All the ground beyond had been turned into valuable items, some literally glowing. manny gasped, realizing greed was making an escape into the world above. "hey, where do you think you're going!?" manny shouted.
Adventure, Anger, Anthro, Anthropomorphic, Blood, Cave, Chapter, Character Development, Claws, Dark, Death, Disaster, Dragon, Fantasy, Female, Feral, Fight, Fighting, Fire, Flood, Galactic, Glow, Gold, Greed, Green, Hybrid, Hypnosis, Kobold, Laugh, Magic, Male, Mammal, Monster, Plant, Quadruped, Reptile, Seal, Skin, Snake, Snake tail, Space, Story, Story Series, Sword, Tail, Teeth, Translucent, Trap, Weasel, White, Wings, ancient, anomaly, arcane, beast, body, cursing, darkness, diamond, earthquake, emerald, fur, galaxy, gems, green skin, injury, journey, light, money, planet, powerful, ruby, ruin, ruins, sapphire, smoke, spirit, spring, swearing, system, treasure, universe, water, white fur