Chapter XVI: The Alliance Forms, Night Four
#16 of Creators and Hunters
Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them.
-George Eliot
Night Four: The Alliance Forms, Part Four
"Sir we're sorry but the Kagen God Twilight has successfully escaped from the Kagen Dimension only to be pulled back, even the Black Book cannot work at this point." Dawn's assistant said as she appeared in front of the purple background of the rolling clouds. Dawn took a breath he figured this day would come, the layers between the dimensions were thinning and so was the lock. Soon enough they might be able to escape, but not if they couldn't agree on what to do.
"Ok, leave this area; let me alone for a few moments." Dawn said as he shrugged and looked over. He had one fragment of a piece of the Black Book left, as he grabbed it he looked at its tininess. If anyone had enough energy to break through the void and make it through it would be him to provide the energy. As his assistant left, he held up the book and focused on it.
Running his energy through the book, he felt the book process his energy into the kind that could drill through dimensions. And then he shifted, he passed through dimensions and through the lock. The lock was like a piece of gun and as he pushed forward through it, the orange barrier stretched along with him. Dawn spread out his wings and flapped forward, he ripped through to Earth.
Passing through he felt himself touch the ground of Earth, and he felt the nice grass flow beneath his feet. The orange barrier wrapped itself around him and he was directly tied to the rift, the blackness of the sky told him that night had returned to the Earth. He looked around and he seemed to be on top of a hill and at the top was a big massive complex.
"Well then Earth good to be back. Now then let's see if I can rip through his barrier with my energy." Dawn said as he spread out his hands and blasted fire out into the air. He pushed against the barrier and felt it be pushed out as he tried to break through. Pushing out with his wings, he felt it push out back against him.
He stretched out his arms and walked forward. The barrier tried to pull him back as more of his fire energy leached out into the air of the Earth and thus introduced entropy to the world. He went forward trying to keep himself still as he knew he was close to breaking through and making his way into the Earth world. He was amazed he had gotten this far without enduring punishment or pain, he ripped through the dimensions and so far he didn't even have to regenerate.
Dawn pushed his fire out as it pushed against the barrier. He walked forward, dragging his feet into the ground as he tried to grab a piece of ground and hold himself back. His would be the most energy intensive part, all he needed to do was reach out and he'd make it. It was like he was close to the top of the hill, so close yet so far.
He reached out as he pushed against the barrier; he was so close to breaching it and if he could breach it then forming a portal between the two worlds would be easy. He reached forward with his black book piece in his palm trying to reach through the barrier. The barrier was getting thin and it was trying to hold him back.
And then it thinned to its lowest point, a hole opened. Dawn had done it, he'd beaten Twilight and punctured trough the barrier. All he needed to do is throw another piece through and getting back to Earth would be easy as pie. He walked forward and pushed his fire out, the hole was growing from microscopic to large enough to fit his finger through.
The Kagen dragon walked forward, trying to push his finger through. The barrier pushed and fought back, engulfing his body and trying to push him back through the rip with all of its energy. Dawn felt so close to completing his goals and making it through, but the barrier seemed to be focusing on its energy on closing the hole and pushing him back.
The glow from the energy extended and the fire made the Earth night seemingly as bright as day. Surely someone in a nearby city or town could see him and the void by how much energy they were generating. And he jumped forward, he pushed his index finger through and grabbed onto the other end and hoped to pull himself through.
Yet even when he was closest, that was when the barrier was its strongest. In the air, the barrier pulled back and without the ground holding him he flew back. The barrier closed on him and ripped his thumb off. He passed through the rift, and was pushed through all the energy the barrier had summoned to defend itself. He felt the black book in his hand and knew that he wasn't going to get through now.
Yet as the energy barraged him, he let of the black book piece and was knocked back through the purple black clouds. He landed back where he started, now one finger less and without the piece of the black book. His body burned and he felt himself burn, instead of fire it was regeneration energy.
Dawn's entire body shot up into the orange energy and he regenerated, his scales turning from silver to black and red and his teeth becoming sharper and nose becoming pointed. He stood up and the Kagen dragon looked at his new body, he wouldn't break through anytime soon.
"Interesting, I was so close yet so far." Dawn said as he looked at his regenerated index finger, it glowed with energy but a scar was still around his new finger. As if it was that the scar existed to remind him; remind him of the time when he failed. He looked the scar every day, the fire inside of Dawn reminding him of the time he almost broke through.
And now with the barrier broken through he might find where his old finger got to. He looked at Nikolai and wondered if that could have happened. He walked away from the cell and looked at his assistant. Thirty two or so years were a longtime in Earth years, and nearly enough for an Energywalker to grow up. Yet now it had changed, the barrier was breached and now they might have free reign of the Earth.
