6- Scorching Ignition (Finale)

silvus chuckled. "i wish you future luck with my cousin, sithris."

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5- WaterMount

silvus said, looking to the sky once again. "guess i should get ready then."

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3- Painful Memories

She cried, receiving a hurt look from silvus, causing her to smirk. "woooooooooooooooow, thanks sis." silvus said, rolling his eyes. rift blushed and stuttered. "s-sorry!

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2- Shimmering Shores

silvus said with a smirk. "as for the guardian of light, she is currently busy with training." the orange dragon blinked in confusion. "gabriel is a she?" silvus didn't answer until he got to his destination.

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4- Prove Your Worth

silvus approached from behind his cousin and stopped beside them. "thank you very much for your time master guardians, may the ancestors watch over you." silvus said with a smile. "you as well messenger of light."

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1- Canidate

With his cousin silvus by his side, he must overcome all challenges to become the new fire guardian. hello everyone! in collaboration with silverfury23, i bring you this!

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Resurrection: Forward

The story of the forgotten legend and the character of silvus belongs to silverfury23. [https://m.fanfiction.net/u/8587821/silverfury23](https://m.fanfiction.net/u/8587821/silverfury23) sithris agon belongs to sithris.

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The Story so Far

Years after the Purple Dragon of Legend, Spyro, defeated the Dark Master, Malefor, the Dragon Realms were once again in danger. Spyro had fallen into the dark magic of Convexity with the intention of ruling the world. Meanwhile, Rift, a young adult...

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