A Tale of Two Lives || Chapter 6: Of Family
#6 of A Tale of Two Lives
Well, looks like I've been slacking! I didn't post chapter 6, despite having completed it quite some time ago... Sorry about that! Anyway, I sincerely hope you all enjoy this, because I love writing it.
"Come on and join me Nol, I'm not just thumping the side of my tail on the bed because I feel like it," Crystalia teased as Nolaltro stood there, looking in her general direction with a glossiness in his eyes- one that told her just how dazed he had been by the unexpected, startling events. The young dragoness hoped her invitation would be understood and accepted, though she didn't particularly care if she had to repeat herself, as she loved speaking to him and watching his face light up each time he was given a chance to get closer.
The young male made it out of the haze that had dulled his mind in the aftermath of the being startled twice in a short timespan just in time to catch the tail end of a sentence from Crystalia, which immediately started him panicking, as he was afraid to offend his lover by appearing to have ignored her. Thinking as quickly as he could with his mind racing as it was, Nolaltro walked forward and crawled onto the bed, protectively curling himself around his flame, even extending a wing to cover her and ensure that she would be safe in his presence.
Soon after Nolaltro joined Crystalia on the large bed, they had both fallen asleep- exhausted by all the happenings of that day.
. . .
The next morning the young lovers awoke to a knock on their door. With eyes and minds still fogged by morning grogginess, they both stood and crawled to the floor, where they both stretched, both on opposite sides of the bed, and both respecting the other's privacy. Crystalia, who got the far side of the bed from the door, struggled to wait for Nolaltro to finish clothing himself, as she only had her semitransparent flight fabric to put on, her opaque undergarments having gotten lost the night before. No matter how bored she got, she didn't dare steal so much as a peak at her love as he dressed- she respected him too much to let herself do that. Eventually, she heard her name spoken softly, and she knew that, without even thinking, it was Nolaltro telling her she could come around the bed. Crystalia made sure to keep her tail against herself, to fully cover up the parts of her that the fabric didn't as she walked ahead of him to open the door, the lock popping open as she pulled down on the bar of the handle.
Flarin stood across the door to his son's room, waiting patiently for the click of the lock to signal the door was opening. It took long enough for it to come that the familiar clicking of the lock actually startled him from thought, making him growl instinctively. Thankfully, Crystalia, who opened the door, didn't seem to be unnerved by the growl, and she looked at him from the doorway, her tail held peculiarly low. "Crystalia, your mother left this for you, you might want to put it on before you go." He then handed her the thickly furred pelt clothe, before starting to walk away, only stopping to throw a tip over his shoulder, "Let Nolaltro help you button it up, otherwise you'll be trying forever." And with that, he slipped back down the hall, towards the kitchen, and into the room he shared with his mate, curling up with her once again before closing his eyes and going back to sleep.
When Nolaltro heard his father speaking so softly to Crystalia, he felt a twinge of jealousy- it had been a long time since he had been spoken to in that gentle tone. It didn't matter, he told himself as Crystalia turned around to reveal the heavyweight fur coat she held, which she laid on the floor before closing the door with her tail. She looked back up at him and, without her even having to say anything, Nolaltro knew that Crystalia wanted help dressing herself, so he took a confident step towards her amd, with a gentle grasp, helped her align the holes in the pelts with her limbs, so that her body was covered while still allowing full movement of each of her six total extremities. Nolaltro buttoned up his lover's coat before he grabbed his own, less extravagant hide coverings and put it on, using his tail and a forepaw to guide the buttons on his chest and upper belly into place. All in all, it took them only twenty to thirty minutes before they were out the door, taking off into the dry winter air.
As Crystalia flew alongside her flame, she finally had time to think quietly, without the scent of him controlling her thoughts. It quickly became apparent to the young, cheerful female that she had become far more attached to Nolaltro than she had previously realized; there was something too good about their love, how pure it was, but she couldn't let that nagging feeling ruin the time she spent with him, so she pushed it to the back of her mind, burying it under everything else she had going through her head. The young girl also noticed then that her family's cave was just on the horizon, so she stopped flapping her wings as often and allowed herself to glide down slowly, eventually coming to a stop only a few hundred yards away from the familiar, illusory wall of stone that covered the entrance to their cave, only allowing light in, and blocking the wind from chilling the area inside. Casually, Crystalia waked straight up to the wall, forgetting Nolaltro hadn't ever been there, and stepped through. As she was almost through, the girl felt something pull on her tail, and she immediately remembered that her fire hadn't done this before, so she grabbed his paw with her tail and flung herself around, pivoting on a hind leg, and pulling Nol into the room with her.
