Say Maam you are such a gorgeous yellow
#25 of interactive fiction previous: do youcaress her talonssquirm out from between her claws and look up at hertry to climb up and sit on her shouldergaze out to the horizon doing nothing.say, "oh, i love this.
#24 of interactive fiction previous: do yousnuggle with the mew and site down next to the jackalope.put the mew down and sit down next to it.ask about the dream.ask, "so how do i get back from the dream?"
Say I like dragons
#22 of interactive fiction previous: you:say, "ma'am. you are such a gorgeous yellow."open your arms hoping she will hug you or pick you up.mumble, "yellow. not my favorite color."
Try to wake the jackalope up asking Excuse me where am I
#9 of interactive fiction previous: do you:caress its cheeks and whiskers.yoink your appendage and get back away.say, "you're cute and all but what's this dream you were talking about?"
Talk to the Naga
#7 of interactive fiction previous: do you:ask if you can join the guinea pigsask if the naga needs belly massagesturn to the samoyed and ginger catask the samoyed if he's ever been eatenask the ginger cat if he's
Talk to the green dragon
Because most sites don't allow webpages and the logistics of updating everything with relevant hyperlinks, i will post the full interactive fiction in all its glory on my website.
A Cute Fragment
Micro-missiles that can be fired from a shotgun are fictional, however, (afaik.) but you can get grenades for them! _i was walking around the other day, thinking about stuff and i came up with this.
751 Heavy Metals
He liked to read science-fiction 'for the ideas' and so he'd gotten a complete collection of h. g. wells in russian.
A night in the library
The tiger made his way to the fiction section. it wasn't that he didn't like "real" stuff, but he wasn't in the mood to read that at the moment. besides, he really loved fiction.
Hgjysews's anthropomorphic canine history 1 Emergence of anthropomorphic canines(1143-1165)
#1 of hgjysews's anthropomorphic canine history this is a fictional world story, you will feel the fictional world history in this story in the beginning, the canine was still in its original form.
Guardian Blue: Who Writes This?! - Chapter 1
It helped that she didn't bring up fan-fiction again, and she didn't intend to.
Memo: August 26, 1987 (Art Bell Gets His Money's Worth, Part II)
Even if it did not read as science fiction, the content itself seems hysterical and unreliable, and therefore ideal as cover. 4.