Chapter X: Children of the Damned
It bore the colors of the old guard but now was in digital camo, bearing silver, black, and white, oddly enough the colors of the wolf. she also noticed his badge, two swords crossed behind a wolfs skull, the insignia from an old regime.
The Gift (Part 2)
The hyena also wore green camouflage pants which were sagged below his ass to fully show off his boxers and tucked into a pair of black army boots.
Fates of the Ferals: Longing
A pair of gray camo combat pants and a loose-fitting t-shirt flapped in the wind as the longboard picked up momentum on a sudden downslope.
I had no weapons, just my old gray camouflage fugitives, my battered rucksack, along with my old utility belt. in addition to all that, i was wearing my scratched steel helmet, and an old mf27 gas mask that i used was attached to my bag.
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 8
"no, rap," anar rubbed his temples patiently, "i understand what you're saying and yes, armies traditionally are rather drab and boring but it's for a good reason - camouflage. makes it harder to get shot if you're not dressed as a flamenco dancer.
Silver Lining (Chapter 1)
It's painted in naval camouflage, thank you very much. \>but you stop yourself short of pressing your luck with the "i'm hardcore" game. \> "yeah, that's it."
Chapter 6 - Mount Greenville
A bobcat in camouflage-green pants and a tan shirt called us over by a little wag of his clawed finger. "so, what brings you here to the mount greenville campgrounds?" he said with a surprisingly contagious exuberance.
Downtown Skirmish
We walked towards a group of about seventy anthros, who all either wore the army universal camouflage or multicam. they were all either relaxing or establishing a defensive perimeter.
A New Start
The cargo pants were camo-ed with green brown black and a tannish color making for a cool effect in lego's mind. lego then looked in the quickly turning around to only turn back again staring straight into the mirror.
A New Start
The cargo pants were camo-ed with green brown black and a tannish color making for a cool effect in lego's mind. lego then looked in the quickly turning around to only turn back again staring straight into the mirror.
RoKo! Chapter three: Problem solving
Or a washed out pair of jungle camouflage pants that belonged to some vietnam relative or another. in the way of shirts, there was nothing. and so i was relegated to a hoodie i had bought back in 2016 that had a worn out logo on it.
Flight Academy: Chapter 1
He is wearing a camouflage jacket with bdu pants. he has a necklace around his neck. his eyes are an ominous black color with grey feathers covering his body. mr. sant calls on him and right before he speaks, i get nudged in the shoulder.