sign of the magic and their help. without a moment to lose, i focused on the spirit's numbing touch, guiding their burning magic up through my arms and then into him.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 42

He watched the flames spread from one side to the other, he watched the twigs and pieces of bark that had previously been out of reach first sizzle and smoke and finally ignite, curling around in agony before turning to ash, their lives consumed by a form

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Antler to Antler - Part 5 (Revised)

Stags eyes ignite with pure rage, he's about to ram bracken again when fern leaps in the way. stag halts. fern looks him straight in the eyes. fern: enough. stag taken aback, watches as fern turns to bracken and helps him to his feet.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 36

Anger suddenly surged through banno's skull like a flash fire, igniting bursts of pain just behind his good eye. valery. sweet, innocent little valery. she needed his help. she needed to be set free.

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Welcome to Jurassic Weed

The raptor chirruped softly and with her free hand, expertly ignited the lighter. the pale blue torch-like flame flared to life. she lit the rope, which glowed a soft red in the dark.

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Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (6)

igniting its red beam, he could now faintly see the details of the room. a small round table sat in the far left corner. a single pillar rose through the middle of the room, and nailed to it were decorations only a sith would enjoy.

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Tsume huged red sora: way to go mulan and shang was having their moment as fireworks ignited in the sky they return to the kingdom and went to the kings emperor : once again you have served china well it would please me to award you what


4- Prove Your Worth

#4 of the legend of rift: scorching ignition "messenger for light, who have you brought before us today?" asked mavros, the guardian of shadow. the pair of cousins sat in the main guardian chamber of new schatten.

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Skinwalkers: Chapter Twenty

Fey looked back up at him, and felt a new fire ignite inside her. she nodded too, and together they all turned to face the intruders. fey's heart pounded like a drum, and she could sense the others' tension as well. this was a matter of life or death.

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The Giant Bacteria: The Novelization, Part 2

Please let the keys be in the ignition, callie begged. she grabbed manx's suit and shoved him the front seat, climbing in after him, getting behind the wheel and closing the door. yes! the keys were in the ignition. callie grabbed them and turned them.

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