Chapter 8: Infiltration into Hell

Story by Keith Redfield on SoFurry

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#8 of Road Rover's Degeneration

Comrade! What are you doing!

Exile continued to pound the door mercilessly trying to break it down.

Comrade I forgive you for what you did with Hunter......I know it's in nature to not push away.....please don't do anything stupid!

Exile began to have tears well in his eyes thinking of what Keith might do....he pushed those thoughts aside.

I've got to work faster! Maybe if I freeze door....

Exile froze the door and with a massive hit it shattered.

"Comrade! Keith! Where are you!" he shouted in desperation.

"Exile?! What's going on?! All the doors are locked!" Hunter shouted through the door.

Colleen was shouting the same thing from her room.

Hunter......I'm going kill you.....

"Hold on! Stand back! I'll freeze door then shatter them!" Exile exclaimed.

Exile froze the doors and shattered them with his massive strength.

"What the hell is going on!?" the two exclaimed.

You now damn well Hunter....

"Comrade Keith got upset and issued lockdown.....I don't know where he went." Exile replied.

"You don't think......" Colleen trailed off.

"No.....he didn't go after Wesker by himself did he?!" Hunter exclaimed.

Probably...he felt so guilty....he probably didn't want to hurt us anymore....poor comrade....

"Let's go to the control center...maybe there is some trace of him there...." Exile said.

They all headed to the control room where the console light was blinking, indicating a message. Exile pressed the button and Keith's face appeared.

"Rovers.....I'm sorry I got you involved in this.....I've cause you so much pain....caused one of your teammates to commit many things. If you're getting this message....I've gone after Wesker alone. I'm not going to get you involved anymore! This is my fight.....I don't want you all to get killed....please try to understand."


"You all were awesome friends.....the best ones I've ever had.....and that is why I must do this protect the one....I mean one's I love. If you need weapons to escape....the armory is left unlocked.....feel free to use the sub too.....I hope to see you all again after this is all safe." The transmission ended.! I won't let him go! We must hurry! But where has he gone?! The lockdown of the facility....I knew he blowing smoke....he went back to find traces of Wesker at the Facility...and to lift the lockdown....

"Keith....." Hunter said. " going to sacrifice himself for us.....?"

"He barely knows us!" Colleen exclaimed. "We have to go after him!"

"Where do we start looking?! He could be anywhere!" Hunter shouted.

"Comrades calm down.....where would he go? The facility is on lockdown also....he went back to find whereabouts of Wesker....think about it." Exile calmly explained.

"Let's get to the armory!" Hunter exclaimed.

They all ran to the was huge. All different types of weapons, armor, and equipment filled the room.

"Wow...." they all said.

"Let's stock up!" Exile shouted.

"Loves I'm going to fit this armor....I'll be back in a flash!" Colleen said.

She left leaving Hunter and Exile alone.

Easy Exile.....calmly ask him...he's still your teammate....

Exile went over to Hunter and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Yeah?" Hunter asked.

"Comrade.....Keith told me everything......" Exile said.

Hunter froze....he was the reason why Keith ran off.....he upset the poor Shepherd so much......Hunter felt horrible.

"Exile.....I didn't mean too....I the heat of the moment....I was so distraught..." Hunter rapidly let out.

He seems he doesn't know about Keith and I.....

"Hunter...there is something you should know......Keith and I....are very close. We share special follow..? Exile explained.

Hunter froze...."So you two are...together?" he asked.

"Not like that....we are not couple. We share very close bond on a deep level....were partners." Exile said.

"I didn't know.....I just admired Keith so much.....he's my hero.....and me being overly friendly...I couldn't help myself....." Hunter shamefully admitted. Hunter was so full of shame....he made his hero so upset that he ran off alone...and possibly be killed!

"We have to find him Exile!" Hunter proclaimed.

So Hunter isn't the arrogant jock boy I thought he was......he has shame.....and honor....he was just showing his affection...

"We will....we will. First let's get prepared." Exile finished.

The two began rummaging through the equipment, there was a lot here.

Hunter chose two black Sig P229's in 45 caliber, along with a Benelli automatic shotgun.

"Man Keith has some nice stuff!" Hunter exclaimed, aiming the pistols around.

"Easy comrade! Don't shoot eye out!" Exile kidded.

Hunter laughed and grabbed magazines, ammo, a flashlight, and holsters.

