The Aces of Lylat, Interlude: Star Dog
"since you're such a resilient soldier, i'll let you choose. should i take your penis first, or your testicles?" seymour started to holler again.
Furries Univerisity Chapter 40: Our Lord of Black
He tightened it, felt it begin to choke him, but he did not struggle, taking his feet and kicking at the stool, he fell quick but his neck did not break, he could feel it stay resilient.
Brute Belonzyk vs. Ralf Solberg (Yoshi Boxing)
Brute looked shocked for a moment that he even got up, but was impressed by his resilience. he stepped in again, keeping his guard up in case ralf tried anything like last time.
Solace y Graciano
He was resilient, and he was totally oblivious to the situation. he lifted me back up and looked into my grassy green eyes. it was the first time he's looked into my eyes. "hey nimsy, how you been today?" asked another classmate, maxxy.
Hunter's Return
She could feel the spray of blood and gore as the merciless steel rod crashed against less resilient flesh and bone. her vision narrowed down, the sounds around her becoming muted.
Solace ? Graciano
He was resilient, and he was totally oblivious to the situation. he lifted me back up and looked into my grassy green eyes. it was the first time he's looked into my eyes. "hey nimsy, how you been today?" asked another classmate, maxxy.
Survival Part Four
Kyle shrugged, walking over to her grandfather and kneeling down beside him, holding her hand over his mouth and sighing in relief, "tough old bastard," she said, then looked up at rodney, "you know, if he wasn't so resilient you might have killed him with
First Impressions ~Chapter 5 Heart of a Lion~
His sister's resilience caved. "last night..." dominique continued to recount what had transpired between her and andrew the night before. "...but i'm worried because...he sleeps around a lot now.
Aiden's *Trip* Home
Bones personally suspected the bat's chemical resilience was in some way linked to his other favorite drink. a certain red organic effluence the bat referred to as "sanguine". bones shook his head and grabbed his coat off a nearby hook.
Into The Mouths Of Madness
It summons a deep-chested growl, my fingers curling into such a tight hold that i feel the claws pierce the resilient hide. _not now, gods, not now, not now! holy divinity!
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 32: Revive
Brynn crawled into the wolf's lap to finish her food; at least she was young, seeming to be resilient through this. her young mind seemed better equipped to accept things and move on.
The legend of Tigersight Chapter 7
How can he be so resilient, to never questions the guards, no matter what they blame him for, he takes it without compliant no matter how horrendous it is. like when they put the three scars above his eye with their swords.