Nolaltro landed just in time to see Crystalia's familiarly colored tail slipping into a solid stone wall, and he was barely able to grab onto it and try to pull her out of the stone. What he didn't expect, though, was for his love to grab his paw and yank him forwards into the wall. He closed his eyes, waiting for the painful impact, but it didn't come- so he slowly opened his eyes. He was in a cave, quite unlike his family's in its simplicity, but very comfortable nonetheless. He guessed that this must be Crystalia's family's cave, so he let himself settle down slightly, enough to think to turn around and look at the wall behind him. Except there wasn't a wall there. When Nolaltro turned around, he found himself standing in front of the just inside the mouth of a cave, with the scenery he had landed in just outside. It was so confusing, it hurt to think about it, but the small male didn't care- he was here with his Crystalia, so he would be okay.
Crimsa heard her daughter stepping into the cave, and her footfalls were soon joined by the sound of claws scraping on stone, before more footfalls started to head the kitchen, where she was finishing up preparing the midday meal of venison and mutton stew in the obsidian bowl Relid had made her the year prior, to celebrate their mateship. It was an amazing gift, one she hoped she could match one day, but her focus needed to be in the moment, as Crystalia walked in front of her, with Nolaltro trailing a few dozen paces behind, at which point she set down the bowl and walked over to Nolaltro, nodding at him in greeting before nuzzling her daughter- a formal greeting of family amongst wyrms, which showed more respect to the receiving party than a the affectionate licks of a parent to their child.
As she walked forward to greet her mother, Crystalia prayed silently that she wouldn't be embarrassed with a greeting of licks across the snout, and so the young female sighed a long, thankful sigh when her mother simply nuzzled her cheek, rather than lick her as she normally would've done. Her fears still hadn't left her, though, as Crystalia knew that her parents might not accept her choosing this male after they got to know who he was, and that fear paralyzed her.
Nolaltro immediately took notice when Crystalia froze up, her entire frame suddenly going stiff, locking her in place. Instinctively, he jumped forward and wrapped his tail around hers as he started stroking her thickly scaled legs. It took him some time, but his physical contact did loosen up Crystalia's body enough for her to move, and he went beet red when she leaned her head over and gave him a soft lick on the cheek as a show of affection.
Crimsa watched her daughter tense up suddenly, and she didn't know why, which worried her greatly, until Nolaltro stepped forward and wrapped his tail supportively around hers and started running a forepaw along her foreleg, which caused her to relax significantly. The older female watched pridefully as her daughter regained the ability to move herself, and took that first moment to affectionately lick the male's cheek, at which point he flushed a deep red with embarrassment. He was humble and protective, but not possessive. He would be perfect, she now knew- all that was needed now was time for them to bond with one-another and they would be entirely inseparable.
It was around noon when Relid came back from his hunting, laden with three large deer, two stags and one doe, which he struggled to carry, nearly crashing outside his cave. The silver dragon dropped his kills last second and flapped his wings aggressively to stop, which he did with his body only a foot or less above the ground. When he did finally land, he proceeded to grab one carcass with his maw and wrap his tail around another, dragging them inside and retrieving the third one, before collapsing unceremoniously to the hard stone floor, which knocked the wind out of him. He gasped sharply from the pain, wincing as it lingered, until he saw the deep green, silver-socked leg of his daughter in front of him, it was now that he realized that he couldn't make out the distance something was from him. Then his world went black, and he lost out to the fatigue, falling unconscious in the middle of the floor.