Keith.....this time I'll be your hero.... He finished putting on the ceramic armor suit he found and placed the equipment in all the necessary places. Exile chose the same suit, but for his firearms he chose two black Desert Eagles, and a M203 grenade launcher.

"Geez Exile.....going all out are we?" Hunter said with a smile. "Those 50's really kick!"

"You forget comrade I have super strength! Recoil means nothing to me!" he laughed. "The launcher is just for crowd control!"

They both shared a hearty laugh, and finished getting ready. Exile grabbed all the ammo, magazines, and various items he could fit into his armor, then his eye caught something.

"Resuscitation needles."

Exile went over and examined them, seeing a manual with them. Reading the manual he discovered these could revive your partners and stabilize their condition if they were close to death.....he noticed there were some missing....


"Hey boys, how do I look?" Colleen said.

Colleen took ceramic suit and tailored it to fit her slim showed a lot more than necessary.

Hunter thought Keith still looks way better though...wait what?! It was just some brotherly love?! Wasn't it.....

He shook his head and said "Great! Grab some equipment girly!"

Colleen grabbed two HK USP 9mm's in stainless, along with an HK MP5 with a red dot sight.

"Comrade's! Lookie at what I found!" Exile exclaimed showing them the needles.

Exile explained their use to his teammates and they were shocked.

"Let's divide them never know...." Hunter said. They distributed them evenly and finished gathering their equipment, then headed to the control room for preparations.

"Well how do we get back in? The only way is through the main cargo bay doors...and I'm sure it's infested." Hunter said.

"We have no choice....we'll just have to fight our way through...." Colleen replied with a little doubt. "Well...we have no guys ready?" Exile said, cocking his guns.

Colleen and Hunter nodded, and they all climbed through the hatch into the unknown.

Keith approached the cargo bay was quiet...too quiet.

Never a good sign....

He opened the door with the code and slowly stepped was weird, the lockdown was completely lifted again, and there was no evidence of a prior struggle.

What the hell? Are these zombies super maids too?

Keith made his way slowly inside. The hallway was empty, no signs of life.

Clear right and left....where are they?

Keith unholstered his 45's and pointed them in front of him....scanning the hallway as he made his way with extreme caution.

This complex is huge....they could be anywhere.....stay frosty...


O crap.....

Keith saw the creature up ahead, it was a zombie...but something was wrong.....this thing wasn't was still human.....but acting like a zombie. It was moving a lot more smoothly than the standard zombie....and it seemed intelligent, it was looking around. Keith aimed for the head and BLAM! A slat and burst of red came rushing from the neck and it fell to the floor. Keith went up for a closer look, then something slithered out of its neck...Keith stomped on it.

What is this?!

Keith looked at was some sort of slug.

Is this the new virus?


Oh shit!

Those things were coming...Keith aimed straight ahead. He counted 20 no.....40!

I'll never get through this! Run Keith!

Keith turned and ran as fast he could....he didn't know where he was going......he just needed to get away!

Come on....Come on.....! Yes!

He found a door and ran inside...and locked it with the inner keypad. These doors were made of the same kind of steel on his would take Exile's strength to break it.

Exile..... T

he mention of his name made Keith tear up instantly. What's more.....he was in the one place he didn't want to be...he was in Exile's room. Keith looked around...he saw the bed where they first made love....he sat on the bed and laid down...he could smile Exile's rich scent all over it. The scent filled his nose and made Keith so happy....yet so sad at the same time.

It's over have to move have a mission to complete!

Keith stood up and looked around some more and saw Exile's tags on the dresser. He picked them up and put them on his silver chain...he wanted to have some memory of Exile. Keith finished and stood by the door listening for the creature's......nothing. He stepped was clear. The main hall was just ahead with an elevator leading to Shepherd's quarter's...maybe he could find some clues there.

Here goes nothing.......

Keith kept pressing on into the unknown.....Exile's tags giving him strength.

Something is wrong here.....this place is too tidy to have been infested.....what is this zombie cleaning service?

The trio just came in through the cargo bay doors expecting a huge fight...but nothing. T

his is weird...too quiet....I hope Keith is okay...

"Guys I hear footsteps....get ready!" Colleen whispered loudly.

They all readied their weapons, waiting for the unknown to rear its head.....what they saw shocked them. It wasn't the zombie from was human.....but something was still wrong. The thing was hissing and growling.....and it was looking it was searching for prey.

"What do we do? Kill or let it pass by?" Hunter asked.

