4- Prove Your Worth

Story by Rifty on SoFurry

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#4 of The Legend of Rift: Scorching Ignition

"Messenger for Light, who have you brought before us today?" Asked Mavros, the Guardian of Shadow.

The pair of cousins sat in the main Guardian chamber of New Schatten. In front of them sat four different Guardians, one of Fear, Poison, Wind, and the leader of the four, Shadow.

"Riften Myclonis." Silvus answered in a loud voice. "Fire Guardian Candidate, and my cousin. He was chosen by Masters Terrador, Cyril and Volteer for this position. As Messenger of Light, I approve of this suggestion, however we have come today to gain your approval."

The Guardian of Wind, Hadriel, snorted. "And why should we approve of this particular dragon?"

The two remaining Guardians nodded in agreement.

"He shows many talents and traits of a Guardian." Silvus claimed with confidence. "Bravery, willingness to help others, and skillful of his element."

The four mighty dragons turned their backs upon the pair, discussing their decision. They spoke in hushed voices low enough to not be heard.

Rift leaned to Silvus and spoke softly. "Did they know my father? Might give them a personality to go by."

The silver dragon shook his head. "If they did know him, it's best we don't say. Your father did have a bit of a temper back then."

"Myclonis, you must be Void's boy." Hadriel frowned, Silvus facepawing at their discovery. "That bodes good and bad for you. He was a very talented dragon, stronger physically than Ignitus, but never knew when to keep his mouth shut. Messenger, why should we assume the son is any different?"

"Guardians, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." The silver drake began. "However, not all dragons tend to become their parents, but Rift did indeed inherit Void's good heart for others and his talent for elemental magic."

"If I recall, his mother was a strong individual as well, Ravine, a shadow dragoness. Had her gender been different, she'd be in my place as Guardian. He has her eyes, and hopefully her knowledge of when to keep quiet." Mavros stated as he looked over Rift, then exchanged quick glances with his fellow Guardians.

The Guardian of Fear, Kravgi, stood up. "Let us see if what you say is true about his skill Messenger." Gesturing for Silvus to back away.

Rift closed his eyes and sighed. "I've not sparred for a very long time. It's been life and death for me, but if I have to show what I can do, I'll humor you."

"You will not be sparring young dragon." Mavros said with a raised brow.

Kravgi's light blue eyes flashed red as several red spectral dragons, apes, and grublins appeared, surrounding the orange drake.

"Only defending yourself the best you can or cannot do." Hadriel finished with a smirk. "Mind you not many can best Master Kravgi's fear spectrals. If you succeed I will consider supporting you on your quest of becoming Fire Guardian."

Rift gulped as he took in his opponents. Fear spirits... if they get ahold of me, I'm screwed. Sigh, I guess necessity is the mother of invention. "Alright, I'm as ready as I can be."

With a nod from Kravgi, the spirits charged. The orange dragon tensed and created an aura of fire, burning brighter and brighter until it all vanished. A spirit dragon swung its tail, only for it to be bounced back by flame. The spirits hissed at the move and began to assault the drake from all sides, tails and weapons bouncing back from the flames.

Rift winced minutes in, feeling a familiar sensation. Looking down, he found his wound bleeding again. His lapse in concentration giving the spirits an opening. He yelped as he narrowly dodged a blade aimed at his neck, jumping out of the group. An idea came to his mind, jumping into the air and curling into a ball.

The spirits watched as the drake uncurled, fire flowing around him as he landed, charging at them. Many of the spirits hissed from existence as the extreme heat of the charging dragon disintegrated them. Rift stopped at the other end and panted, gulping as the still many strong group of spirits slowly circled him.

Well, when in doubt, explosions normally are the solution. Rift closed his eyes and slowly lifted off the ground. Fire seemed to be flowing into him, the arena heating up to the point Silvus had to blow frost onto the Guardians to keep them cool.

With a roar, the fire exploded outwards, destroying the remaining spirits. Rift groaned and landed, looking around for stragglers. When none were to be found, the tired dragon looked to the Guardians, a small smirk forming. "Want me to go again?"

Kravgi looked impressed and a little taken aback that his spectrals were defeated without so much as a scratch on the drake. He nodded his head in approval. "You are skilled young dragon, however, more can be done to improve. You have my support." The red dragon finished with a smile.

Hadriel shook his head. "You have skill, I will admit to that. I will keep my word, you have my support."

"For once he keeps his word." Silvus said under his breath.

The Guardian of Poison, Vafi, who has yet to speak a word met Rift's eyes with his own acid green. Then proceeded to shake his head as a sign that he does not have his support

Lastly Mavros stood up to speak. "You are most skillful indeed, Silvus never fails to have honesty. However, you require more training, falling back onto your furies leaves you weakened and vulnerable to attack from any remaining enemy." The silver drake nodded in agreement. "You have my support, so long as you improve in this area."

Rift looked at his wound and back to the others. "I wouldn't use a fury without a backup plan. That's what got me this. Master Kravgi, could you produce more of those spirits? I have something I want to try."

The large red dragon raised a scaly brow, then nodded after a few moments. His eyes glowed red once again and few more spectrals appeared in a red flash.

The orange drake took a deep breath, counting each spirit before sprinting towards them, his front claws seeming to be coated with a thick flame. He roared and dug one paw on the ground in the middle of the group. This sent his body into a spin, cutting through the group with flames surrounding his claws.

Several moments this continued until the last spirit was split in half, then disappeared in a wisp of red smoke. The orange drake slowed to a stop and sighed, looking at the Guardians. "Yol Jusk, dad's move. Doable even after a fury."

Mavros nodded in recognition. "Your father would be proud."

"As would your mother." Kravgi added.

Rift looked to Vafi, determination in his eyes that he had not felt in years.

"Impressssive..." The poison dragon said, drawing out the 's' like a snake. "I have watched many fire hatchlingsss grow into ssstrong drakesss. However, none were assss promisssing as you." Vafi smiled at Rift. "You have my sssuport..."

The orange drake bowed. "Thank you."

Each of the four Guardians returned the bow with a slight dip of their heads. Silvus approached from behind his cousin and stopped beside them.

"Thank you very much for your time Master Guardians, may the Ancestors watch over you." Silvus said with a smile.

"You as well Messenger of Light." Mavros said returning his smile. "And you Rift."