"Find me the location where I went, send scouts and tell me why that location is so important to me." Dawn said as his assistant ran off and seemingly knowing what he needed to know. Before him in the Kagen Overworld was the device that allowed them to pass through the barrier. Suddenly three dragon Kagens flew by him and towards the gate.
Thunder crackled and lighting connected to the gate as it activated. Glowing dots on its circumference lit up and they all let orange light through. The purple and black clouds were pulled in from above and connected to the gate. Seemingly attached to the gates, ten energy lines were ran into the gate, one from each Kagen God's domain.
Ten multicolored lines of energy all lit up and transferred their energy into the gate as it activated. Dawn smiled getting to see his research finished. Thunder cracked further across the Kagen world and he smiled as he saw the world shift. A golden glow formed on the portal and the clouds behind it twisted and spun like a tornado.
A massive spin of clouds spun through the portal and then it seemingly collapsed on itself. An orange glow formed as the clouds formed into a gate onto Earth, this was the Kagen Masterplan, with the combined energy from nine Kagen Gods and all the Kagens in Twilight's world they could breach the gate.
And perhaps this is what they meant by working together, Earth was now an available target to attack. It was only by his will that prevented him and the entirety of the Kagen Dragon army to puncture through the universe and burn Washington DC like it was 1812 again. Dawn looked down as the dragons flew around the gate and then disappeared in a flash, going through the portal and disappearing.
"Now then Koji and Twilight where are you two, you are of course the most revered guests to my party, where you will see the entire Earth burn." Dawn said as he started to laugh, the portal closed and the clouds returned to their original position.
Dawn turned around and laughed as he stepped onto the teleport pad. His body was engulfed in red artifacts as he was teleported away back to his world, back to his own fiery hell. He looked down on the dragons looking for answers and guidance. They would soon have their time soon and then they would get the destruction they so sought.
"Ok, we need a plan this is only the first attack, so we need someone to distract them. That way they stay within the Kagen dimension and some of us can find Nikolai's origin." Koji said as he pulled away from the window, they knew they'd have to split up. Koji knew that would have to happen. "We're going to split up."
"Are you sure about that, we might be able to do this if we stick together." Eric said as he gained a worried look on his face. Koji took a breath as he considered Eric's idea, was their safety in number they're team was already so broken up, maybe they needed to be alone and maybe then they might be able to solve their problems.
"No, this is something that needs to happen me, Koji and Zander go find Nikolai's origins and you guys go to the Kagen, you are our disruption and you best find them and keep the Kagen's busy." Benji said in an Outburst. Everyone looked at him shocked at what he said.
"Why would Dawn even care about Nikolai, we need to stay together and we need to work together in order to best keep our protection." Isen argued as he finally found a problem with Benji. He was tired of the shark dictating everything that they did and now it was time for his option to matter. Benji smiled as Isen stood up to him.
"Oh look at you little wolf standing up to the alpha predator. I am a real shark, and after all I've done correctly and all I've done, you still don't trust me. Go to the Kagen Dimension and bend some metal." Benji said as he showed off his teeth and clinked his teeth together. Everyone backed up as they realized the Boston Outsiders were starting to show cracks.
"Oh really you've done everything right, then tell me why did Absalom die, why did a hundred citizens die in the siege of Boston, tell me if you and your grand plan was in control then why did Martin die?" Isen said as he smiled knowing he found a trump card, and in that moment everything pushed him to trump Benji and he did not think of what he was saying.
Bright gasped as he pushed him and Twilight back, this wasn't where it was supposed to happen. Benji wasn't supposed to confront his actions until at least a year later, he'd seen the future and everyone would have grown closer by Benji accepting his wrong doing. Any earlier and he couldn't see how Benji would react.
Benji's body glowed as he reached out and he formed a sword in his hand, as he raised it towards Isen. The wolf simply waved his white hand and Benji's sword bended down and stabbed his in the hand. And then Benji was stabbed in the chest. The shark gasped out as he died and landed on the floor.
"Well I've done enough damage to Benji, so why should we look for Nikolai's origins?" Isen asked as he bent down and felt Benji's non-existent pulse. He stood up and quickly Eric ran over to the supercomputer that completed the base. He loaded up the footage captured from minutes before they arrived back.
"How long have you had footage on us here and how long is he going stay dead, don't let him stain the carpet, its shag?" Koji asked as he watched, Isen remove the sword from Benji's chest and dragged him over to the wall. He placed the shark against the wall and made sure his chest hole was plugged. Isen rubbed the blood out of his white fur and stood up.
