5- WaterMount
#5 of The Legend of Rift: Scorching Ignition
The clear blue skies filled the air as the two drakes stood on lush green grass, staring at the sea before them.
"I can't do it Silvus."
The silver drake of the pair placed a paw on the other orange dragon. "You're gonna have to face your fear eventually, Rift." Then looking out toward the vast ocean. "Besides you'll only have to wait a few more minutes to do so."
"I'm a fire dragon, that means that water is not something I can handle well. Add in a few too many times drowning, and I think I'll pass." The orange drake was frozen in fear, looking a little pale at the thought of diving in.
Silvus put a wing over his cousin's back and began inching him toward the sandy beach a few paces away. The fearful drake barely moved at all, trying his absolute best to stay as far away as he could from the water.
"Relax Rift, the water dragons have a way to make sure that you won't drown. Trust me, it's completely-" Silvus hesitated, remembering the process. "-harmless."
The silver dragon noted something wash ashore. "Hmm, I didn't realise it was Pink Bottle Jellyfish season, we should take care not to touch one, could end badly."
Rift watched in horror and slowly started backing up, the thought of death in water sounding worse than just getting stabbed. "I'm um... Just gonna grab something a few days away."
The fire dragon turned around and attempted to run away, but all Silvus had to do to stop him was step on his orange tail. "Where do you think you're going Guardian Candidate. Our escort just arrived."
Rift stopped and turned around to see a dark blue dragon emerging from the sea, wearing simple guard's armor made from sort of grey material. Once the water dragon was on the beach, he looked at the orange drake's terrified expression, then at Silvus' grin.
"This his first time visiting WaterMount, Messenger Silvus?" The drake asked.
"That it is." The silver dragon responded. "Standard procedure, Maki."
The water dragon nodded and began to approach the terrified Rift. Maki opened his maw, showing off his fangs to the fire drake, and aimed them at his orange scaled shoulder.
Rift panicked, jumping back and getting ready to defend himself. The orange drakes tail was ready to swipe, though his proximity to the sea did not help his shivering form.
Silvus let out a tiny chuckle, then moved to relieve his cousin's pain and fear. "Scratch that Maki, my cousin here is absolutely terrified of being underwater."
The escorter nodded and backed away from Rift, who has not lowered his guard. Silvus walked over to him and rubbed his shoulder a little bit, trying to calm him down.
"I was wondering if we could just take the easy way in if you know what I mean Maki." The silver drake winked and shot one of his silver blasts to their right, opening a portal. "Y'know, just to make sure Rift here doesn't pass out underwater."
"That'll be no problem, Messenger Silvus, though I should probably go in before you." Maki said, understanding the predicament.
"Come on Rift."
The fire drake looked at the two and slightly lowered his guard, the idea of being in an underwater city keeping him on edge. He reluctantly let his cousin guide him over to the portal, and then they stepped through it together.
One walk through a terrifying underwater city later...
"Good afternoon substitute Guardian of Water." Silvus said, tilting his head down slightly.
The dragoness, about the same age and size as Silvus, acting as Guardian returned the gesture. "Good afternoon Messenger. What bring you to Water Mount? I assume it's not just to visit me again."
Silvus cracked a grin. "Contrary to popular belief, that's not...entirely, what I'm doing here today."
The ice drake gestured for Rift to step up beside him to be in view of the dragoness.
"May I introduce you to Riften Myclonis, Fire Guardian candidate." Silvus announced, then looking at his cousin. "Rift this is Kardia, acting Guardian of Water." He said with a smile.
"Hello ma'am." The fire drake bowed, earning a giggle out of the dragoness.
Kardia gave a teasing smile to Silvus. "So this is the infamous cousin. He's cute, maybe I should keep him instead." She poked her tongue out at the silver drake.
The silver drake stuck his own tongue out at the Guardian, before pretending to cough loudly. "ANYWAYS. *Ahem. We're here to get your support of Rift's Guardianship."
Rift nodded. "If I'm honest, I'd prefer not to stick around here too long. No offense, I'm not quite comfortable being surrounded by water. "
Kardia nodded in understanding. "Typical fire dragon, well built, mannered, plus his cousin is pretty cute." She said winking in Silvus' direction, causing him to smile and blush. "How's his firepower? Skill on the battlefield, or experience?"
"I'd say so, what about you Rift?" Silvus asked.
Rift debated in his mind. "Well, the last time Silvus and I fought, we were pretty even. And I've greatly improved since then."
The dark blue dragoness nodded. "Well if you can fight Silvus and survive I think that's pretty skilled."
"Thanks." Silvus said with a cheeky grin. "Though I'm sure next time it won't be that easy." He whispered to Kardia, covering one side of his maw so that Rift wouldn't hear.
Rift could see the bond the two shared and smirked. "You two want to be alone for a bit? I'm sure no one wants to intrude on you."
Silvus chuckled. "Thanks Rift, but we should get back to meeting Guardians. I assume we have your support, Kardia?"
"As acting Guardian you have my support Rift. Use your time as Guardian wisely."
The fire drake bowed again. "Thank you, I'll do my best."
Kardia smiled and looked back at Silvus. "And I expect you to come visit again when he's all set."
"Will do." He replied with a wink.
The two left the room and Rift started snickering. Silvus tilted his head. "What's so funny?"
Rift stopped and looked dead in his eyes. "I would say there's some feelings between you two, but that would be the greatest understatement ever. She wants you."
Silvus blinks at him and then turns around, takes a few steps, then looks back at his cousin. "If you would kindly shush your face hole that would be nice Rift."
The orange dragon nodded. "Just saying, I could say she wanted things that would make a story rated for adults."
