Pushing Forward, New Clues

"All right you guys ready?" Keith asked, leaning against the wooden gate. "Yeah," the rest of the Rovers whispered. Keith and Hunter opened the large gate and everyone stepped in with their guns ready. "Is this.....a tribal village?"...

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Another Shadow, Genocide

The sun was high in the sky and the heat was scorching as the dogs drove along the arid African Savannah. The dogs had already removed their shirts and their equipment to help cool themselves off, but the direct sunlight was making it hard to get...

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Escape, New Destination

Keith's right ear began to twitch and he began to stir slightly. He awoke to a still naked Hunter fast asleep and cuddled up to him; mouth agape and drool hanging off his muzzle. He would laugh at the sight if he didn't sense there was danger lurking...

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Dream, Demon Soldiers

Hunter's eyes slowly opened, and was greeted by the blinding sun. Where am I? He opened then all the way and he saw that he was in the middle of a beautiful green meadow, flowers and trees everywhere. Must be a dream. Hunter thought...

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Secrets Revealed, Liberation

The four canines were dripping in sweat as they entered the sauna room, their clothes sticking to them tight from all the sweat. The four were joking around and playfully hitting each other, commenting on their fighting techniques during the game. ...

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Chapter 8: Infiltration into Hell

Comrade! What are you doing! Exile continued to pound the door mercilessly trying to break it down. Comrade I forgive you for what you did with Hunter......I know it's in nature to not push away.....please don't do anything stupid! Exile...

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Chapter 4: Secret\'s Revealed, a bond is born

As they entered the shower room, poor Keith got an eyeful! Oh god! I've entered heaven! Redfield you are such a perv! Both Hunter and Blitz were stark naked and acted like nothing was wrong when Keith walked in. Keith couldn't help but eye...

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Chapter 1: Prologue

_This is a Resident Evil/Road Rovers crossover involving one of my original characters. All things are co to their respective creators, although Exile's past is completely my idea, along with Keith, his sub, the rover's plane and the village involved...

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