"It's coming near us......Exile call the order!" Colleen said.

I have bad feeling....but we're wasting time!

"I got it." Exile replied. He aimed the desert eagle the things head....lined it up with the laser....then BLAM! The things head came clean off, creating a shower of crimson out of the neck.

"Nice shot!" Hunter said slapping Exile on the back. Exile just smiled....then he sensed something.

"What is it?" Colleen asked.


"Oh shit!" they all said. An entire group of those things were running around the corner......there were 50!

"Run and shoot!" Exile ordered.

The trio began fire wildly while running backwards.....alot of the shots hit and bodies began to fall, but the crowd didn't seem to dissipate.

"I need to reload!" Hunter exclaimed.

"Me too!" Colleen exclaimed.

"I'll fire some grenades to slow them down....keep moving!" Exile shouted.

Exile fired three frags and it seemed to slow them down....but not for long.

"Comrades get to the main hall! We can barricade ourselves in there! Plus there's more room to fight!" Exile commanded.

They ran as fast as they could down the hallway to the main hall. Hunter punched the code, the doors swung open, and they ran inside. Hunter issued an executive lockdown on just that area using the keypad. The doors were reinforced, and they all crashed on the floor.

"What...the heck were those things?! They just kept coming!" Hunter exclaimed

"I don't know....they sure were fast!" Colleen added. "I wonder if comrade made it...." Exile said sadly.

All their faces dropped...poor Keith.

*Click Click* They all immediately got up and aimed their weapons at the source. Hunter shined his was Keith!

"Keith!" they all exclaimed. "You're alive!"

"Guys?! How did you...?" Keith exclaimed.

"Were super heroes dude...." Hunter replied.

You guys.....I.....

BAM! BAM! BAM! All four stood at attention a the door and then looked at the ceiling...those things were coming from everywhere. Keith looked around, the room was huge and open, but had no least they could move.

"Stay together guys...." Exile said.


The first wave came in from the ceiling, all screaming for a piece of the dogs. They all open fire and shot everything that moved. Keith shouted "Move around! Don't let them bite you! Use anything you have!" A monster came up to Keith and lunged at him. Keith fired a shot at the creature's stopped and was holding it's shoulder.

These things feel pain.....great!

"Guys aim for the trick spots on these guys, they feel pain! Stun them and use melee moves to conserve ammo!" Keith said.

They all acknowledged this and began doing as he said. Exile aimed for a creatures leg and it fell on one knee. Exile ran up and straightr punched him in the face, causing the creature to fly and knock over some more in the process. Colleen shot one in the shoulder and roundhoused kicked it knocking it to the ground. She pulled out her knife and impaled the creature in the head, killing it instantly. She was surrounded quickly and used her karate skills to get out. Hunter was shooting and hooking the creatures back and forth. He then pulled out his knife and began slashing and stunning in order to conserve ammo. "Frag out!" Exile shouted. Everyone rolled out of the way as a glorious explosion took out a crowd of zombies. Keith smiled....

He sure can fight....what a guy!

Keith continued to roll, backflip and shoot the creatures with all he had. Hunter couldn't help eye Keith despite his life being in mortal danger....

Man.....this guy truly is something.....I sure can pick em....maybe Exile will share.....

"Oooooffffff!" Hunter shouted.

He was knocked over by a zombie and a group of them surrounded Hunter. Clawing, stomping, and unmercifully attacking him. Hunter began hooting and kicking, trying to get was no use...he was done.

"Hunter!" Colleen shouted.

"Hold on!" Colleen had her hands full, she couldn't get to him.

"Comrade!" Exile shouted. He tried to get through with his brute strength, but there were too many.

The world's fading....goodbye.....Keith....I failed to be your hero....!

"Hold on!" Keith shouted.

Keith took out his AR-15 and tore through the crowd, leaping, kicking, and somersaulting to get to Hunter.

Hold on Fanboy.....don't die!

Keith shot all the zombies surrounding Hunter, and leaned over him He pulled out a needle and stuck Hunter in the chest. Hunter's body slowed down and slowly began to recover. His injuries were massive, but the resuscitation medicine would stabilize his heart and vitals.

"Come back here...." Keith said cooly. saved me....

"Stand back Hunter! I'll finish this!" Keith shouted. Hero...

Keith began fighting wildly with the zombies, making sure none got through.

"AAHHHHHHH! Help me!" Colleen screamed.

"Colleen!" Hunter screamed.