"I'm starting to question whether you actually want my approval for your Guardianship or not." The silver drake said with a smirk.
"This is the most I've seen from you in years, I had to make up for lack of teasing so long." The young drake chuckled. "Though you can't deny that she's head over heels for you."
Silvus rolled his amethyst eyes at Rift's first comment. "Fine haha Rift you're very funny, your skills at teasing has increased dramatically since the last time we saw each other." He replied sarcastically, then whispered. "The feeling is mutual."
"I thought so, reminds me of Ka..." Rift stopped and shook himself. "Anyway, what next?"
Noticing the slight pause, Silvus brushed his cousin's wing with his own, then proceeded to open a portal. "Back to the island. The next to are a little difficult to reach by conventional means."
The orange drake nodded. "Can we take a small break? I'll get food."
"Yeah sure." Silvus looked at the portal, then the sea domed room around them. "Food here or there?"
"There, you can get a small nap in." Rift responded, voice slightly quieter.
"Alright." The silver dragon said, disappearing through the portal.
A few hours passed on the beach before the silver dragon stirred, yawning softly and looking around. His nose picked up the scent of fish and looked behind, seeing his cousin cooking.
"Since when can you cook?" Silvus asked as he stretched his back and legs. "Ooo that felt nice." He said after an audible pop.
Rift kept his head turned away, his voice slightly quivering. "I've been cooking for a very long time. After Dragon's Claw got destroyed, I was kind of the only fire dragon, so I had to learn quick."
Silvus nodded in understanding, then opened another portal. "I'll be right back real quick." He said hopping through it.
The fire dragon nodded, mind elsewhere. He looked at the fish and sighed. "I miss you so much... I feel empty."
Rift looked up at the tall white mountain, the peak clearly seen on the cloudless day. It didn't entirely seem like a temple was built inside it, or even if dragons lived inside it. But it was a home, for his cousins.
With a deep sigh Rift looked down toward his paws. Home... Something the fire drake longed for with his lost loved one.
He looked up and saw the now charcoal fish, disintegrating into carbon. He snarled and slammed his paw on the ground, the intense heat turning the sand under him to glass.
At that exact moment a flash of silverlight accompanied the opening of a portal. Silvus hopped out of it, then immediately started flailing due to the heat now present on the sand. He quickly willed his ice element to his paws, cooling them instantly, letting out a satisfied 'ahhhh' of relief.
Looking at the ashes of the fish, then at his cousin. "You alright?"
Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, the drake wiped his eyes and looked at Silvus. "Yeah, sure."
The silver drake sighed and looked to the sky, then back down at his cousin. "Well, I managed to get into contact with the Guardians of Spirit and Psion. They should be here shortly, and I can't guarantee that they'll fully support you."
Rift nodded. "Can't win'em all right? I can't say I'd blame them if they saw me right now."
"Well..." Silvus said scratching the back of his head. "One can read your mind while the other is related to you."
The fire drake blinked. "Related to me? Between you, Rose, and now this new relative, won't this be a conflict of interest?"
"Well I'm not choosing you because you're family Rift, and besides, this new relative is probably going to be harder to convince then me." Silvus said, looking to the sky once again.
"Guess I should get ready then." With a pop, Rift slowly stood up and walked over to a satchel, taking out some bandaging and wrapping it around himself, covering the once again bleeding wound on his chest.
"That won't be necessary." A female voice said out of nowhere, causing both dragons to jump.
"Whelp, too late to prepare." Silvus stated as he turned toward the direction of the voice.
Two dragonesses stood across the beach, one the color of stormy grey clouds and a underbelly the color of the sea, while the other was a very pink dragoness. The grey one was much larger than the other. The pink one was similar in size to Silvus, however her build was much smaller.
The silver drake smirked. "Rift meet Amelia the Guardian of Psion." He said pointing at the pink dragoness. "And Delfini the Guardian of Spirit."
Rift bowed. "Honored to meet you two. I'm Riften Myclonis."
The two dragonesses gave a slight bow in return.
"I understand that you wish to become the next fire Guardian, and that you seek our approval." Amelia stated.
"I do." The orange dragon nodded. "It was a dream of mine since I was a hatchling."
The Guardian of Psion smiled. "I've always liked dreams, always interesting what the mind comes up with when we're asleep."
"Do you have what it takes?" Asked Delfini.
"Of that, I am not sure. But I am curious to find out." Rift replied, feeling a bit nervous around Amelia.
The pair of dragonesses exchanged a quick glance then nodded. "Rift, I can see that your spirit is strong, but wavering. You've been through some tough times recently and that could be a hindrance in your training. I'm sure my pink friend here can agree." The Guardian of Spirit stated. "There are some who do wish to see you achieve this goal of Guardianship, myself included, however the ability to move on is something a Guardian would need."
Amelia nodded in agreement. "You have the strength, skill, and intelligence to become Fire Guardian, but being in that position takes self-control, patience, and stability."
Silvus stepped forward. "Will you two please reconsider, I know Rift is right for the job, and it wouldn't be the same without your support."
"I can already see that he has all the support he needs, Silvus." The pink dragoness said, looking at the silver drake, sending him a quick wink.
Rift put his paw on Silvus' shoulder and bowed to the two Guardians. "I understand and respect your decision, I apologise for wasting your time."
Delfini let out a chuckle. "This wasn't a waste of time at all my nephew." She said, the dragoness nodded in agreement.
"Aunt Delfini... Dad told me a bit about you when I was little. You and my mom were close..." Rift smiled slightly.
Surprisingly, the grey dragonesse's smile grew larger at the mention of Rift's mother. "Your parents asked me to let you know that they're watching over you."
The fire drake nodded. "Well I'd imagine they're watching quite the show."