A Tale of Two Lives || Chapter 6: Of Family
As she walked forward to greet her mother, crystalia prayed silently that she wouldn't be embarrassed with a greeting of licks across the snout, and so the young female sighed a long, thankful sigh when her mother simply nuzzled her cheek, rather than lick
Belden's Beginning
She tipped her head down in acknowledgment of her leader, then lifted her head and licked his muzzle to recognize her breeder. he smiles and licked her tongue in return, then touched his nose to hers.
Veno's Triple Meals
Her tongue licks over the poor creature and she then noticed the flames had gone out. strange. "what kind of pokemon are you anyway?" "q-quilava.
Pt 6 - The Druid's Heart
He licked her cheek again. "it okay, lily. no be sad, please?" she shook her head. "not sad, just... idealistic. nobody i know has ever had a love like that..."
You Dumb dog, short story by me
Dozer walks over and licks the strands of drool off from my chin and mouth, yuck. what was more so disgusting was that i wanted to lick him back. not only that, i was having trouble with thinking complex coherent thoughts.
Jackie-The-Junior Epilogue-Birth
Patrick sits back down and reaches to pat my two babies as i lick them. christine takes the other side of the bed and when i finish licking them, she gives each of them a couple of licks too. "you did good jackie." he smiles.
Episode 19: Coming For Her Rescue
The reptile licked his lips, "you have a great body, you know." george blushed, "oh... thank you..." he made a goofy smile, confused yet somewhat proud, "you really think so?"
Introduction to Kattar
"darn it, i should just buy a bloody raincoat, this will take an hour to lick dry".
Shiloniap Culture
licking of beak = a more loving or sensual kiss. licking anywhere near the face = much like licking the beak, but without the declaration of love (like kids to their mother) tongue beak = act of putting beaks together and 'french kiss'.
Flashy's coincidence, part 1
You're such a nice dog, he said and licks flame's cheek. flame chuckled, and they both were feeling the same. flame sits on the couch, too, next to flashy. flashy lies down, and lets flame lick his neck. - do you want to know something?
The Return of The Monster
Rubbing himself against the flesh, he decided to lick it, to let the flavors dance in his palate for a moment.
Chapter 11: Cleansing and the Celebration of Life (Part II)
Rowen began massaging her calfs, licking the side of her cheeks and upper outer thighs. he smelled faint traces of sweat too; it was new. he kept on licking. "okay babe, stop for a second, let me clean myself. you should do the same.