Immediately when her mate walked into the cave, Crimsa knew something wasn't right- he walked slowly, stumbling under a load he could normally carry in stride. Not only that, but his wings wouldn't rest fully against his back, they would only fold so far before he seemingly couldn't get them to go further; dropping the knife she had been using to cut the meat for the meal, she sprinted forward immediately when he collapsed, the green dragoness bounding towards her mate. It took Crimsa only three leaps to make it to her mate, and she immediately set to work- she first laid a paw over his neck and pressed hard, feeling for a pulse; only a moment later, the dragoness tunes into the rhythmic thumping as his heart works to pump blood through his body. With some of the tension now gone, Crimsa feels her paw slowly warming up, more than it should, and she yips in surprise as the heat on her paw suddenly surpasses the pain-dulling of the adrenaline rush, quickly becoming a strong burning sensation.
Crystalia was still recovering from when her mother had shoved her aside suddenly when she had to jump back to keep herself from getting run over as the larger female rushed past her and threw open a small door below the food preparation area, from which a small bottle was retrieved. Tensely, the young girl watched her mother slide something she pulled from the container between her father's jaws, then proceeding to tilt his head back before resting it on the ground. Crystalia had, until now, never seen a sign of weakness from her father, but now he was helpless, unconscious, and the whole thing scared her, especially because she had no way of knowing if he'd be okay.
Wordlessly, Nolaltro slid forward and wrapped his tail around one of his lover's hind legs, a commonly used gesture of condolence between related parties, which he felt they qualified as at this point. It wasn't enough, though, as it didn't fully ease his female's pain, and so Nolaltro started licking Crystalia's neck gently, running his lithe tongue over her rough scales. It took a few moments before he got any response, but the female's embarrassed whimpers told him he was doing exactly what needed to be done, and he couldn't help but feel happiness welling up as Nolaltro slowly worked the magic which allowed the him to draw his dragoness out of her worries, even if only by replacing that worry with embarrassment.
Relid didn't know what happened, his world had simply fallen into blackness after he had finished dragging his haul into the cave, but he found himself now in his mate's tender clutches, and she trilled happily when he opened his eyes. "Love, what happened?" Despite the fact that he was very certain that he knew what had happened, the silver-scaled male knew from past experiences that it was usually a good idea to ask his mate what had happened, just in case he had fallen from a height; he'd done that once before, and Relid knew he'd never forget the pain he had experienced in those excruciating moments.
A happy cry came to Crimsa's maw as her mate opened his eyes, and she wriggled happily. She was just like an exuberant hatchling, barely able to keep herself in one place as she nuzzles him jubilantly, licking all over his face until she is once again able to gather herself and answer the question her mate had asked, "Relid, my dear... you overworked yourself again, and you almost-" Taking a moment to think, Crimsa glances around and barely notices the children in of the corner of her eye, so she immediately rephrases her response to soften the blow for them, "...you almost slipped away... You really need to remember that neither your mind, nor your body can handle as much stress as they used to."
Crystalia didn't understand what her mother meant. She had never seen father struggle with anything, but her mother just said that he would die if he worked too hard... It made no sense, and all the thoughts swirled around in her head as she tried, fruitlessly, to regain control as everything around her collapses into darkness.
Nolaltro was entirely unprepared for the moment when his love fell to the ground, so he couldn't save her from the impact against the stone floor, which made him wince and shiver with shared pains. Even though he felt he had already failed her, Nolaltro stooped down and worked Crystalia's limp body onto his back, across which he rested her as he nosed out the room that smelled most like her. Wordlessly, he entered the room, finding a bed, upon which he promptly laid his love. He then looked her over, quickly checking her temperature, and finding her to be burning up, so he quickly removed her jacket, rolling her wings out of their place in the hide garment- he removed his own jacket too, just to prevent himself from succumbing to overheating as Crystalia had. The young male looked down at the beautiful green-scaled female in front of him and sighed- if only he had gotten his mother's affinity for the cold... then he could very easily cool his lover to a more comfortable temperature, but he knew how to make do. Nolaltro shifted backward, raising himself until he was balancing his entire weight on his hind legs. He turned his head to the side so he didn't have to see what he was doing as he opened his wings partway and flapped them forward as hard as he could, before bringing them back to his sides as he repeated the motion, only stopping when his hind legs were quickly growing too weak to hold him up, and only then so he didn't hurt himself and be unable to help his fire.