"Ten to fifteen minutes, it might be more it might be less depending on how long it takes for his soul to make the round trip." Bright said as he looked at Isen wondering what the hell had gotten into his system. Then again Benji was someone hard to put up with, so maybe Isen finally had had enough. Maybe Benji needed to be killed more.
"I think you should probably see this." Eric said as he loaded up the fight between Dawn and Nikolai. The fire and Ice lit up the sense even as they both appeared to be completely matched in both power and ability. Twilight and Bright walked forward looking at the image as they laughed.
"Are you serious, I have never ever seen a mortal even capable to taking on a Kagen God especially one the likes of Dawn." Twilight said as Koji folded his arms and gave the Kagen Shark a look. Bright looked at Twilight, holding in his breath as he realized what Twilight had said nearly on behalf of all the Kagens.
"I'm sorry what about mortals not being able to compete with Kagens?" Koji asked as he put his hand up to Twilight's head and realized what could be called a tiny blast of energy. Twilight cringed as he felt the energy burn on the back of his head.
"You're an Energywalker remember, none of them can manage energy like all three of us can." Twilight said as he revised his statement to include Koji. Bright released his breath and looked at the footage. Nikolai seemed able to match the power of Dawn but not his energy output. He had the engine to match the race car but not the fuel to continue racing.
"Ok, maybe Nikolai is more than mortal, how else would a teenager be sent on a space mission and still we should investigate, sorry Isen." Bright said as he adjusted his hair and looked over to Twilight who put his hand out and formed the black book. Bright took a breath.
"Ok, fine then I'll go along with your little plan, I don't like it but so long as we have two Kagens well then I can disagree." Isen said as he informally agreed. "I think we can all say which one of our group we want to stay, Bright."
"Zander you stay, I'm immortal so I can protect them." Adriano said as he smiled at Zander and gave the silent snow leopard a fist pump before grapping Isen and pulling him over towards the supercomputer. "So then Isen I like your style and you Eric you're coming with us."
"Me and Bright are going, so Koji you going to stay here but I think you already figured this out." Twilight said as he released a held in breath. He wasn't entirely sure how the shark would take the news, Koji seemed to be holding in some emotions. Koji, always the Energywalker holding everything in.
"But you need me, we've done this together. We've always done this together and we need to work together and defeat the Kagens together." Koji said as he confronted the possibility that they might be separated from each other. The last time that happened, when Ruby's gang got their revenge he felt pushed and he acted irrational and discovered a facet of his powers that he didn't like.
"No, the universe doesn't want our teams together; it wants you together with Zander, and Benji. You three are the most important on each of our teams and they will save us. Plus, I have this horrible feeling we will meet again, go with Zander and Benji, have fun be kids." Twilight said as he kissed Koji and pushed him away knowing that ripping the Band-Aid off quickly would deal the least pain to his lover. "I love you."
"I love you too Twilight, be careful." Koji said as he walked away, sitting in a chair and awaiting Benji's return. Twilight walked over to the group and hugged Bright knowing this was a dangerous and troublesome mission. Twilight opened the black book and it glowed. They disappeared and Zander, Koji and Benji were left alone.
"Well then Koji, we got to work together and hopefully these Kagens, these gods of people should be stopped and we need to find a solution that will end this hatred that seems to have built up with in the Kagens for hundreds of years in hundreds of dimensions." Zander said as he tried to start thinking off some solutions for their problem.
"Try thousands of thousands, we're dealing with multiple people who have never even felt niceness from this Earth. The Kagens are a powerful race in multiple dimensions all different but they always want to kill everyone on Earth, except for Bright's. Strange maybe Bright can help us." Koji thought as he wondered what would happen with them and Kagens.
"Perhaps, or maybe our solutions lie with in Benji. An immortal shark, who was once Bright, maybe he can change the Kagens for the better, but genocide is not the answer here." Zander said as he thought on the issue, his beetle advising him on the issue.
"Is Martin's death my fault?" Benji asked as he looked around, he was sitting in the Devil's office and perhaps all the emotions and feelings he had been holding in finally came out. Tears were in his eyes and he looked horrified just thinking of the idea. The devil placed some tissues in front of the shark and opened his drawer.
"Well every death has a fault, for example. Well I can't think of any examples but I sure I'll think of one, let's see where is that file?" The devil said as he pulled out his drawer and it started to extend. Benji looked back at the extending drawer, watching as it passed through the back of the room and god only knows where. Jumping up onto the metal cabinet, he started to search around labels until he found the one he was looking for.