"No Hunter! You're far to injured! Don't move!" Keith said.

Hunter wasn't listening, he pulled out the auto shotgun and started tearing through the crowd.

"Colleen! COLLEEEEEN!" Hunter shouted.

"HEELPPPP! Augggggggh...." Colleen cried.


"Hold on! I'm coming!" Hunter shouted.

Suddenly Hunter felt a hard tug on his leg and he fell hard on the floor.

"Let go! LET GO!" Hunter exclaimed.

Hunter's injuries prevented him from fighting effectively. The creature continued to tear through his leg armor.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Hunter cried.

"Comrade! ARrrgggggh!' Exile cried out.

He was surrounded by Zombies and was knocked down, being clawed, kicked,and screamed at.

"GET OFFFF! HI......OOOOOOOFFFF!" Exile was silenced by a stomp in the face.

"EVERYONE!" Keith shouted. Time slowed down......Keith's mind was running at the speed of light.

Redfield! Do something! Your friends are dying!

Keith went berserk with rage, yet he was able to fight effectively. His instinct mode was of the effects of the him the ability to fight amazingly.


"Jill no!" "AHHHHHHHH!" "S.T.A.R.S!!!!!!!!!." the horrible creature shouted. Jill and Keith were being pursued by an Umbrella tyrant called Nemesis, a creature specifically created to exterminate the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members. Nemesis picked up Jill by the neck and was squeezing the life out of her! Keith fired his Glock as fast as he could, aiming for the head. The creature hesitated and threw Jill to the ground. The horrible creature ran torwards Keith at full speed. *Click Click* "Damn! OOOOOF!" he cried. He was thrown into a wall and nearly passed out. The creature ignored him and went after Jill. She pointed her Beretta....*click* "NO!" she shouted. Time slowed down.....Keith felt really weird.....andrenaline was pumping at the speed of light.....his strength increased along with his agility....he just acted. He ran toward the creature and leaped over him. He began punching and kicking the creature rapidly causing it to stager. The creature fought back, but missed. Keith made one last kick to the head and the creature fell unconscious......Keith along with it. A few hours later he woke up in what looked like a chapel with Jill looking over him. "Wha...happened?" he asked groggily. "You knocked the crap outta the went berserk and blacked out!"

Jill explained. Keith remembered it all....what is this power? "You surprise me more and more.....let's get going, we can talk later." Keith nodded.

End Flashback


He began firing with his 45's wildly, hitting everything around him. He ran wildly throught the crowd leaping, punching, kicking, rolling with such ferocity. He killed everything in his path. Hunter and Exile were utterly shocked....what was he? Keith eventually made his way over to Exile and cleared out the Zombies, then to Hunter, then Colleen.

"RAAAAAAAAAARRRRR! *Pant Pant*" Keith panted.

His body slowed down....he was going to black out.

Is everyone okay?

He looked around. Exile seemed alright; despite his massive injuries...he was covered in blood and wounds. Hunter looked horrible.....his armor was shredded and was covered in so much blood his golden fur was now crimson.

Colleen...what about...?

"Colleen? COLEEEEN! Open our eyes! Hold on!" Hunter cried.

He crawled over to Colleen, took out a resuscitation needle and attempted to revive her....nothing.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! COLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN! Please wake up!" Hunter cried in anguish.

From what Keith could see.....Colleen was horrible. Her throat was torn out and she was covered in so much amount of revive could bring her back.

I failed...another life needlessly lost...when will I stop failing?! Keith blacked out to Hunter's uncontrollable sobs. So much loss.....why? Why? What good can possibly come from people dying? won't win, I swear.

Chapter 9:Escape from Hell, into Heaven

Where am I? Keith slowly opened his eyes.....he was in what seemed to be an infirmary. "Comrade? Comrade! Your awake! Thank god!" Exile breathed. Keith looked at Exile, his wounds were now covered in bandages, but he still looked...

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Chapter 7: Farewell to a friend, a brief respite

I still can't believe it.....Blitz is..... Keith was still crying into Exile's warm, strong chest. He managed to look up and Exile had his eye's closed....sobbing softly....tears running down his face. It broke Keith's heart even more seeing his...

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Chapter 6: First Encounter, First Loss

"Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!" Keith and Exile immediately untangled themselves from their own little world at the horrendous shriek. "What in the hell?! Who the hell got past our system! Come on comrade! Put on your boxers and let's go!"...

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