Crystalia groaned as she regained consciousness, finding herself unbearably hot, although the fire that consumed her did seem to be dying down quite quickly. At first, the dragoness laid there, unmoving as she let herself cool down, but she quickly grew restless and opened her eyes to look around. Upon doing so, her eyes took a moment to adjust to the slight amount of additional light before she was able to see the stunning form of a familiar earthen-scaled male standing at the end of the bed upon which she now lay. It was such a unique feeling that sent shivers down her spine; the sleekly muscular physique of her flame was something that Crystalia knew she would never get over.
. . .
Crimsa smiled at the silver male next to her, and he grinned at her. Both had to restrain themselves from displaying their happiness like hatchlings- in a wrestling match- and so they just sat there at the foot of their bed, taking turns giggling with giddiness brought around by Nolaltro's perfect response to Crystalia's passing out from stress. That had been their plan the entire time- to stress Crystalia out enough to make her faint, and then measure how genuine Nolaltro's love was based on his reaction. Time passed quite quickly, and they were cuddled together in bed, with the tops of their heads resting against eachother when the squeaking of a hinge on the door to Crystalia's room informed them that they were no longer alone. Both stretched and arose, letting the covers fall off of their bodies, leaving only their fabrics covering them as they jumped onto the floor and headed for the kitchen, where their food waited.
Crystalia blushed brightly as she opened the door to her room and walked out to find her parents locked in an embrace, and she looked away as they both started to climb off the bed. They didn't wear clothes around the house, but Nolaltro's family had, so she felt embarrassed at the relative indignity of her parents. However, the young female quickly noticed the lack of shimmer on her father's silver scales and turned back, finding, to her relief, that not only he, but her mother as well, were wearing thin, loose-fitting garments that kept them covered.
The scent of the meal sitting in the other room was intoxicating to Nolaltro the instant he caught wind of it, and he had to focus on not drooling all over the floor as he followed Crystalia towards the food. When he got close, Nolaltro was confused by what he saw- almost all of the meat he had ever been served came in large slabs, but the meal he saw now consisted of shredded meat with various cooked vegetables mixed in. It was very strange, and Nolaltro would've shied away from it immediately had Crystalia not been there- he most certainly didn't want to hurt her feelings, or make her parents think less of him by not gratefully eating the food that was presented to him.
It quickly became obvious to Crystalia that her love was uncertain of the food that had been prepared, so she leaned down and took hold of a large chunk of the shredded venison with her small front teeth, before tilting her head back and swallowing the savory stuff. It was lightly salted, and the cooked vegetables added an almost undetectable sweetness to the mix which she thoroughly enjoyed before quickly returning for more, showing her Nolaltro that it was quite enjoyable.
Having seen his flame enjoying the food, the hunger finally overwhelmed his apprehensions as he followed her lead and grabbed a mouthful of the moist, savory mixture. The flavor was interesting to the young male- he couldn't place whether he liked it, or disliked it- if that salty-sweetness was skewed just a bit more towards sweetness, he would have loved it, as he had a huge sweet-tooth. When he was finally finished, Nolaltro noticed very quickly that he was the last one done, so he offered to clean the dishes in another attempt to impress Crystalia's parents. "If you want, since I finished last, I'll clean up..." It was a conflicting offer for him to make, no doubt, but he made it because he needed the best chance of being able to spend time with Crystalia in the long run, which would mean impressing her parents.
During the course of the meal, Crimsa had to excuse herself from the meal to relieve herself, so she left her empty bowl on the table and quietly left the room, at which point she slipped into Crystalia's room and pulled a small, square pack out of thin air and left it on the pillow at the head before slipping outside to empty her bladder away from their company. With a sigh of relief, she pulls her hind legs back under herself before heading back into the house, where she finds Nolaltro still eating his evening meal. A few minutes later, though, the young male surprises Crimsa by offering to wash the evening's ceramics, though she quickly realizes it to be a ploy to make himself look like the perfect male for their daughter- she counters this by simply shaking her head, laughing, and collecting the bowls before heading to the sink.
Taking the obvious rejection of his offer as an excuse to spend more time with him, Crystalia wraps her tail around Nolaltro's, pulling the male with her as she heads for her room, letting the door close behind them after letting her love through.