"Ah yes, here's Martin's file." The devil said as he pulled the drawer open a tiny crack and pulled out a simple tan folder. Placing it on the desk, Benji looked with a near look of pure sourness at it. It had two year stickers on it, the year of Martin's birth and the current year. Above that were his initials, MB.
"What do you want to show me this for, make me feel guiltier for what I did? I should have remained in control, I shouldn't have got so attached to the treasure, I should have seen the signs that Greg was contacting Elliot, I should have seen how strangely she acted, or looked at her motivations..." Benji said as suddenly the devil put his glove lined finger up to his mouth and shut him up.
"You could have done a thousand things different and maybe, just maybe Martin would be alive, you could have also done a thousand things different and Martin would have died as well. Maybe he dies in more pain, maybe he dies in less; either way he is dead." The devil said as he sat down and grabbed the file off his desk. Benji took a breath and grabbed a tissue, he rubbed the tears off his face and decided he could make an effort to look collected.
"Now then let's take a look at this file, Martin. These are just like a Wikipedia page except they can't be trolled, have standard information and can't be edited by assholes who change the date of birth." The devil said as he opened the folder and showed Benji the first page. "Well what do you think of this?"
"I think Wikipedia going to sue us." Benji said as he looked, it contained a clear and wonderful image of Martin. His sour face melted as he remembered that face, the lizard standing there in the sunset and just everything was perfect. Benji wished he could step into that painting and live out what would be his many days.
Along that was the standard information, what universe he was from, his birth day, his death day, his superpower, his friendship and romantic entanglements, Benji was glad that went he touched that section his name was the only one listed under it. On the side was a description, summing up that information listed and adding its own twist to it.
"Martin Xavier Byrn, born in a strange universe he became quite the influence in such. Joining BOO and affiliating himself with the Outsiders at multiple points, his most notable accomplishment is joining and becoming boyfriend to the Devil's Advocate himself, Benji Smith." Benji said reading out those words to himself trying to understand what the Devil was doing in showing that to him.
He frowned; he didn't want that to be Martin's legacy. He didn't like the way it was worded. It felt disrespectful to Martin, Martin wasn't important because he and the lizard had a few fucks. It was because they worked together to do something different. Benji looked at it and he felt horrible.
"Change that sentence." Benji said as he looked at the Devil with a straight face and pointed right at it. There was no way the Devil couldn't miss it, it was right in his face and the sentence was in bold. Grabbing it with his gloved fingers, the incarnate of evil himself took a look at the paper.
"What are you talking about, what's wrong with that sentence?' The devil said forming a sly smile on his face. Benji realized what the devil was doing and that only made him angrier. The Devil was playing a game with him, well that was what the devil did to everyone, which Benji told himself as he tried to justify the Devil.
"I said change that sentence." Benji said as he folded his arms and tried to show that this wasn't an issue that he would be moved on. The devil copied him folding his arms up as well and making it an unbreakable sword versus the unpassable shield.
"Oh I'm sorry can you play the fiddle, I'll just go and get my golden one and the winner here can play with my little document." The devil said joking as he tried to see how far he could push Benji, just how far would he have to be in order to get his servant to break.
"Martin legacy means more to that than some stupid sentence, so change it because after all we went through, after all we did together and after every moment in which I've loved him; I am not going to let his legacy be reduced down to some sort of conquest of mine!" Benji yelled out to the devil. He grabbed the papers and slammed them on the floor. In retrospect that might have looked a little wild, even for him. The devil laughed and with a snap of his fingers the papers all disappeared, presumably back into his drawer.
"And that's my cue." The devil said as he snapped his fingers and the drawers in the room were shut. The lights cut down and the devil disappeared in a puff of smoke. As the lights were lowered, two spots light in front of him turned on and his chair was turned towards the door they pointed at.
"Isn't this a bit much?" Suddenly the door opened and he was standing there, right in front of him. Benji held in his gasp as he looked at Martin, the Devil pushed him out and close the door leaving them alone. Benji stood up and didn't know what to do or to say. Walking forward he teared up as he looked at Martin and the ghost stood before him.
"Hello, are you really there. Is this really you?" Benji asked placing his hand up to Martin, the lizard grabbed his hand and placed it against his mask. Martin took off his mask, in death he no longer had to wear it. Martin pulled Benji in and the two kissed. Benji felt tears in his eyes as he kissed Martin, every time could be their last time.
"Oh god, I don't want to leave." Benji asked knowing that he would have to return to his body at any point. He faced the ground and wiped the tears away from his eyes, he hated this. He saw Martin and everything told him he should be in hell, trying to stay with Martin, but he was immortal.
