End of the line
I sit watching the set with my wife and my child,
Unbeknown to us the world should go wild.
With no real warning and little time,
Emergency broadcast - End of the line.
Soon all of our dreams and all our desires
Will be...
Atomic, End of the World, Holocaust, Other, bomb, nuclear
_While i was working on Serious-Sevens (_http://serious-seven.deviantart.com/) _pic request i got an idea for a short story involving his character.
Not long till christmas, Thomas the cheetah receives a strange gift from an unknown giver with...
Atomic, Cheetah, Christmas, Embarrasment, Gift, Humiliation, Pain, funny, present, wedgie
The co-pilot's were shattered on the floor, so he threw his paws over his face, and, about 15 seconds later, the third ever atomic device used in anger detonated next to a small department store near the center of the capital city of china.
B-1R, Bald Eagle, Cheetah, German Shepard, Red Panda, Stoat, aircraft, atom bomb, lancer
_Part 1 can be found here http://www.sofurry.com/page/204815/user_.
_Christmas has bin and gone but the gifts are still coming. An unfortunate hyena finds himself recieving a gift with verry stinky and disgusting...
Atomic, Gift, Humiliation, Hyena, Messy, Pain, Scat, Toilet, embarrrasment, flush, funny, manure, present, swirlie, wedgie
To this day the mile high tower stands as a reminder to all of our past sins and our rebirth from the atomic hell fire.
Slowly, every last atom in your body is replaced. after a year, not one orginal atom is left. the person you one were is entirely gone. you are not an object, you are a wave, in an ocean of stuff.
Alien, Science
It'd make new atoms, wouldn't it? and technically, we could control how much it made. today, i bring to you, the world's first, atomic constructor!"
i pushed the sixth button on the device and it whirred to life.
Electricity, Science Fiction
One molecule would split into two atoms of uranium-1893, an almost non-existent isotope. that would split into five atoms of uranium-235 and re-fuse into a single atom of paladium. the neutrons lost dissolve into dark energy.
Dragon, Pantheress