The Guest

Your skin is in the closet hanging nice and neat your skeleton is on the bed sheets tangled beneath your feet your flesh is on the kitchen counter red raw meat your organs are in the garbage since they're obsolete your heart i kept

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yellows pain

trash! it had not been this bad in a long time! yellow was going to yell..... he went and sat next to loadedgun. watching him beat the video game.

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The Trump Haters Poem

Which we aren't gonna do for grumpy trumpy xd i'm not into politics but trump's a load of garbage lol please be nice! if you're gonna be mean to me, don't say anything at all. thanks for reading!

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Ep18-Gang problem-The Tamers of shadow

He started tormenting people left and right and then even threatened to break into nightwing manor, which... he did follow up on and later ended up trashing the house which shane and mr nightwing were witnesses to. time... for payback.

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Chapter One of The Story of A Teenage Werepire

Then he throws the picture in the trash can. i say "thank you." he replies "you're welcome." he shoots me a smile loaded with affection and love. after he leaves, i take the picture out of the trash can. i put it somewhere safe.

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To Serve a Werewolf

Lightning whined and trashed around. werehog chuckled. "oh, i've swallowed a lot worse than you. it'll be fine." lightning struggled harder. "you gotta let me go, werehog! you - you vile villain!

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The Guilded Cage, Ch 9

The guilded cage, ch 9 one man's trash... in st almar most beast-kin generally didn't live to see their fifth decade. despite nearing forty, biir was still relatively spry for a beast-kin.

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Knock Knock

If i weren't visoka... then all that trashing wouldn't have happened... not a chance that i'd say that out loud though. "can i... help?" "nah, you've done plenty ya big..." he growled something fierce, turning to head back inside.

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Theatre of War

This is the only part of the set that'll work for this shot, and once it's trashed, it's trashed. so, i want more gold, people!" he glanced at his watch. "alright, let's take five for lunch. refocus, recharge, and then let's make it happen!"

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Nerdy Gamer

"god i didn't realize you were trash at this game." you wouldn't consider yourself bad, but if he hadn't scooted his butt over your lap and blocked your view you might be able to play.

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In the End

And he threw me aside like a piece of trash.


A Tail for Two - Chapter 9

I had been through too much to be treated like trash. i started to think that maybe mike was right; maybe cyd was a fraud. no matter how hard i refused to believe it, mike could be right.

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