Chapter 4: Secret\'s Revealed, a bond is born
As they entered the shower room, poor Keith got an eyeful! Oh god! I've entered heaven! Redfield you are such a perv! Both Hunter and Blitz were stark naked and acted like nothing was wrong when Keith walked in. Keith couldn't help but eye...
Chapter 1: Prologue
Hunter the leader golden retriever with super speed, colleen the rough collie with her super martial arts skills, blitz the doberman with his strong teeth and claws, but one that caught keith's eye was exile.
Surface (Chapter 7)
The incident had drawn unwanted attention to her and she saw a golden retriever spotting her, breaking out of the crowd and honing in on her. everyone knows you can't say no to a golden retriever, don't we?
A New Dawn
As the three made their way to the simulators, davis was joined by a middle aged golden retriever. "how do you think they'll do jack?" davis asked his old friend. "reports indicate he's a good rifleman, just like his father.
Dorm Days - Chapter 1
It cast a large shadow on my paws, blocking them from the warmth of the golden sun. i went to the back of my car and grabbed two suitcases that contained everything i was able to pack in them.
To Touch The Sky Chapter 4: Homeward Journeys
He let out one last breath to calm his nerves, stared long and hard at the golden plaque that adorned the wall, then knocked forcefully on the door---no turning back now._ _inside there was the sound of someone stirring, that cliché intake of breath that
That Gay Goth Dog: Chapter 18: The Battle to be Normal: Part 2
But just before i threw my angry stare at the male on the other side, i noticed it was a black panther, golden retriever, and a german shepherd who looked really familiar to me. "seth, aaron, till!!!"
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 25
I have been golden-yellow and black since i was cub. parents say i am beautiful child. name me jinse. mean golden in chownese. many in village in chowna consider me good luck. many say i am freak. me? i say, 'big deal.
D.E1 Chapter 21: The Planet III
**CHAPTER 21** ** ** The Planet: Part 3 Those images would prove difficult to forget. Buildings; what was left of them. For the second time in less than a couple of days we were witnesses of another intelligent civilization's creation. Hours ago...
Carrier Wolves - Chapter 5: Arms
The golden retreiver gave up his efforts to sleep, and made his way from the bed to his computer, where he looked up at the latest news.
Chapter 8: Infiltration into Hell
Hunter looked horrible.....his armor was shredded and was covered in so much blood his golden fur was now crimson. colleen...what about...? "colleen? coleeeen! open our eyes! hold on!" hunter cried.
Code Drop: Reception
#22 of code drop erik the golden retriever finds a creative way of making peace with the platypus landlord.