The Return of The Monster

Story by zanian on SoFurry

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Commission 4/6 for DragonsLover (FA)

It was another glorious days for the town savior, Silvermike; although he didn't understand how he reached this status, he wasn't one that would question the judgement of the population, especially since he survived the attack of that giant monster.

He didn't remember how he escaped the gigantic paws, but since then, the people believed he was the one that drove the monster away, a fact that he was unable to denounce. After all, perhaps he was the reason the beast fled the city; perhaps he was indeed a hero worthy of praise, one that could save the day once again, if he had to.

But again, a part of him wanted to avoid this situation, although he wouldn't complain if he was trapped under the paw once more; there was something attractive about that situation that he didn't want to discuss with anybody...

As he was about to take a nap, someone decided to bang against the front door of his house, as if it was in a hurry to see him. Perhaps someone was investigating his case and was able to figure out that he wasn't the hero the people thought he was, although it would surprise him; what would be the point such a thing, anyway?

Not sure what to do, he opened the door, only to see a town official waiting in the entrance, visibly panicking; there was little he could do to calm him, but he had to try, so it wouldn't escalate later on...

``Silvermike, there you are! The situation is dire! When you saved the city, we thought we would be free of monsters, but now another one is rampaging the metropolis... or is it the same one? It doesn't matter anymore; you, the hero of the hour, must save the day before it is too late. Now go and stop that monster from destroying everything; the people are counting on you'' said the councillor, as he pushed him outside, waving him goodbye as he ran away, probably terrified of the monster that was still lurking in the area.

Although he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do, he knew that he couldn't stand in front of his house and wait for something to happen. After all, he was some sort of hero, destined to help people in need; he had to fight the monster and make sure that it wouldn't come back to haunt the life of the citizens...

Looking around, he listened to the wind for a moment, sure that the cries for help and pleas for mercy would guide him toward his objective. And he was right, or least close enough that he considered it to be the path that he had to follow, for now.

Although the bus would be faster than he could be, he decided to run toward the site, for the roads were paralyzed and the people were flooding the street once again, screaming in terror as they were fleeing the scene.

It didn't take long for him to reach the monster; although he was surprised to see that beast so close to his house, he couldn't let it rampage the metropolis for another minute without intervening. He had to stop it, even if it would cost him his dignity; however, he had the impression this wasn't the first time he met this monster...

When he saw that the monster raised his paw at his arrival, he realized that in was in fact the same beast as before; why it was still around was a mystery to him, but the message that it was sending him was quite clear.

It was out there for revenge, or an element close to it; after all; it was expelled from the city because of the silver dragon's action. How could it be happy to see it strut around, waving the title of hero? There was only one thing he could do to make it go away, for ever...

Approaching the beast, he stood in front of it, placing himself in front of the paw; although he wasn't sure what was going to happen, he knew that it would be enough to calm the monster. It was a sacrifice he had to do...

As he looked at the creature, he saw that it lifted a paw, bringing it close to his head; although he could have hesitated or retreated, the message was clear and there was no need for him to avoid his fate.

He decided to lie on the ground, waiting for the paw to fall on him; it didn't take long for it to smother him, pressing his body against the road. It was a feeling he was exploring for a second time, although he wasn't complaining.

To be trapped under that giant paw, to feel the flesh surrounding him once more was a sensation that he couldn't stop enjoying. He was at the mercy of the beast's paw, for he could be crushed at any moment, but he knew that it wouldn't happen, for he was in his rightful place, the one that he was supposed to be in the first place.

Sniffing the flesh for a moment, he filled his lungs with the pungent aroma that the sole of the paw emitted, for reptilian paws had no paw pads, after all. The scent was blissful; he wanted to fill his mind with more of the odor that floated around, but there was so much more he had to do before the beast would tire of his presence...

Rubbing himself against the flesh, he decided to lick it, to let the flavors dance in his palate for a moment. Although he had an idea of the flavor that was awaiting him, the one that assailed his tongue and maws was beyond what his imagination prepared for him.

The flesh was sweet and savory under his tongue, making him wish he could explore of it without being interrupted, but he knew that it was a pipe dream, for the beast was leading the dance and he was there to enjoy his position, not impose his will. But if he could only lick it for a few more precious moments, so the memories would be engraved in his mind forever; he didn't want the essence of this experience to escape him, not this time. He couldn't let this experience turn into another memory that would gradually fade away, like the other time he met that beast...

The paw pressed against the ground, trapping him between the flesh and the ground; he wasn't able to move anymore, but it mattered little to him, for he was in a position that was quite comfortable for him. This was where he belonged, where he was supposed to be; the fact that the paw was dominating him was only adding an exciting element to this situation.

Even though people called him a hero, he knew that his real role was to be under the sole of this paw, to feel the flesh surround him as he would try to make one with it. A part of him wanted to grab it, to make sure that he wouldn't detach from it, but he had the trust the beast and enjoy the moment; after all, why should he stress when he was on the paw, safe until he would try to run away?

Closing his eyes, he licked the flesh once again, filling his mind once more with a swirl of sensations that seemed too much to bear. He could feel the taste and the craving overwhelm him, an urge that could possess him if he wouldn't be able to control himself. However, why should he control himself? There was no need for self-control in this situation, not when he was in a dream coming true...

As the licking annoyed it a bit, the beast pressed his paw against the ground, surrounding the dragon with the flesh of the sole as he could see the ground approaching rapidly. He hoped that he wouldn't be impacted by the unfolding event, but he had the impression that if the current speed was kept, he would be crushed.

Grinding his teeth, he closed his eyes and wished for the best, as the distance between him and the ground was getting shorter. As he touched the ground, the paw stopped, trapping him once again between the flesh and the road.

The beast didn't want to hurt; in fact, it knew that he was still there, clinging to his flesh and enjoying the taste. Although it could have disposed of its nemesis with ease, what would have been the point? The dragon was playing the hero, but in reality, all he wanted was to be under its paws, dominated by them until the end of time; it was a truth that the beast was more than delighted to fulfill...

Caressing the flesh, he could feel that it was staying still, making sure that he was unable to move. This was the position he was supposed to be, the one he wasn't supposed to have left in the first place; he was at the mercy of the gigantic paw, which could crush him at any moment, but was merciful in the treatment it was inflicting upon him.

It knew that this was the fate he desired; to surrounded by the flesh of the sole, to feel the scent of the paws surround him as he would try to be one with it, clinging to the flesh at best he could while it would live the dreams and fantasies that would come to his mind.

As he was plunged in his thoughts, he realized that the beast was moving once again, moving slowly out of the city. It's goal of attracting him out of his house reached, it hadn't any purpose of staying here, unless another one wanted to join the dragon in the bliss that was proposed under his paws...