Chapter 4: Secret\'s Revealed, a bond is born
#4 of Road Rover's Degeneration
As they entered the shower room, poor Keith got an eyeful!
Oh god! I've entered heaven! Redfield you are such a perv!
Both Hunter and Blitz were stark naked and acted like nothing was wrong when Keith walked in. Keith couldn't help but eye them a little; Hunter was as well built as he was. His features were well chiseled around his torso, but the real treasures were 's sheath was gold like his fur and his balls hung low and were a good size, and Hunter's ass was perfectly round and really tight. He felt the urge to squeeze it...but Keith knew Hunter wouldn't be that forgiving, no matter how "super" his powers were.
Fanboy's got a nice bod.....maybe I'll consider that...nah! Exile's way better!
Blitz was the same, except his fur was brown and black, he was admiring himself in the mirror.
What a narcissist.....good thing he's cute. That's the only thing.
"I'm so perfect..." he kept saying.
"Perfectly weird!" Exile shouted.
Blitz growled, but went back to his admiration.
"Hey buddy! What's up? Sorry I didn't sit with ya at dinner....the lady's been clingy lately...I'm sure you know bout that!"
Hunter happily shouted, slapping Keith's back. Keith smiled and just said "Yea..."
Keith still couldn't believe Hunter was completely in the nude acting like nothing was wrong! Hunter pulled on his boxers and continued talking to Keith about this and that.....however Keith wasn't really paying attention to Hunter, he was more concerned about the growing erection in his pants, he sure didn't want the Rovers how "excited" he was to be a part of the team.
Calm down Redfield....control yourself....
However, he kept his cool, and kept smiling as he listened to Hunter.
Eventually Hunter said "Well it was nice talking to ya! You're a really nice guy! Well, Im gonna turn in! Night!"
I didn't even get in a word edgewise....but thanks for the show!
"Good night comrade!" Exile said.
"Ya whateva." Blitz indirectly responded.
He yawned and eventually pushed his way out of the locker room, avoiding Keth's gaze.
Heh, that's right won't be back.
Keith was slightly annoyed but Exile chimed "Don't worry bout weird boy, he'll be fine."
Keith nodded and began to disarm and strip down to his boxers. He noticed Exile was doing the same....right next to him! He was stripping down next to a perfect stranger! Keith felt his heart race, not trying to look at Exile, but he couldn't help it.....he looked so damn good! Exile's chest was perfectly chiseled, his shoulders broad, and his torso rippled with sheer might. His fur was a mix of blue and white, blue on the exterior, while his chest and inner features were solid white. Exile was down to his boxers when he began to sense fear in the air. Being a dog, this wasn't hard to do.
Oh shit Redfield! You've done it now!
"Comrade.....I smell fear off you. You okay?" Keith was so nervous, what's more his sheath was beginning to swell....soon Exile was going to smell more than fear.
"I'm ffff...fine really..." Keith stuttered.
"No something is bothering you...go on spit it out!" Exile urged. Keith wanted to confess everything right there. To bury his face in Exile's chest and tell him how much he loved him, how no one ever made Keith feel this way.
Keith swallowed hard and thought up a lie "I'm just a little unsure of myself around all...." Keith muttered.
"Unsure? Why?" Exile said with a little concern.
Exile interrupted "Don't worry comrade I know it's a little nerve racking in unfamiliar territory, but remember, you have me! Now let's hit shower!"
So glad he's such a nice guy...a little ignorant...but nice, charming even.
Exile pulled of his boxers and Keith nearly fell over.
Exile had the biggest balls he'd ever seen! They had blue fur encasing them, while his sheath was white. He was simply.....beautiful. Exile put his back to Keith and it took all he had to keep standing up. Exile's butt was massive and tight, with the perfect shape. His cheeks were blue, with a streak of white going from his behind up. Keith mentally slapped himself and finished undressing. He made his way to the shower room, where he noticed there were no stalls, just shower heads. He took the one farthest from Exile, he sure as hell didn't want to pop a boner and Exile see.
"My friend! Come closer to me! Were all dogs here! In Russia showering with comrade means the highest level of trust and friendship!"
Okay Exile likes me or he is the biggest perv ever! Fine by me! But wait...
Keith was shocked, did Exile just call him his best friend? Keith put his wishful thinking aside, and joined Exile. Keith tried to relax as much as possible, he was still nervous, but at least he wasn't popping boners anymore.
This is way harder than I thought...
"You know my friend you look pretty good! The transmogrifier transformed you pretty well! For you not being a chosen Road Rover....." Exile said.
I guess Shepherd didn't tell wonder they've been so nice to me......I found it kinda weird how they weren't all freaking out when I started talking about the virus.
Keith interrupted "Hey Exile.....if I tell you something......will you keep it between us? And will you still trust me?"
Exile gave him a soft look and responded "Sure comrade, shoot."
"I never went through the machine......I'm permanently like this..."
"What?! How?!" Exile exclaimed.
"I'm infected with the didn't make me a primal creature....but it affected my DNA somehow and well...this is the result......but I'm still a carrier."
Exile was shocked and asked "Are you contagious? Can you infect anyone else?"
Keith shook his head "No it's contained within me.....but.....there is an unknown side effect....."
"Side effect?" Exile said with a worried look.
Exile came a little closer and put his hand on Keith's shoulder.
"The virus is contained not could transform me at any given moment into one of...them." Keith rattled out.
Keith couldn't take it anymore, he just let out his most personal secret to his secret love, and now Exile wouldn't talk to him ever again.'re so're no whiny bitch! Toughen up!
He leaned against the tile wall and began to shake uncontrollably. What happened next will be something he will never forget. Exile reached out and began to hug Keith from behind.
Exile? What are you? His grip was gentle and Exile began rocking him back and forth gently.
" matter how you were are still dog...just like me....and I will make sure that will never happen, partner."
"Exile....." Keith whispered.
Keith turned around and the two began to hold each other under the warm water. Keith rested his head on Exile's chest and Exile rested his head on top of Keith's. Whether this was love or not......Keith didn't care....he was being held by the one he loved, and that's all that mattered. Eventually the two separated, finished washing, and put on a fresh pair of boxers.
"Oh I forgot! Your sleeping quarters!" Exile said. " bout tonight you sleep with me? It might be tight, but you don't mind do you?"
Keith was getting excited but kept it cool "Sure s'okay."
Exile smiled and said "Follow me." They made their way to Exile's room and Keith looked around. There were posters of weaponry, snow sports, weights scattered everywhere. There was also a LCD TV with a gaming system, along with a few standard bedroom furnishings.
"This is nice" Keith remarked.
"Thanks!" Exile said. "Oh I hope you don't mind I sleep in just my reminds me that I'm still feral dog!" Exile laughed.
Whether Exile was just a friendly ignorant or a big tease...Keith would never know.
"It's alright....I tend to do the same." Keith replied.
"Great! Also in Siberia we usually cuddle for don't freak out if I heh...." Exile blushed. Did Exile just blush? Keith thought.
"No problem mate I'm still a dog you know, I like to cuddle with my master sometimes too.....even if I'm..." Keith trailed off.
"Don't even mention comrade!" Exile said. "I'm bushled!" Exile said.
Keith laughed, he loved Exile's remarks. Exile's bed was king size, but with Exile's size it made it feel like a twin with Keith on it. The two climbed in stark naked and the lights went out. The two eventually fell asleep.....with Keith having a big smile on his face.