"You have to leave here we all have to leave here, life never ends for anyone; you just get the fast lane and keep your memories and appearance." Martin said laughing as he grabbed Benji's hand, and didn't want to let go everything told him not to let go. Yet even he would have to let go one day soon.
"I know but still, I wish I could just stay here forever and never leave this hell. It feels more like hell on Earth without you." Benji said as he looked into Martin's eyes and he teared up again. As he was going to raise his hand and wipe away his tear Martin wiped it away and kissed him again. Martin started to fade.
"I can't stay between the realms forever, I will stay in hell and you can visit whenever you wish but one day I will complete the cycle and on that day we will both be ready to let go." Martin said as he backed up and his body faded. Benji could say nothing as Martin simply disappeared into nothingness and he was left alone in the room.
Benji took a breath and knew that this might be the last time they meet. Benji backed up and sat against the comfy chair. He sighed and he was engulfed by the light of transportation, in a second the world around him disappeared and he was back in his good old body. He blinked and wiped away his tears.
"And I'm back, okay boys Isen is gone and I feel better and mental sanity is back again. What's the plan?" Basil asked as he stood up and felt reinvigorated. He needed to know what was going to happen and he needed to know something that would happen.
"Well we're going to be looking for shifts in the Earth shaking, now if this Earth is similar to mine then after World War Two, a series of surface sensors meant to detect if countries set off bombs." Zander said as he ran over to the super computer and started to type on the computer. "Now I'm willing to bet that they put more in Nevada, in order to gain more information from the series of detonations."
"And what does that mean, even if we can detect when and where a shift happen that only can possibly confirm a shift; it might be an Earthquake or it could be an atomic blast." Benji said as he tried to debunk Zander's idea, not out of spite but out of want to purify their methods of information finding.
"An earthquake would make multiple similar reads what I'm looking for is something similar to blast plates, getting tiny differences and using that as well as what would be presumably a light speed test to determine this shifts time and location." Zander said as he activated the supercomputer and started to type quickly, Koji and Benji gave him looks but he seemed to have an idea of what he was doing. Zander quickly navigated the menu and suddenly a window opened; a map of Nevada.
"Ok, this Nevada thirty so years ago, now this is one night in which every sensor in the state went off." Zander said as he clicked the enter button and red dots littered the map, a clock in the corner of the map started to tick and around nine o'clock suddenly one dot clicked, and then two and then three, and then by nine o'five every single dot had lit up.
"Now then, we are looking at Carson City Nevada, three hundred yards away from a genetic fertility facility that was developing more viable methods for impregnation." Zander said as he realized that he had solved the puzzle and they now had an idea where Dawn came in and if someone in this facility had seen Dawn.
"It all makes sense, say someone sees Dawn. They'd be amazed they'd think he was an amazing superhero or something, maybe they clone him and plop him into a woman, maybe a Russian woman and bam Kagen God on Earth with power of Kagen but without the energy to sustain said power." Koji said as he put the pieces together and came up with a sound, sounding theory.
"Those details sounds right, now then see how many patients went in sixteen years ago, presumably impregnated and were Russian, also I'm not sure that plop would be the word you want to use when describing that." Benji said as he looked, quickly Zander moved back onto the computer and masterfully played the keyboard and then the box opened, one Russian, and exactly everything right that it would make sense.
"Well then boys I think we have a road trip."
"Oh me, the purple clouds are horrifying." Twilight said as he lead the way through the Kagen World trying to find a way to get back to the Shark world if anything that might help them scape up some support.
"Was it always this horrifying or is this just me." Bright said as he wafted his way through the smoke that was clogging his Kagen lungs. He slowed down his hearts and tried to manage the smoke.
"No its worse today, but I think's its clearing up." Eric said as he walked forward and hoping that they were going to be entering a clearing up ahead.
"No I don't think so, sadly your journey shall end here." Up ahead two wings spread out and the smoke was flapped away, a ring of fire engulfed them and they were trapped. Dawn stood in front of them, and he had that look on his face the one that said murder.
"Do not hurt them Dawn, in my universe you had a sense of decency and I hope you can respect their challenges." Bright said as he stepped forward and put his hand out, visibly protecting them. Dawn's face somehow managed to sour more and he simply laughed as he put his hand forward and let a blast of energy go.
Bright was knocked to the back of the group and landing on the ground his body started to glow. Twilight turned back as the fire started to ensphere them. It was the glow of the Kagen, the glow of regeneration. Bright stood up and he looked in fear, this was his most feared moment, the moment he would lose himself. And they were encircled in fire as Bright blasted out in regeneration.