The Corporate: Part 5 of 8

Story by Extrementalis on SoFurry

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#6 of Writing

Fifth installment of the Corporate. The story updates daily all the way until Christmas.

Sorry for part 5 being a day late. Part 6 should be uploaded soon after.

The Winter Chronicles

December of 2013

The Corporate: Part 5 of 8

The light had subsided. Harold opened his eyes. He was in his office. Was this all

just a dream? Had he simply just fallen asleep at his desk? Of course! What other explanation

could there be? Oh, how wonderful it was that the nightmare had passed. Or so he thought.

As Harold stood up from his chair, he froze. Upon his desk lay an unwrapped chocolate

bar. It was the same from his dream. No, it couldn't be! But the evidence was there in front

of him. Panicking, Harold rushed out of his office. Coming out into the corridor, there was no

one to be seen. The hallway to his office was empty.

A chill in the air had suddenly arisen. Harold clasped his hands under his shoulders and tensed

himself. And then, out of the corner of his eye, there was a movement. A dark figure had darted across

the hallway. He hadn't had enough of a glimpse to identify it.

His heart pounding in his chest, Harold began to walk forward. The floor shifted under him

some, and then in front of him appeared numerous figures, black as void, shuffling up and down the hall.

But there was something familiar that lessened his fear and they seemed to ignore him as they went

about their business, whatever that may be. Harold took a deep breath to steady himself, and then

boldly continued down the hall.

There was something familiar about all of this. But Harold just couldn't put his finger on

it. It began to feel like just another day at the office. As Harold reached the end of the

corridor, a figure walked around the corner and stopped, as if to be startled by the sight of him.

Harold stopped as well, but not out of fear this time, but more rather to examine the mysterious being.

He now noticed something he hadn't before. There was a dull, red glow emitting from the being's

chest. Had all of these figures had that glow? Harold turned to check.

Harold's heart jumped in his chest. There was no more hallway behind him, just empty space.

The figures he had passed, and then some, had surrounded him. They all had the red glow as well,

but it was quickly fading away until it was finally gone. Harold, his heart thumping in his chest, stood

numbed. He turned, and faced the figure that had stopped him. It had grown in size and was now twice

his height and bending to look at him with its blank face.

A deafeningly high pitched wail now erupted in Harold's ears. He fell to his knees and covered his ears.

Although it subsided quickly, to Harold it seemed an eternity. Daring to look up, Harold saw now that the figures

had gone, and in place of the on in front of him, was a man.